NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Commonsense and tremendous interpretation of the law shown by the scotus.

The right wing also doing very well in France of all places.

Apart from the looney left calling for the literal assassination of the great man, it has been a thoroughly absorbing and impressive week in Politics, I must say.
Trump shouldn't have kept documents when asked to return them since he was no longer president, biden shouldn't have had them to begin with since he hadn't been president yet.

Wrong again, but since you're unwilling to educate yourself on the facts of a discussion you're having, I'll just leave it there and let you demonstrate your ignorance on a regular basis.

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EasternTiger, you must be similarly chuffed to hear that the gr8 man has been handed immunity. A true lightning rod is our Donald.

Speaking of lightning, I will be giving a speech on the physics of it at Mensa this Friday titled High-Altitude Weather Kinetics and Tropospheric Upper-Altitude Hydrodynamics (HAWK-TUAH for short). Please arrive dressed as your favourite Skibidi Toilet character.
EasternTiger, you must be similarly chuffed to hear that the gr8 man has been handed immunity. A true lightning rod is our Donald.

Speaking of lightning, I will be giving a speech on the physics of it at Mensa this Friday titled High-Altitude Weather Kinetics and Tropospheric Upper-Altitude Hydrodynamics (HAWK-TUAH for short). Please arrive dressed as your favourite Skibidi Toilet character.

Translation - FK wants to mount a weathervane on the Mens Shed.
EasternTiger, you must be similarly chuffed to hear that the gr8 man has been handed immunity. A true lightning rod is our Donald.

Speaking of lightning, I will be giving a speech on the physics of it at Mensa this Friday titled High-Altitude Weather Kinetics and Tropospheric Upper-Altitude Hydrodynamics (HAWK-TUAH for short). Please arrive dressed as your favourite Skibidi Toilet character.
Not just the gr8 man, Obama too don't forget!

Let me know if you ever need some solace and a quick chat should the urge to moan about drone strikes or other crimes by previous presidents get you down, here for you m8 :kissing:
No, he shouldn't. Just like Trump wasn't president anymore and shouldn't have had them.

If Trump had just given everything back the first time he was asked as Biden did, he wouldn't have been charged either.

Really, its not complicated.
Yeah trump should have given them back, viden shouldn't have had them to begin with.

Really not that complicated.
Yeah trump should have given them back, viden shouldn't have had them to begin with.

Really not that complicated.

No matter how many times you say it, you're wrong. He was entitled to have them as VP. Some of them were documents that he literally created himself.

Like Trump, he was not entitled to retain them after his term finished.

Unlike Trump, he gave them back as soon as it was pointed out that he still had them and should not have retained them.

Really not that complicated, unless you're unwilling to examine facts.
EasternTiger, you must be similarly chuffed to hear that the gr8 man has been handed immunity. A true lightning rod is our Donald.

Speaking of lightning, I will be giving a speech on the physics of it at Mensa this Friday titled High-Altitude Weather Kinetics and Tropospheric Upper-Altitude Hydrodynamics (HAWK-TUAH for short). Please arrive dressed as your favourite Skibidi Toilet character.
I was on 5th Avenue this afternoon and can confirm I saw Trump shoot three people.

Luckily it was all part of his official duties.

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I was on 5th Avenue this afternoon and can confirm I saw Trump shoot three people.

Luckily it was all part of his official duties.
Seriously though, it must be so liberating for you guys to no longer have to pretend you care about pesky matters like potential government overreach or tyranny.

I can understand the relief of finally being able to drop that from the performance, I'm almost happy for you :tearsofjoy:
Not just the gr8 man, Obama too don't forget!

Let me know if you ever need some solace and a quick chat should the urge to moan about drone strikes or other crimes by previous presidents get you down, here for you m8 :kissing:
I know you're thrilled to know Dubya and Barry will never have their day in court for raping and pillaging the middie east, as if that wasn't already clear. Where were all those pro palestine protestors back then to go around abusing and traumatising teenage starbucks workers across the world in protest!? Now they're busy assaulting LGBT folk at pride events... dark days indeed m8 :(


Back to the topic at hand since this is a conspiracies board... was Biden deliberately thrown under the bus by his own party to justify replacing him? What else would explain CNN, MSNBC et al finally acknowledging that he's a walking corpse? Poor ole codger looked like they slipped him xanax instead of aderrall pre-debate. Even the makeup artist failed to make him look semi human. They nailed both these things for the SOTU speech but wheel him out in this state to debate Trump? Followed by the MSM doing a sudden unanimous 180? Either Newsom or Big Mike are salivating right now m8, I'll tell you that for free...
EasternTiger, you must be similarly chuffed to hear that the gr8 man has been handed immunity. A true lightning rod is our Donald.

