Urban Legend Urban Legend Stories

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Norm Smith Medallist
Sep 25, 2013
AFL Club
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Adelaide United
Post Urban Legend stories here!!!

Resurrection Mary - Chicago, Illinois

The story goes that Mary had spent the evening dancing with a boyfriend at the Oh Henry Ballroom. At some point, they got into an argument and Mary stormed out. Even though it was a cold winter’s night, she thought she would rather face a cold walk home than spend another minute with her boyfriend.
She left the ballroom and started walking up Archer Avenue. She had not gotten very far when she was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver, who fled the scene leaving Mary to die. Her parents found her and were grief-stricken at the sight of her dead body. They buried her in Resurrection Cemetery, wearing a beautiful white dancing dress and matching dancing shoes. The hit-and-run driver was never found

Taxi Driver account of what many believe to be Mary:

"a looker. A blonde. . .she was young enough to be my daughter - 21 tops" – near a small shopping center on Archer Avenue.
"A couple miles up Archer there, she jumped with a start like a horse and said 'Here! Here!' I hit the brakes. I looked around and didn't see no kind of house. 'Where?' I said. And then she sticks out her arm and points across the road to my left and says 'There!'. And that's when it happened. I looked to my left, like this, at this little shack. And when I turned she was gone. Vanished! And the car door never opened. May the good Lord strike me dead, it never opened."

The Licked Hand - Indiana

A young girl is home alone for the first time with only her dog for company. Listening to the radio, she hears of a serial killer (or mental patient) on the loose, so she locks all the doors and windows (in some versions, the basement window is jammed open so she just locks the basement door) and goes to bed, taking her dog to her room with her and letting it sleep under her bed. She wakes in the night and can hear a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. The dripping sound annoys her, and she actually finds it unsettling, for some reason. The bedside lamp won't work, and she is too scared to get out of bed to turn on the main light, and walk over to the bathroom. She hides under the covers but to reassure herself that the dog is still under the bed she puts her hand down and feels licking on her hand. She lies awake for some time listening to the dripping sound and periodically puts her hand down to where she can hear heavy breathing and each time feels gentle licks on her fingers. Eventually she falls asleep. The next morning when she wakes, she goes to the bathroom for a drink of water. On the shower wall, written in blood are the words "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO", and her slaughtered dog is hanging from the shower head, its blood, now thick and dark, still dripping into the bathtub.
Other of the story variations feature a nearsighted old woman, the lack of a radio, the dog being skinned, or the dog's body being found in different areas of the house

That "The Licked Hand" story freaked me the **** out when I was a little kid watching the show Freaky Stories. Made me look under my bed every night for ages.

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There was a book of comics about urban legends, as well as another on crime. Both great reads, but I can't remember the title.

For some reason the seatbelt argument always sticks in my mind.

A couple of guys driving down a coast road arguing the merits and dangers of seatbelts: one is wearing the belt saying that they obviously save people from dying; the other isn't and is talking of how they trap people after a wreck to die from immolation.
The car skids out of control and hits the railing. The guy not wearing the seatbelt crashes out of the windshield to his death. The other looks up, dazed, and says 'Told you'. The car then explodes, killing him instantly.
There was a book of comics about urban legends, as well as another on crime. Both great reads, but I can't remember the title.

For some reason the seatbelt argument always sticks in my mind.

A couple of guys driving down a coast road arguing the merits and dangers of seatbelts: one is wearing the belt saying that they obviously save people from dying; the other isn't and is talking of how they trap people after a wreck to die from immolation.
The car skids out of control and hits the railing. The guy not wearing the seatbelt crashes out of the windshield to his death. The other looks up, dazed, and says 'Told you'. The car then explodes, killing him instantly.

That's an amazing story! Either way you're dead! If you remember the title of those comics please post! :)
I'm always a sucka for stories like this, but this is something on a whole new level.

Scary stuff

I agree. Whether they're real or not they scare the shit out of me! Urban Legends stories are always interesting to read! :)
Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light??

Two dormmates in college were in the same science class. The teacher had just reminded them about the midterm the next day when one dormmate — let's call her Juli — got asked to this big bash by the hottest guy in school. The other dormmate, Meg, had pretty much no interest in going and, being a diligent student, she took notes on what the midterm was about. After the entire period of flirting with her date, Juli was totally unprepared for her test, while Meg was completely prepared for a major study date with her books.

At the end of the day, Juli spent hours getting ready for the party while Meg started studying. Juli tried to get Meg to go, but she was insistent that she would study and pass the test. The girls were rather close and Juli didn't like leaving Meg alone to be bored while she was out having a blast. Juli finally gave up, using the excuse that she would cram in homeroom the next day.
Juli went to the party and had the time of her life with her date. She headed back to the dorm around 2 a.m. and decided not to wake Meg. She went to bed nervous about the midterm and decided she would wake up early to ask Meg for help.

She woke up and went to wake Meg. Meg was lying on her stomach, apparently sound asleep. Juli rolled Meg over to reveal Meg's terrified face. Juli, concerned, turned on the desk lamp. Meg's study stuff was still open and had blood all over it. Meg had been slaughtered. Juli, in horror, fell to the floor and looked up to see, written on the wall in Meg's blood: "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights!"

