NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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They were leftists?

Democrats. They were Democrats.

If you weren't so cooked you be able to just see them as Democrats.


Them, Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, the 'financiers' of the WEF etc. All trying to impose Socialism on us, and supporting leftist movements.

You're (unwittingly) echoing something that was a key platform of the Nazis.


You've gone full Fonzie and jumping that shark.

I'm not unwittingly doing anything. It's all in your mind.
What you blokes need to realise is that Mal has been tasked with stopping the fascist zombie hordes
from overrunning Bigfooty.

By day he is a mild mannered Legal Aid paralegal. By night he is THE NAZI HUNTER!

He isn't after likes or applause. He does it for the kids, in whose spirit the search for truth marches on.
Democrats. They were Democrats.

If you weren't so cooked you be able to just see them as Democrats.

What's the relevance of that to you?

Do you think there is some kind of correlation or even causation between being a leftist and being a paedo, sex offender or a sex trafficker?

Is it some sort of uniquely 'leftist' or 'democrat' thing?

I'm not unwittingly doing anything. It's all in your mind.

You are doing it. Unwittingly.

And not for the first time either.

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What's the relevance of that to you?

Do you think there is some kind of correlation or even causation between being a leftist and being a paedo, sex offender or a sex trafficker?

Is it some sort of uniquely 'leftist' or 'democrat' thing?

The relevance? That just shows you are cooked to the core.

We're on a US Politics board. There people were donors to the Democrat Party.

I never mentioned leftists, you did. Never mentioned they were Jewish, you did. All the irrelevant bullshit being inserted into this conversation is by you.

In this case yes, both these people were very well known within the Democrat Party.

I find it very interesting how Trump banging a hooker in 2006 became something that was reported on for far longer and made a bigger deal of by many than two highly prominent Democrat donors and their insidious actions.

And then there's the whole making a bigger deal of Trump knowing Epstein than the Clintons knowing both these slime balls in Epstein and Weinstein.

It's obvious large sections of the media run cover for the Democrats.

You are doing it. Unwittingly.

And not for the first time either.

Your clown shoes keep tripping you up.

I'm very pro-Jewish.

Always have been, always will be.

So show me these other times where I have been anti-Jewish.

And none of your cooked assertions, actual statements against Jewish people.
I never mentioned leftists, you did. Never mentioned they were Jewish, you did.

No; you didn't mention the fact that the two Jewish leftists you named were Jewish or Leftists.

But they are.

I find it very interesting how Trump banging a hooker in 2006 became something that was reported on for far longer and made a bigger deal of by many than two highly prominent Democrat donors and their insidious actions.

Yet no mention of this bloke:

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A formerly well-connected GOP donor convicted of giving teenage girls gifts, alcohol and money in exchange for sex was sentenced Wednesday to 21 years in prison on sex trafficking charges.

Anton “Tony” Lazzaro was found guilty in March by a federal jury of seven counts involving “commercial sex acts” with five girls ages 15 and 16 in 2020, when Lazzaro was 30. The charges carried mandatory minimum sentences of 10 years with a maximum of life in prison.


It's almost as if the only names on the internet spaces you visit are the Jewish/ Leftist ones.

And then there's the whole making a bigger deal of Trump knowing Epstein than the Clintons knowing both these slime balls in Epstein and Weinstein.

Trump was best mates with Epstein though. He himself stated as much.

I'm very pro-Jewish.

Always have been, always will be.

So show me these other times where I have been anti-Jewish.

I didnt say you were antisemitic.

I said you parrot antisemitic conspiracies, unwittingly.

See the difference?

If you really were 'pro-Jewish' you'd take a step back and look into what I'm telling you, so you can perhaps understand why so many people on this site who are on your side (Lebbo, FlowersbyIrene, BlueE, GG.exe etc) repeatedly regurgitate antisemitic conspiracies like the White replacement conspiracy theory, Qanon, Judeo-Bolshevism, the Great Replacement, and a plethora of other wide ranging conspiracies arranged by a 'cabal of financiers, Hollywood elites, George Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackwater' with the eventual goal of 'imposing socialism on or depopulating the white race'.

They've all done it.

Surely when there are a bunch of people at the Unite the Right rally in Charleston chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' while holding aloft burning torches and waving Swastikas, you have to perhaps acknowledge there might be some pretty strong antisemitism associated with the movement you cling to.
No; you didn't mention the fact that the two Jewish leftists you named were Jewish or Leftists.

But they are.

So who gives a shit if they are.

It's like saying two serial killers are both blue eyed. Totally irrelevant to their actions.

Yet no mention of this bloke:


It's almost as if the only names on the internet spaces you visit are the Jewish/ Leftist ones.

It's almost as if that guy wasn't moving in circles with the most powerful politicians and celebrities in the US.

In that article it's all state based and a photo with Trump and Pence.

Nothing like the power and circles Weinstein wielded and moved in.

Trump was best mates with Epstein though. He himself stated as much.

Sure, when he was a Democrat moving in Democrat circles. Clintons were there with him.

Can you honestly say Clinton has been put under the same spotlight Clinton has for his dodgy history with women as Trump has?