Speaking of lightning, I will be giving a speech on the physics of it at Mensa this Friday titled High-Altitude Weather Kinetics and Tropospheric Upper-Altitude Hydrodynamics (HAWK-TUAH for short). Please arrive dressed as your favourite Skibidi Toilet character.
I am hoping the great man rocks his immunity with impunity.

Just googled Hawk Tuah expecting a thesis on thermo dynamics and now that is in my Google history records for when antifa fascists come for me…thank you campaigner.

I will be wearing a leather jacket to Mensa this week (The tweed jacket is at the cleaners.)
I know you're thrilled to know Dubya and Barry will never have their day in court for raping and pillaging the middie east, as if that wasn't already clear. Where were all those pro palestine protestors back then to go around abusing and traumatising teenage starbucks workers across the world in protest!? Now they're busy assaulting LGBT folk at pride events... dark days indeed m8 :(
Would have thought I'm fairly clear as being on record supporting previous presidents being charged for their crimes by now. Obama, Bush, Biden, whoever... throw the book at them (well not anymore obviously). Take it up with the SC I guess m8 :(

Saw a poll of Republicans yesterday with a majority agreeing Trump should be immune for official acts. Same respondents, with Trump's name removed and the generic 'a president' there instead it flips back to supporting prosecution :tearsofjoy:

What a perfect encapsulation of the current MAGA GOP. Stokey's over there at the moment isn't he, looks like he might have found time to get involved in some polling lol
The highest court of the USA votes along ideological lines. How is this even possible? If this doesn't make some people question the system then I don't know what would.

Beware though, once you genuinely question the system there is no coming back.
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I am hoping the great man rocks his immunity with impunity.

Just googled Hawk Tuah expecting a thesis on thermo dynamics and now that is in my Google history records for when antifa fascists come for me…thank you campaigner.

I will be wearing a leather jacket to Mensa this week (The tweed jacket is at the cleaners.)
I think the young lass with the southern accent talking about expectorating upon a phallus seems charming. I sent her a test to see if she was eligible to join our distinguished club. Her IQ actually came in at 200% that of the average carlton supporter... so, unfortunately, dead average - and no where near the minimum requirement of our fine institution!

As I predicted. The President does enjoy a level of immunity for official acts within his core constitutional functions (similar to the immunities of our Crown).

Now let's see if the SCOTUS can twist 'engaging in a conspiracy to subvert a legitimate election and install himself as President' as being a 'core constitutional' power of the Presidency.

Our High Court would clearly rule that a PM engaging in that kind of activity is not acting within the core responsibilities and duties of the PM; in fact, such a thing would be repugnant to the core responsibilities and duties of a PM, and antithetical to the Constitution and our liberal democracy.

I have little doubt the SCOTUS will twist the law into a 6-3 decision basically letting him (or any other President who seeks to literally engage in a conspiracy to reject lawful election results and install themselves for another term) off the hook.

And the USA will be all the poorer for it.
LOL. No you didn't!

In fact the crap you were spouting was Nixon V Fitzgerald dissent as if it was the majority opinion and law and again not supported in this decision.

The only redeeming feature of this post is the next sentence, the only sane thing you've said and must have been taken from someone else.
LOL. No you didn't say (the SCOTUS would rule for Sovereign immunity)!

Yes, I did. Several times (including in this thread, and in response to your own post).


The only thing that stops him running is the (6/3 conservative majority, with 3 Trump appointees) SCOTUS.

My strong suspicion is the SCOTUS will find a way to grant him Presidential immunity in a convoluted and legally flawed judgement and overturn the bans on him running in some States that have already banned him under the insurrection clause.


Re the immunity clause, the SCOTUS will rule for at least limited Criminal immunity IMO.


What worries me about the argument (and there is some legal merit to it by the way) is that if it stacks up, the President can only be held to account by a majority vote of the Legislature.


He's immune from civil suit on account of actions taken as President. Maybe also criminal (but that's not clear yet).

I directly stated on a number of occasions that the SCOTUS would likely rule that he has Sovereign immunity to some degree. I also explained the reasons why they would so rule (we have a similar system for our King/ executive). I also said they would do so via a 6/3 majority, and arrive there via torturous legal reasoning.

All of those things turned out as predicted.

See this is your problem. You're so cooked you don't bother to stop and read. I literally told you (on several occasions) that I thought that the SCOTUS would rule the POTUS has at least limited immunity from Criminal liability.

In this thread. In response to your own posts.

Learn to read mate.
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EasternTiger, you must be similarly chuffed to hear that the gr8 man has been handed immunity. A true lightning rod is our Donald.

Speaking of lightning, I will be giving a speech on the physics of it at Mensa this Friday titled High-Altitude Weather Kinetics and Tropospheric Upper-Altitude Hydrodynamics (HAWK-TUAH for short). Please arrive dressed as your favourite Skibidi Toilet character.
Only as President. Not for his litany of sex crimes committed as a private citizen, which Trump supporters seen to think is ok.

Maga = sickness.

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