NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Thanks Don :tearsofjoy:

Imagine thinking there are any actual Marxists anywhere near power in the US.
To borrow from Malifice's playbook:

"Uhmmmm ack-tua-ally, they're not 'actual marxists', no one thinks Kamala is a true believer in Karl Marx's theory of marxism. She's just be unwitttttttingly exposed to marxist ideologies and doesn't even know that she's spouting the same tired marxist talking points that have circled the drain of society since the 30s".

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I do, but I'm not as well versed as say you are on every passing moment. I did get alerted (via BF) to the fake Harris accent. That was funny. If you didn't laugh at that then you are taking it all to serious. Please tell me you laughed at the changing accent.
I'm not familiar with the accents associated with various areas of the US so I'm really not sure if its yet another GOP beat up or not. Said in the SRP thread it just sounds to me like the standard US politics stump speech, ra-ra whoopin' and hollerin' stuff. Would be interested in hearing an example of "detroit speak" from a civilian coz I don't really know what that is.

Where are you measuring this traction you are referring to? Are you talking BF? Are you talking US MSM? Are you talking betting odds? Why I ask is because if you read BF and listen to some MSM then one would assume that Harris is a very short priced favourite. That is not the case.
Depends which MSM, you wouldn't think she was a short priced fave if you were watching Fox for example. For me its more their avoidance of anything substantial - how many times has Trump attacked her over policy, vs attacking her over

she didn't really work at maccas

Pretty telling imo, and doesn't seem to be having much impact on polling which is still trending the right way for Harris. I think the bookies still have it right with Trump as favourite fwiw, but thats as much about the built-in GOP advantage with the Electoral College as anything. And Harris still has to navigate the debate next week, I'm less confident than others seem to be that she can handle the donald in that environment.
I'm not familiar with the accents associated with various areas of the US so I'm really not sure if its yet another GOP beat up or not. Said in the SRP thread it just sounds to me like the standard US politics stump speech, ra-ra whoopin' and hollerin' stuff. Would be interested in hearing an example of "detroit speak" from a civilian coz I don't really know what that is.

It's ok to say it was funny. Fake accents are funny, especially from politicians. You don't need a PHD in US accents to listen and see how funny it was. You just need a sense of humour. You won't be shunned from the anti-trump establishment if you admitted to even a slight chuckle.

It's ok to say it was funny. Fake accents are funny, especially from politicians. You don't need a PHD in US accents to listen and see how funny it was. You just need a sense of humour. You won't be shunned from the anti-trump establishment if you admitted to even a slight chuckle.

Yeah I guess most rally speeches from US candidates are pretty funny, certainly from an Australian perspective. They definitely do it different over there, more of a whoopin' and hollerin' aspect like I said.

I'd still like to know what exactly "detriot speak" is and how it sounds tho ¯\(ツ)
To borrow from Malifice's playbook:

"Uhmmmm ack-tua-ally, they're not 'actual marxists', no one thinks Kamala is a true believer in Karl Marx's theory of marxism. She's just be unwitttttttingly exposed to marxist ideologies and doesn't even know that she's spouting the same tired marxist talking points that have circled the drain of society since the 30s".
LOL. She’s just announced a plan for tax concessions and reduced red tape for small business.
Hang on, stop the press - we may have an actual legit family of member Tim Walz who he's had contact with sometime in the last 3 decades that doesn't think he's all that great, his estranged brother Jeff.

And boy oh boy did he bring the good stuff :tearsofjoy:


But yeah as previously mentioned, those GOP angles of attack going just beautifully :tearsofjoy:
LOL. She’s just announced a plan for tax concessions and reduced red tape for small business.
"tax concessions" lol, how about her proposed tax on unrealised capital gains, which is effectively modern day marxism and seizing individuals personal property by way of government induced fire sale.
Hang on, stop the press - we may have an actual legit family of member Tim Walz who he's had contact with sometime in the last 3 decades that doesn't think he's all that great, his estranged brother Jeff.

And boy oh boy did he bring the good stuff :tearsofjoy:


But yeah as previously mentioned, those GOP angles of attack going just beautifully :tearsofjoy:

Well he'd be no good in the submarine tunnels then.

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Moar! :tearsofjoy:


I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. Suspect Donnie doesn't either.
I suspect it's a reference to the Venezuelan gangs that have taken control of an Apartment Building in Colorado. You really should keep up with the news Bourbons. Maybe stop just following Trump's truth social page (you know I don't even follow that right?)

And before you go searching online, you'll find a bunch of articles saying its "overblow" and discounted by the Police but if you did even slightly below the surface on those you'll see that the Apartment they say is not run by Venzeuelan gangs isn't even the Apartment that is alleged to be run by Venezuelan gangs.

Just another piece of evidence of "rules for me, and not for thee" under the Democratic Party. What if I wanted to run a Venezuelan cartel business out of an apartment complex? I'd be shut down within an hour.
"tax concessions" lol, how about her proposed tax on unrealised capital gains, which is effectively modern day marxism and seizing individuals personal property by way of government induced fire sale.
Yep, “tax concessions”.
I agree with you on one thing — a tax on unrealised capital gains would be a mistake. Not quite evidence of “Marxism” though.
I suspect it's a reference to the Venezuelan gangs that have taken control of an Apartment Building in Colorado. You really should keep up with the news Bourbons. Maybe stop just following Trump's truth social page (you know I don't even follow that right?)

And before you go searching online, you'll find a bunch of articles saying its "overblow" and discounted by the Police but if you did even slightly below the surface on those you'll see that the Apartment they say is not run by Venzeuelan gangs isn't even the Apartment that is alleged to be run by Venezuelan gangs.

Just another piece of evidence of "rules for me, and not for thee" under the Democratic Party. What if I wanted to run a Venezuelan cartel business out of an apartment complex? I'd be shut down within an hour.
Hmm, thanks for the info, seems like there is some conjecture about the situation on the ground.

I might just wait for itrustthescience on instagram to weigh in, seems the most prudent course of action :tearsofjoy:
Moar! :tearsofjoy:


I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. Suspect Donnie doesn't either.
Carn m8, between this and the Walz brother and the accents thing you are just broadcasting your ignorance here almost hourly.... its unbecoming. You know I hate getting harsh with ya like this but it's the only way I can coach you to improve m8.
The irony of saying this while just uncritically taking the video you posted as gospel :tearsofjoy:

Here's a quick snapshot of that blokes other videos, seems like a serious and balanced source of info lol

View attachment 2100956

This is invariably where you guys go wrong. You have this huge skepticism of MSM, which is good and rational, but you're psychologically incapable of applying even a shred of the that skepticism to any alternative source telling you what you want to hear.

Literally any unknown unverified random on social media posting something you agree with and you'll uncritically slurp it down and ask for seconds :drunk:
The story had already been verified and you still come on here talking crap, as usual. Your default position is "fake news" then when presented with the evidence you fall back into strawman arguments.
The accent thing is hilarious.

Now that a Kennedy has switched camps, Tampon Timmy needs to chop out and hit a ‘Boston with a hint of Harvard’ accent.

I for one am looking forward to Kamala visiting the Jamaican border and addressing the locals, ya mon.
The accent thing is very insidious. It highlights her true nature as a charlatan and a deceitful evil.
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