I didnt say you were antisemitic.

I said you parrot antisemitic conspiracies, unwittingly.

See the difference?

If you really were 'pro-Jewish' you'd take a step back and look into what I'm telling you, so you can perhaps understand why so many people on this site who are on your side (Lebbo, FlowersbyIrene, BlueE, GG.exe etc) repeatedly regurgitate antisemitic conspiracies like the White replacement conspiracy theory, Qanon, Judeo-Bolshevism, the Great Replacement, and a plethora of other wide ranging conspiracies arranged by a 'cabal of financiers, Hollywood elites, George Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackwater' with the eventual goal of 'imposing socialism on or depopulating the white race'.

They've all done it.

Surely when there are a bunch of people at the Unite the Right rally in Charleston chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' while holding aloft burning torches and waving Swastikas, you have to perhaps acknowledge there might be some pretty strong antisemitism associated with the movement you cling to.

Nobody is on my side on an internet forum. What a laughable childish concept.

Maybe you think like that, I sure as hell don't.

I'm not parroting a single antisemitic conspiracy.

What's antisemitic about pointing out two dodgy Democrat donors? That's anti-Democrat, not anti-Jewish.
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So who gives a shit if they are.

It's like saying two serial killers are both blue eyed. Totally irrelevant to their actions.

So you're saying them being Democratic donors is irrelevant to their actions?

If that's the case, why the **** did you post your post literally pointing out the fact they were Democratic donors in the first place?

Can you honestly say Clinton has been put under the same spotlight Clinton has for his dodgy history with women as Trump has?

Clinton was literally impeached for his dodgy history with women, so Yes, I can say that.

I'm not parroting a single antisemitic conspiracy.

Yes you are.

You just dont realize you are.

What's antisemitic about pointing out two dodgy Democrat donors? That's anti-Democrat, not anti-Jewish.

According to you ''It's like saying two serial killers are both blue eyed. Totally irrelevant to their actions.''

So them being Democrat donors is totally irrelevant to their actions.

Which begs the question, why ****ing mention it if its irrelevant?
So you're saying them being Democratic donors is irrelevant to their actions?

If that's the case, why the **** did you post your post literally pointing out the fact they were Democratic donors in the first place?

I'm saying the angle you introduced is irrelevant.

The fact they were Democrats IS the relevant part.

Clinton was literally impeached for his dodgy history with women, so Yes, I can say that.

And his approval ratings went up.

The facts are straightforward: Bill Clinton received the highest job approval ratings of his administration during the Lewinsky/impeachment controversy. As the Lewinsky situation unfolded, Clinton's job approval went up, not down, and his ratings remained high for the duration of the impeachment proceedings.

So the same people who had issue with Trump's actions are the same hypocritical morons who pushed Clinton's ratings up.

Yes you are.

You just dont realize you are.

No I'm not. I'm not mentioning anything about the background. I'm saying two Democrat donors ended up in jail.

If their names were Bob McDonald and Craig Fraser absolutely zero of the story would be any different because their background is irrelevant.

According to you ''It's like saying two serial killers are both blue eyed. Totally irrelevant to their actions.''

So them being Democrat donors is totally irrelevant to their actions.

Which begs the question, why ****ing mention it?

Why mention it? Because it highlights the Democrat shills hypocrisy.

When someone posts a meme with Epstein's name in it, it's always a good time to remind people what party he was tied too.

Or did you miss the mod posting that?
So who gives a shit if they are.

It's like saying two serial killers are both blue eyed. Totally irrelevant to their actions.

It's almost as if that guy wasn't moving in circles with the most powerful politicians and celebrities in the US.

In that article it's all state based and a photo with Trump and Pence.

Nothing like the power and circles Weinstein wielded and moved in.

Sure, when he was a Democrat moving in Democrat circles. Clintons were there with him.

Can you honestly say Clinton has been put under the same spotlight Clinton has for his dodgy history with women as Trump has?

Nobody is on my side on an internet forum. What a laughable childish concept.

Maybe you think like that, I sure as hell don't.

I'm not parroting a single antisemitic conspiracy.

What's antisemitic about pointing out two dodgy Democrat donors? That's anti-Democrat, not anti-Jewish.

Epstein and Weinstein donated to both democrats and republicans.

Not sure why you keep forgetting to mention the republican part.

Epstein and Weinstein donated to both democrats and republicans.

Not sure why you keep forgetting to mention the republican part.


Because they weren't fund raising and associated with the Republican Party?

Just because Peter Thiel donated to Gavin Newsom doesn't mean you're going to pretend he's not a Republican are you?

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Yep you bet. Democrats have always been comfortable forming strong friendships with rapists.

MICHELLE OBAMA: I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day. This is possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.

And the receipts...Michelle gushing over the wonderful mr weinstein starts at 0:43

China going to be wating patiently for the right time to take Taiwan. Whoever wins the next election there will be protests and riots and this might be their best time to take action.

I find it not at all surprising that politics are becoming more and more divided. So many players exerting influence.
China going to be wating patiently for the right time to take Taiwan. Whoever wins the next election there will be protests and riots and this might be their best time to take action.

