NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Every ethnic group 'gatekeeps' membership. Go over to a Japanese person and tell them you're Japanese for example.

Let ne know if they agree with you.

It's also not always clear cut who makes the cut. It's not like ethnic groups are homogenous wholes. Different members have different views on who makes it and who doesnt.

This even extends to white nationalists, who have differing opinions on who is 'white' and who isnt.

And you'd think they'd be able to give a clear and consistent answer, seeing as they seem to base their whole world views around the shit.

The Japanese are very racist though.

Perhaps the example of Zimbabweans supporting their white pageant winner shows not everyone does gatekeep.

Nationalities are the best way to group people together.

People seem to put more importance on words and feelings these days than what their actual eyes see.

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Recession looming, and we are on the brink of WW3.

Never would have happened under the watch of the great man.

Malifice can you please pull up a wiki link that absolves the democrats of all responsibility and blames it all on Trump?

The vast majority of nations don't want any wars so I don't think WW3 is coming.

Only 1 nation in Europe wants a war.

Only 1 nation in Asia sable rattles a war.

The Middle East has always been a basket case.

Despite that the majority of the ME don't want wars there either.

No one in Africa wants a war.

No one in South America wants a war.
The vast majority of nations don't want any wars so I don't think WW3 is coming.

Only 1 nation in Europe wants a war.

Only 1 nation in Asia sable rattles a war.

The Middle East has always been a basket case.

Despite that the majority of the ME don't want wars there either.

No one in Africa wants a war.

No one in South America wants a war.

One superpower is already in war mode.

Iran and Israel is a minute by minute proposition.

2 superpowers are on opposing sides of that conflict.

China will side with Russia.

All parties have nuclear capability.

The US has 2 complete morons running the show and funding a war against Russia.

Moron A doesn’t possess a functioning brain and Moron B talks in word salad.

We’re on the brink.
One superpower is already in war mode.

Iran and Israel is a minute by minute proposition.

2 superpowers are on opposing sides of that conflict.

China will side with Russia.

All parties have nuclear capability.

The US has 2 complete morons running the show and funding a war against Russia.

Moron A doesn’t possess a functioning brain and Moron B talks in word salad.

We’re on the brink.

Iran and Israel is a regional conflict.

The rest of the ME aren't keen on joining in.

Especially given most don't have any close relationships with Iran. In some cases the opposite.

China won't waste large pools of resources on Russia. They will give them lip service for the greater part.

It's chicken little talk to think all these nations who have no appetite for war are all of a sudden going to jump into conflicts and create a world war.

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One superpower is already in war mode.

Iran and Israel is a minute by minute proposition.

2 superpowers are on opposing sides of that conflict.

China will side with Russia.

All parties have nuclear capability.

The US has 2 complete morons running the show and funding a war against Russia.

Moron A doesn’t possess a functioning brain and Moron B talks in word salad.

We’re on the brink.

Back under the bed buttercup, it'll be ok :tearsofjoy:
Kinda. Since Donnie boy is saying Kamala isn't black, he now can't accept she is either. Obviously some kind of syndrome-based derangement going on.

Bit weird for someone who apparently is no fan of Trump but here we are lol

Quite clearly her skin tone is brown.

You have to be utterly ****ed in the head to argue it's not.
Iran and Israel is a regional conflict.

The rest of the ME aren't keen on joining in.

Especially given most don't have any close relationships with Iran. In some cases the opposite.

China won't waste large pools of resources on Russia. They will give them lip service for the greater part.

It's chicken little talk to think all these nations who have no appetite for war are all of a sudden going to jump into conflicts and create a world war.
This err... isn't quite the repartee he was looking for mate :tearsofjoy:

Easty at least PM the bloke a script or something next time, sheesh
Iran and Israel is a regional conflict.

The rest of the ME aren't keen on joining in.

Especially given most don't have any close relationships with Iran. In some cases the opposite.

China won't waste large pools of resources on Russia. They will give them lip service for the greater part.

It's chicken little talk to think all these nations who have no appetite for war are all of a sudden going to jump into conflicts and create a world war.

The great man is the only one talking peace and ending wars.

Bostonian what do you make of the lefties continually telling us World War 3 will start IF Trump wins the election.

Malifice has expressed fears Trump will set off a 'literal' NAZI apocalypse.

Are we in a no win situation here mate? This could be the guns of august all over again.
3 year olds in the US also know that Obama and Harris are 'black' ;)

This is so awesome, more I say, MOAR!! I am never going to let you stop talking about this :tearsofjoy:

The US education system is ****ed though.

Many of them think Wakanda is a real place.

So putting your lot in with that height of intelligence says a lot about you.

You'll ignore what your eyes can see to pander.

Brave man.
Look man. Kamala has already explained all this:

“Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And — and present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment. And — and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy, because every — you know, it comes in the morning. (Laughs) We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.”

No doubt we will see that quote in one of those lists of motivational quotes - alongside Einsten and Da Vinci - one often sees about the place:

“Culture is a reflection of our moment in our time. And in present culture it is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment” - Kamala Devi Harris.
No, that's not how it works.

You don't need 'Aboriginal DNA' (whatever that is) to be Aboriginal.

You need:

1) Descent (usually biological, but not necessarily biological)
2) Self identification
3) Community acknowledgement
Sure, that's the modern interpretation.

But like the modern interpretation of racism which requires "structural inequalities" for someone to be racist, or like the modern interpretation of gender which de-couples sex and gender, but uses gender where sex should be used... the modern interpretation is wrong.

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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