The killer in the backseat

One night a woman went out for drinks with her girlfriends. She left the bar fairly late at night, got in her car and onto the deserted highway. After a few minutes she noticed a lone pair of headlights in her rear-view mirror, approaching at a pace just slightly quicker than hers. As the car pulled up behind her she glanced and saw the turn signal on — the car was going to pass — when suddenly it swerved back behind her, pulled up dangerously close to her tailgate and the brights flashed.

Now she was getting nervous. The lights dimmed for a moment and then the brights came back on and the car behind her surged forward. The frightened woman struggled to keep her eyes on the road and fought the urge to look at the car behind her. Finally, her exit approached but the car continued to follow, flashing the brights periodically.

Through every stoplight and turn, it followed her until she pulled into her driveway. She figured her only hope was to make a mad dash into the house and call the police. As she flew from the car, so did the driver of the car behind her — and he screamed, "Lock the door and call the police! Call 911!"

When the police arrived the horrible truth was finally revealed to the woman. The man in the car had been trying to save her. As he pulled up behind her and his headlights illuminated her car, he saw the silhouette of a man with a butcher knife rising up from the back seat to stab her, so he flashed his brights and the figure crouched back down.

Can someone explain Resurection Mary to me? How is that even remotely interesting or scary? It's just a story about a chick getting hit by a car and nothing else interesting happens :confused:

Woops I accidently just posted the back story. I'll edit it and add more to it. :thumbsu:
The Clown Statue

SO-AND-SO'S FRIEND, a girl in her teens, is babysitting for a family in Newport Beach, Ca. The family is wealthy and has a very large house — you know the sort, with a ridiculous amount of rooms. Anyways, the parents are going out for a late dinner/movie. The father tells the babysitter that once the children are in bed she should go into this specific room (he doesn't really want her wandering around the house) and watch TV there.

The parents take off and soon she gets the kids into bed and goes to the room to watch TV. She tries watching TV, but she is disturbed by a clown statue in the corner of the room. She tries to ignore it for as long as possible, but it starts freaking her out so much that she can't handle it.
She resorts to calling the father and asks, "Hey, the kids are in bed, but is it okay if I switch rooms? This clown statue is really creeping me out."
The father says seriously, "Get the kids, go next door and call 911."
She asks, "What's going on?"
He responds, "Just go next door and once you call the police, call me back."

She gets the kids, goes next door, and calls the police. When the police are on the way, she calls the father back and asks, "So, really, what's going on?"
He responds, "We don't HAVE a clown statue." He then further explains that the children have been complaining about a clown watching them as they sleep. He and his wife had just blown it off, assuming that they were having nightmares."

The police arrive and apprehend the "clown," who turns out to be a midget. A midget clown! I guess he was some homeless person dressed as a clown, who somehow got into the house and had been living there for several weeks. He would come into the kids' rooms at nights and watch them while they slept. As the house was so large, he was able to avoid detection, surviving off their food, etc. He had been in the TV room right before the babysitter right came in there. When she entered he didn't have enough time to hide, so he just froze in place and pretended to be a statue.

The boyfriend's death

A GIRL and her boyfriend are making out in his car. They had parked in the woods so no one would see them. When they were done, the boy got out to pee and the girl waited for him in the safety of the car.

After waiting five minutes, the girl got out of the car to look for her boyfriend. Suddenly, she sees a man in the shadows. Scared, she gets back in the car to drive away, when she hears a very faint squeak... squeak... squeak...
This continued a few seconds until the girl decided she had no choice but to drive off. She hit the gas as hard as possible but couldn't go anywhere, because someone had tied a rope from the bumper of the car to a nearby tree.

Well, the girl slams on the gas again and then hears a loud scream. She gets out of the car and realizes that her boyfriend is hanging from the tree. The squeaky noises were his shoes slightly scraping across the top of the car!!!

Bride and Seek

BACK IN '75 a young couple, both 18, decided to get married right after high school. The father of the bride lived in Palm Beach in a mansion and was able to afford a big wedding for them. To make a long story short, they got married and the wedding was beautiful.

After the wedding they had a big reception in an old building and everyone got pretty drunk. When there were only about 20 people left, the groom decided that they should play hide-and-seek. Everyone agreed and the groom was "it." They all went and hid and the game went on.
After about 20 minutes everyone had been found except the bride. Everyone looked everywhere and tore the whole place apart looking for her. After a few hours the groom was furious, thinking the bride was playing a terrible trick. Eventually, everyone went home.

A few weeks later the groom, having placed a missing persons report, gave up looking for her. Heartbroken, he tried to go on with his life.

Three years later a little old woman was cleaning the place up. She happened to be in the attic and saw an old trunk. She dusted it off, and, out of curiosity, opened it. She screamed at the top of her lungs, ran out of the building and called the police.

Apparently, the bride had decided to hide in the trunk for the game of hide-and-seek. When she sat down, the lid fell, knocking her unconscious and locking her inside. She suffocated after a day or so. When the woman found her, she was rotting, her mouth in the shape of a scream.