I find it not at all surprising that politics are becoming more and more divided. So many players exerting influence.

The US though is in the position where its army isn't impacted as much by internal issues.

The National Guard is always sent in rather than regular Army.
What's the relevance of that to you?

Do you think there is some kind of correlation or even causation between being a leftist and being a paedo, sex offender or a sex trafficker?

Is it some sort of uniquely 'leftist' or 'democrat' thing?

You are doing it. Unwittingly.

And not for the first time either.


Well I should clarify. There is a clear correlation between those who act piously and those who commit atrocities.

Only a leftist who thinks that they are better than everyone (as a leftist must do if they think they are entitled to steal from their fellow man, or have the government do so, or any such other affronts against individual liberty that leftists decrees because of their self ordained view of the world), could commit such heinous acts, its an essential part of the psychology of those people. The superiority complex that aligns, if it were a venn diagram, as a perfect circle with the Democrat mind.

I'm not jaded enough to suggest it doesn't happen for right wing people as well. Your pious priests and power hungry financiers may engage in the same, but the difference is they draw their piousness from another source, their religion or their success rather than their political ideology.

Leftism is the root of all evil.
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Well I should clarify. There is a clear correlation between those who act piously and those who commit atrocities.

Only a leftist who thinks that they are better than everyone (as a leftist must do if they think they are entitled to steal from their fellow man, or have the government do so, or any such other affronts against individual liberty that leftists decrees because of their self ordained view of the world), could commit such heinous acts, its an essential part of the pscyology of those people. The superiority complex thar aligns, if it were a ven diagram, as a perfect circle with the Democrat mind.

I'm not jaded enough to suggest it doesn't happen for right wing people as well. Your pious priests and power hungry financiers may engage in the same, but the difference is they draw their piousness from another source, their religion or their success rather than their political ideology.

Leftism is the root of all evil.

Perth is on the far left side of Australia.

Probably just a coincidence.

Well I should clarify. There is a clear correlation between those who act piously and those who commit atrocities.

Arent the Republicans the pious ones?

They claim to be moral crusaders all the damn time. Leaving aside the obvious Church shit, they're anti-abortion, anti LGBTIQ+, anti-Trans and the list goes on and on and on and on.

Only a leftist who thinks that they are better than everyone (as a leftist must do if they think they are entitled to steal from their fellow man, or have the government do so, or any such other affronts against individual liberty that leftists decrees because of their self ordained view of the world),

Having a person like yourself who literally believes in white supremacist Nazi garbage (I note you haven't answered my question about the White Replacement conspiracy theory twice now in typical cowardly fashion from you blokes) lecture me on 'liberalism' is ****ing hilarious.

You'd deny women abortion, deny trans people active participation in society, round the brown people and/or political opponents up in camps and worse, while proclaiming 'liberty for all'.

It makes me sick.

I'll ask you a third time. You believe in the White replacement conspiracy, don't you? That the 'elites' are trying to genocide the white race?

The white genocide, white extinction,[1] or white replacement conspiracy theory[2][3][4] is a white nationalist[5][6][7] conspiracy theory that claims there is a deliberate plot (often blamed on Jews[5][8]) to cause the extinction of white people through forced assimilation,[9] mass immigration, and/or violent genocide.[10][11][12][13] It purports that this goal is advanced through the promotion of miscegenation,[14] interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, pornography,[15] LGBT identities,[16][17] governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence,[9] and eliminationism in majority white countries.

Admit it. You think that's a real thing, don't you?
My point is that there are literally thousands of sex traffickers, and rapists you could name, but for some reason the ones with names ending in 'stein are the ones you blokes love to focus on.

Hollywood elite: Check. Financier: Check. Support left leaning parties: Check.

Both members of (((the tribe))): Check.

George Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, Mark Zuckerberg, Ron Cohen, Jeffry Epstein, Harvey Weinstein etc.

They're always front and center with you cookers.

Bill Gates was the outlier. Can you guess why?

I've literally caught you out several times parroting antisemitic conspiracies you've discovered online after 'doing your own research'.

You didn't realize they were antisemitic. You've been cooked by antisemitic nonsense and online algorithms 'doing your own research' online, but I don't think you're a Nazi (for what its worth).

May I ask you, do you believe in the Great replacement and or the White genocide conspiracy theory?

A Yes or No will suffice.
The Jews are God’s chosen people Mal. The Bible says that they have fallen away from Jesus and when Jesus returns they will come back to him.
On a side note, George Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, Mark Zuckerberg, Ron Cohen, Jeffry Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, etc are all evil people/corporations. It has nothing to do with whether they’re Jewish or not. You know this but you keep playing the antisemitism card.
Yep you bet. Democrats have always been comfortable forming strong friendships with rapists.

MICHELLE OBAMA: I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day. This is possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.

And the receipts...Michelle gushing over the wonderful mr weinstein starts at 0:43

Swap Michelle with Melania and Goat Patrol, Mal, Alco, Muff, etc would be losing their minds.
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