Leagues Ultimate Footy - Keeper Dynasty 2022

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Jul 9, 2016
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
I've created a new Keeper league, called Keeper Dynasty 2022 for those wanting the opportunity to recruit from scratch. Entry is by invitation only and so is not currently listed for General Public.

League will be Category Based and limited to 12 coaches of which we already have 9. Squads will be 45 comprising 5 Backs, 7 Centres, 5 Forwards, 1 Ruck and 2 Utilities with an emergency for each (5), plus a reserve bench of 20.

At the commencement of each season, there will be a trade period where coaches can agree on player and pick swaps trades. It is envisaged that the maximum number of keepers that coaches can keep for the following year will be a maximum of somewhere around 35.

Draft is intended for Sunday 6 March at 7 pm(live online). As there will be 540 picks, I have limited pick time to 1 minute but draft will still probably take 2 - 3 hours. I apologize in advance for this but it seems the best option - coaches unable to attend draft can set their pre-draft rankings.

Invitation to be part of this new keeper league is as follows:

Join my Ultimate Footy League, Keeper Dynasty 2022

Ultimate Footy is the first AFL fantasy website offering category based scoring and live online drafts, 100% free. Register now and experience the future of Fantasy Footy today.

If interested, please enter asap as only 3 spots remain.
We have 10 out of 12 coaches confirmed so still only 2 spots remaining. If still vacant by Thursday pm< I might change setting to public so that it appears on Ultimate Footy, if that's ok to everyone.

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This League is now full with 12 coaches so welcome to all and good luck. Please note that this is a category based league rather than points based so for those unfamiliar with category based scoring, I provide a brief explanation below.

I used 2 points for kicks and handballs because I consider that these are worth more than free kicks for and against (1 and -1). Free kicks are quite often unearned (hard to predict some umpires). Marks and Tackles are worth more though so they are 3. This seems to work well in our other league now in 3rd year.
Scoring impact is total score achieved by your team (goals and points). How it works is if your team outscores the other, that is 2 points to you. Similarly if your team has more kicks and tackles than the other, that is 2 and 3 points to you respectively. The winning team each week is the one that scores the most category points. The important thing to remember is that category based is team orientated scoring whereas points based is really just individual players' fantasy scores accumulated.
Hope that makes sense - you soon get the hang of it.:)

Unfortunately our initial draft on Sunday night will be a lengthy affair with 540 picks (12 teams x 45 players), so I encourage you to set pre-draft rankings if you wish. (I'll probably use my rankings after I've got the core of my team selected). In future years the draft will not be as lengthy, as you'll be able to retain most of your players from this year.

Hopefully, all our coaches will use this thread and I'll post a list of teams etc with user names at a later stage.

All the best to everyone.
Our list of coaches for 2022, with their Big Footy name (to make it easy to keep in contact with each other re: trades etc) is detailed below. After the draft, trades of players can be proposed in UF, but the idea we have is that in future years a small window is available here for trades that involves players and / or current year draft picks. List below is:

SideBySide (Russell) -Not currently on BigFooty
Blood n'Cripps (Fraser) The Lane Train
Flying Scotsman (Rowan) FlyingScotsman
Westside Wranglers (Simon) Southern Aurora
Holiday armadillos (Daniel) ??
Malt.teasers (Virginia) malteaser
SpindleShanksFC (Daniel) Cudi
Deadly Dunkleys (Gareth) Deadly Dunkley
creamPIES (Dylan) creamPIES
Northern Dogs (Greg) Northern Dogs
Broadie Binchickens (Maddy) weltschmerz
Dogs in Space (Rose) Dogs_r_barking

if the 3 coaches with question marks for bigfooty user names are on bigfooty, could you please let me know your user name so I can update this. It just makes it easy to propose trades etc in the off season as we can message each other without others knowing the proposed trade details until agreed upon.:)

Note that any trades between coaches must have agreement between both parties (either in this thread or as a post in Ultimate Footy).

Suggest that all coaches make this a watched thread, as more detail can be posted here than on UF. Don't forget that our draft is on tonight at 7pm (AEDT) or 6pm (AEST) for me and any other QLDers.

The Lane Train Southern Aurora malteaser Cudi Deadly Dunkley creamPIES weltschmerz Dogs_r_barking
Last edited:
List of Coaches contacts in Post 6 above is now updated to include Flying Scotsman. Now only waiting on Daniel from Holiday armadillos to advise his user name (if on BigFooty)

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Can't seem to find this info anywhere so asking here - There doesn't seem to be the ability to design your own uniform anymore... Does anybody know how to turn this on, or why on earth it's been removed?
Can't seem to find this info anywhere so asking here - There doesn't seem to be the ability to design your own uniform anymore... Does anybody know how to turn this on, or why on earth it's been removed?
Don't think you can anymore. You can edit team name and change your jumper logo but I think it's now only to 1 of the listed jumper designs for some reason.
Hey guys. I have 6 ruck eligible players on my list... which is fine and I'm happy to keep. I see teams with only 2 or maybe 3 playing ruck eligible players. I feel like you need at least 3 or 4. Feel free to hit me up if you're up for a trade.
Well done to all for a very competitive 1st round with some very close finishes. Only 1 issue was that creamPIES didn't set his team despite an unanswered reminder on Friday which resulted in one unfortunately lopsided result.
creamPIES please advise urgently whether you wish to continue in this league or would you prefer we find another coach? Thanks.
A reminder to all that lockout for setting weekly teams is at individual game times. Once a player's AFL game starts, he cannot be added to or replaced from your starting team. However, if a player is due to play on Sunday, you can add him to your starting squad in place of another who has not been named, provided that the replaced player's team also has not yet played.
Still no reply from creamPIES and his team is still not updated, so we are now officially seeking a new coach to replace him. If anyone knows of someone interested please advise ASAP. All I need to replace the current coach is the new person's email login for Ultimate Footy (Not their password:)). Probably best to message me this email login.
As an incentive to new coach, they can swap up to 5 of their inherited team (if required) from the list of free agents within the first seven days without it being counted against their maximum 8 acquisitions for the year.

creamPIES has also not updated his team in the other Keeper League that I manage (a third year league called Keeper Dynasty League) so if any coach from here would like to also take over as coach in Keeper Dynasty League (with a similar incentive) please advise me.
Vacancy in this league Keeper Dynasty 2022 has been filled by Zim, who is a strong coach in the other keeper (3rd year) coach. Great to have Zim on board:).

Still have a vacancy in the 3rd year Keeper Dynasty League at this stage, so if anyone in the 2022 league is interested in joining the other league, get in quick. (you'll find 4 familiar names in there now.)

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Leagues Ultimate Footy - Keeper Dynasty 2022

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