NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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You're saying you're hoping the POTUS actively engages in criminal conduct?

Why on earth would you desire such a thing?
He's genuinely unwell.
Coz he's a fash-curious bootlicker. Couldn't care less as long as his guy is wearing the boots.
Dictators don't exist without useful idiots.

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Only as President. Not for his litany of sex crimes committed as a private citizen, which Trump supporters seen to think is ok.

Maga = sickness.
"Alleged" sex crimes m8. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence!
"Alleged" sex crimes m8. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence!
The "Lock her up!" / "Laptop!" crew certainly change their tune on a regular basis, don't they?

Multiple allegations, multiple victims over multiple years. Only a cult could get comfortable with ignoring sex crimes for "their" guy.
"Alleged" sex crimes m8. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence!

Alleged sex crimes from over 20 different women.

Levelled against a bloke on record stating he 'grabs women by the pussy without waiting for consent', owned the Miss Teen USA pageant, stated he wanted to 'date his own daughter' and described his best mate Jeffery Epstein as 'A great guy, who likes his girls a little on the young side, just like me'.

Definitely not suss at all.
Oh, it'll be a repost to a link to some Russian bot from Twitter as 'authority', followed by waffle misrepresenting the whole argument, and then will conclude by drawing bizarre conclusions blaming whomever the Russians tell him to blame (Biden probably).

And then afterwards, deny doing it.


That's the judgement. Her Honor basically says exactly what I said she would say, just over 47 odd pages.

I'm only partway through. I haven't gotten to the bit yet where her Honor seeks to characterize a President acting to literally overturn an election he lost, knowingly and willfully, as part of a Criminal conspiracy to remain in power after that loss as being repugnant to his duties as President and to the Constitution itself (and thus leaning him unable to avail himself of any protections available to a President, even should some be available to him).

Or 'If you act contrary to your fundamental role and duty as the President, you can't rely on any protections being President might afford you (even should those protections exist in the first place).'

And as I said, didn't allow oral arguments.

A memorandum opinion by a single judge, already shown bias against Trump, denies motion to dismiss based on Presidential immunity, without a hearing to allow for oral arguments.

Who the **** do you think argued for and against?

No one.

Should be on the first page and impossible to miss.

Puppet masters are going tick tock.

This is only from a couple of pages and before I look at your misconstrued rants about Nixon V Fitzgerald.
"Alleged" sex crimes m8. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence!
That particular one from 2016 was withdrawn with Trump hating journalists admitting they thought it was made up and they weren't even sure if this was a real person.

This has been refuted before, but poor Mof is still reeling from the "Fine People" Charlotte claims being debunked by everyone including Snopes and cognitive dissonance and all that!
That particular one from 2016 was withdrawn with Trump hating journalists admitting they thought it was made up and they weren't even sure if this was a real person.

This has been refuted before, but poor Mof is still reeling from the "Fine People" Charlotte claims being debunked by everyone including Snopes and cognitive dissonance and all that!
Oh welcome back!

PS there are 20+ allegations. Not just one. That ol' cherry picking again.

There is no level of depravity the cult will overlook.

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Oh welcome back!

PS there are 20+ allegations. Not just one. That ol' cherry picking again.

There is no level of depravity the cult will overlook.
Thanks. I get a day off now and then.

You talking about Epstein again??

Can't be about having inappropriate showers with your daughter?

Trump is such a a weird self flagellating thing with you.
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Thanks. I get a day off now and then.

You talking about Epstein again??

Can't be having inappropriate showers with your daughter.

Trump is such a a weird self flagellating thing with you.
You're hilarious 😂

Never change
Biden is genuinely unwell.
Yes he is. He's a terrible candidate. Unlike cultists, progressives will actually acknowledge reality.

The choice is between senile, or senile/fraud/rapist/sociopath.
I used to think better of you.

In fact thought you were a smart guy.

Never mind.
Ad hominems after two posts

Temper temper BlueE.

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