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The body in the bed

A NEWLYWED husband and wife went to Las Vegas for their honeymoon, and checked into a suite at a hotel. When they got to their room they both detected a bad odor. The husband called down to the front desk and asked to speak to the manager. He explained that the room smelled very bad and they would like another suite. The manager apologized and told the man that they were all booked because of a convention. He offered to send them to a restaurant of their choice for lunch compliments of the hotel and said he was going to send a maid up to their room to clean and to try and get rid of the odor.

After a nice lunch the couple went back to their room. When they walked in they could both still smell the same odor. Again the husband called the front desk and told the manager that the room still smelled really bad. The manager told the man that they would try and find a suite at another hotel. He called every hotel on the strip, but every hotel was sold out because of the convention. The manager told the couple that they couldn't find them a room anywhere, but they would try and clean the room again. The couple wanted to see the sights and do a little gambling anyway, so they said they would give them two hours to clean and then they would be back.

When the couple had left, the manager and all of housekeeping went to the room to try and find what was making the room smell so bad. They searched the entire room and found nothing, so the maids changed the sheets, changed the towels, took down the curtains and put new ones up, cleaned the carpet and cleaned the suite again using the strongest cleaning products they had. The couple came back two hours later to find the room still had a bad odor. The husband was so angry at this point, he decided to find whatever this smell was himself. So he started tearing the entire suite apart himself.
As he pulled the top mattress off the box spring he found a dead body of a woman.

The Choking Doberman

MY COUSIN and his wife lived in Sydney with this huge doberman in a little apartment off Maroubra Road. One night they went out for dinner and a spot of clubbing. By the time they got home it was late and my cousin was more than a little drunk. They got in the door and were greeted by the dog choking to death in the loungeroom.

My cousin just fainted, but his wife rang the veterinarian, who was an old family friend of hers, and got her to agree to meet her at the surgery. The wife drives over and drops off the dog, but decides that she'd better go home and get her hubby into bed.

She gets home and finally slaps my cousin into consciousness, but he's still drunk. It takes her almost half an hour to get him up the stairs, and then the phone rings. She's tempted to just leave it, but she decides that it must be important or they wouldn't be ringing that late at night.

As soon as she picks up the phone, she hears the vet's voice screaming out:
"Thank God I got you in time! Leave the house! Now! No time to explain!" Then the vet hangs up.
Because she's such an old family friend, the wife trusts her, and so she starts getting the hubby down the stairs and out of the house. By the time they've made it all the way out, the police are outside. They rush up the front stairs past the couple and into the house, but my cousin's wife still doesn't have a clue what's going on.

The vet shows up and says, "Have they got him? Have they got him?"
"Have they got who?" says the wife, starting to get really pissed off.
"Well, I found out what the dog was choking on – it was a human finger."
Just then the police drag out a dirty, stubbly man who is bleeding profusely from one hand. "Hey Sarge," one of them yells. "We found him in the bedroom."

Back in the day, my divorced mate lived in a bachelor flat. He came home one night to find the place stripped. Barring furnishings, all that was left was his toothbrush and the roll of film from his expensive camera. He reported the burglary, but heard nothing back.

It hit him a few weeks later that the film might contain a clue, so he got it developed. As he expected, the photos were of his kids, the zoo and other happy snaps. Until he reached the last exposure.

It was a photo of the burglar - with my mate's toothbrush stuck up his arse
Back in the day, my divorced mate lived in a bachelor flat. He came home one night to find the place stripped. Barring furnishings, all that was left was his toothbrush and the roll of film from his expensive camera. He reported the burglary, but heard nothing back.

It hit him a few weeks later that the film might contain a clue, so he got it developed. As he expected, the photos were of his kids, the zoo and other happy snaps. Until he reached the last exposure.

It was a photo of the burglar - with my mate's toothbrush stuck up his arse

An oldie but a goodie:)
There was a book of comics about urban legends, as well as another on crime. Both great reads, but I can't remember the title.

For some reason the seatbelt argument always sticks in my mind.

A couple of guys driving down a coast road arguing the merits and dangers of seatbelts: one is wearing the belt saying that they obviously save people from dying; the other isn't and is talking of how they trap people after a wreck to die from immolation.
The car skids out of control and hits the railing. The guy not wearing the seatbelt crashes out of the windshield to his death. The other looks up, dazed, and says 'Told you'. The car then explodes, killing him instantly.
"The Big Book Of Urban Legends" published by D C Comics under their "Paradox Press" imprint. There are a whole lot more interesting books in the series.
What about the cheated wife who called the talking clock in Japan from her hubby's landline and left it off the hook to run up a large phone bill and the wedding video that revealed a rellie stealing wedding gifts in the background?

Or the one about the groom who catches his bride-to-be cheating on him, so copies a photo of her doing the deed with the best man, puts them in envelopes and sticks them under every chair at the reception. When it's time to make his speech, he tells everyone he gave them a gift and it's under their seat. As everyone looks at the photo, he walks past the bride, throws his ring at her, says he wants a divorce and walks out.

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Urban Legend Urban Legend Stories

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