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There are more and more old cases being solved now. New technology etc seems to be the reason, I hope that this is the case with these disappearances, it would be so good to have them finally solved.
Coppers in Qld got 2 blokes for a 40 year old disappearnce of a Mother and 2 or 3 Kids just Yesterday I think? They were original suspects but no evidence.I yhink new techniques caught them.
Anyway maybe one Day the wallopers in Adelaide will get enough evidence for these cold cases.I am sure they have a fair idea who did it.Just not enoufh evidence.

I think you're right about many of the Adelaide cases ... hard evidence and/or credible witnesses?
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from what I've read he's certainly in the frame for Wanda beach murders ... think he lived near there?

... but has always been linked to the Beaumont case too.

Also visited ports overseas whilst in the navy...unlimited opportunity to perform his evilness with impunity
Yea ... I've just read the article you posted ... He could be linked to so many with his travels around Australia let alone overseas ... sick mofokker
They didn't sell the house straight away, it was many years before they did. When asked why they didn't move Nancy Beaumont's comment was, "what if the kids come home one day and we aren't here?" (or words to that effect). The parents were completely broken by what happened (naturally) and the marriage never survived but there was never any talk of either of the parents being involved. When they searched the Castalloy factory recently the police were with the parents to provide them with updates but nothing was fount

I have read a lot on the subject and been some contact with Alan Whiticker (the author) and I think Phipps is a strong lead, why they never dug at the spot indicated and dug nearby I will never understand.

Yea that was weird ...( sorry about the late reply ...been off big footy for awhile )...very strange not to just dig where the witnesses alleged the digging occurred by them.

I was in contact with Today Tonight Frank Pangallo at the time of castalloy dig via twitter and messaging( he was in same school in 60s as me .... a few years ahead). He's always been in the 'police cover up' camp ... I think he had a grudge against the cops and they were sick of him and ch7.
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"They were probably murdered within, say, 24 hours and probably a long way from Adelaide."
- Sgt. Ron Blight, Glenelg CIB.

Det. Stan Swaine, who took over the Beaumont case for a few years, was a colourful character. Survived a screwdriver attack. Phillips head to the head. Then, blinded by blood gushing from his wound, shoots the bastard straight through the heart. Bang, you're dead.

Top that, Hollywood.

Even after he left SAPOL around '73, Swaine kept investigating the case. He really came unstuck in 1997 when he claimed to have found Jane Beaumont living in Canberra. Turns out it was a mentally-ill woman. Absolute disaster.

Unfortunately, the myth, rumour, innuendo, conspiracy theories and urban legends are as much part of these cases as the heinous crimes committed...
Read this...similarities between the AO suspect and Brown are uncanny.

Sue Lawrie age 14 who witnessed the man and the girls near the zoo is the lady who is a well known Port identity?

Imagine keeping that knowledge to yourself for years!

Police at the time of the McKay sisters murders in Qld made horrible decisions!
James William Miller convicted in 1980 of the murder of 6 women (7 were killed ... first girl killed...he wasnt charged) in Adelaide SA over 7 1/2 weeks in late 76/early 77 can apply for parole next year. Six of the bodies were buried near Truro, a small village north of Adelaide.

After serving 20 years (he was sentenced to 6 life terms) his parole appeal in 2000 was denied but was told by the court he could expect to 'be released but not for at least another 15 years. As he has expressed 'regret and shame' and there was a low risk of re-offending the judge stated he should be let out sometime in the future.

If the main person committing these murders, Christopher Worrell hadn't died in a car accident how many more than 7 would have died?

Miller always claimed he never actively participated in the killings.

Miller is 74 ... would he survive outside?
James William Miller convicted in 1980 of the murder of 6 women (7 were killed ... first girl killed...he wasnt charged) in Adelaide SA over 7 1/2 weeks in late 76/early 77 can apply for parole next year. Six of the bodies were buried near Truro, a small village north of Adelaide.

After serving 20 years (he was sentenced to 6 life terms) his parole appeal in 2000 was denied but was told by the court he could expect to 'be released but not for at least another 15 years. As he has expressed 'regret and shame' and there was a low risk of re-offending the judge stated he should be let out sometime in the future.

If the main person committing these murders, Christopher Worrell hadn't died in a car accident how many more than 7 would have died?

Miller always claimed he never actively participated in the killings.

Miller is 74 ... would he survive outside?

not if justice existed
James William Miller convicted in 1980 of the murder of 6 women (7 were killed ... first girl killed...he wasnt charged) in Adelaide SA over 7 1/2 weeks in late 76/early 77 can apply for parole next year. Six of the bodies were buried near Truro, a small village north of Adelaide.

After serving 20 years (he was sentenced to 6 life terms) his parole appeal in 2000 was denied but was told by the court he could expect to 'be released but not for at least another 15 years. As he has expressed 'regret and shame' and there was a low risk of re-offending the judge stated he should be let out sometime in the future.

If the main person committing these murders, Christopher Worrell hadn't died in a car accident how many more than 7 would have died?

Miller always claimed he never actively participated in the killings.

Miller is 74 ... would he survive outside?

I just googled. He died in 2008.


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The hunt for the Truro serial killers Christopher Worrell and James Miller was the biggest police probe in South Australian history

APRIL 23, 2013

In the weeks before serial killer James William Miller died from terminal cancer, the detective who hunted him down told NIGEL HUNT the murderer deserves no sympathy

GLEN Lawrie can remember walking through the scrub at Truro on a chilly May night almost 30 years ago as if it were only yesterday.
The Cairns stabbing ... mother to be arrested...

Certainly not your normal family ... ?

The accused was dating two men and had recently broken up with one of them.

'Detective Inspector Bruno Asnicar says police have spoken to all five of the children's fathers.' (One would have been the dad of the murdered niece)

See more at:
Came across this Facebook page..

A little bit over the top, and has a bit of ranting and raving, but nevertheless it's an "interesting" read.
Although it does show the dark side of social media - the belief by a sizeable cross-section that if something is on the internet it must be true. I am sure there is some truth in it. But where and what? There is a mention somewhere of Don Dunstan's friendship with Ric Marshall and the intimation that comes with that. During Ric's reign as king of the kids I am sure he had many friends who were totally unaware of his proclivities and there has never been any evidence to suggest Don was any more than just an acquaintance.
The man who has been implicated in the Beaumont disappearance ... 'The satin man' was visited at his business premises by Don Dunstan ... I'm sure people put 2+2=5 there too

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