NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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And you think that Covid was more than just a cold, that the vaxx was "safe and effective", that your government cares about you and isn't just using you as a sacrifice to raise taxes and impose new laws, that men can be women and that the world is melting. The difference is - it makes sense why you are indoctrinated, because the elites, whether collective or in their own independent sphere, want you indoctrinated and have the power and influence to do so, controlling your access to information, influencing your leaders, influencing your companies, influencing your media.

Word for word exact narrative the Kremlin have been pushing online.

Thanks comrade! Like and share comrade! Like and share!

Your supposition makes no sense and implies Russia has much more strength and sophistication than it actually does. Newsflash, the world is not run by Russians.

It's not a 'supposition'. It's accepted reality by the Republicans, the entire US and global intelligence communities, and is accepted real world fact.

I know you dont want to accept that you've been cooked by the disinfo campaign, and you just happen to coincidentally believe the exact narrative the Russians have been pushing. That's fine (scary, but fine).

But you cant deny the reality of the disinfo campaign. It's accepted by everyone, even the political parties you blindly support.

I make 95% of my conclusions based on logic which can't be compromised.

You make those conclusions based off disinformation you've obtained exclusively on the internet, and mostly off social media sites (sites with algorithms, designed to deliberately push content on you, with the goal of getting you to believe in shit and engage with those sites).

You don't do (or trust) the 'MSM' remember? And here we are, talking about this on a literal conspiracy subforum of a social media site!

Stop for a second and think about it. Be objective.

Im trying to help you.
Word for word exact narrative the Kremlin have been pushing online.

Thanks comrade! Like and share comrade! Like and share!

It's not a 'supposition'. It's accepted reality by the Republicans, the entire US and global intelligence communities, and is accepted real world fact.

I know you dont want to accept that you've been cooked by the disinfo campaign, and you just happen to coincidentally believe the exact narrative the Russians have been pushing. That's fine (scary, but fine).

But you cant deny the reality of the disinfo campaign. It's accepted by everyone, even the political parties you blindly support.

You make those conclusions based off disinformation you've obtained exclusively on the internet, and mostly off social media sites (sites with algorithms, designed to deliberately push content on you, with the goal of getting you to believe in shit and engage with those sites).

You don't do (or trust) the 'MSM' remember? And here we are, talking about this on a literal conspiracy subforum of a social media site!

Stop for a second and think about it. Be objective.

Im trying to help you.
I only post on this forum because others like you who are equally compromised and indoctrinated would ban me for not sharing the accepted narrative anywhere else on this site.

I don't understand how you can't see that you are the result of old-hat Cold War error propaganda indoctrinated into you by the Modern Left to hide their own influence over you. They have cast up Russia as the boogeyman to cloud your vision and hide the fact that they are constantly making you subservient to their goals.
I only post on this forum because others like you who are equally compromised and indoctrinated would ban me for not sharing the accepted narrative anywhere else on this site.

I don't understand how you can't see that you are the result of old-hat Cold War error propaganda indoctrinated into you by the Modern Left to hide their own influence over you. They have cast up Russia as the boogeyman to cloud your vision and hide the fact that they are constantly making you subservient to their goals.

None of which disproves the existence of Project Lakhta (or other Russian disinfo campaigns) and Kremlin troll farms, explains why the Russians hacked the DNC, explains why they repeatedly attempted to contact the Trump campaign, or explains any of it.

If you truly do rely on '95 percent objective cold reasoning' apply it now for ****s sake.

Stop. Think.

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The communists wanted the nazis to come to power

No they didnt.

The Communists of Germany were the KPD and if you think (for a second) they supported Hitler or the NASDAP in any capacity, you're flat out wrong:

The late 1920s and early 1930s saw rising tensions mainly between three broad groups, the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) on one side, the Nazi Party a second, and a coalition of governing parties, mainly social democrats, conservatives and liberals, making up a third side.[2][3] Berlin in particular was the site of regular and often very violent clashes.[4] Both the Communists and the Nazis explicitly sought to overthrow the liberal democracy of the Weimar Republic while the social democrats and liberals strongly defended the republic and its constitution. As part of this struggle, all three factions organized their own paramilitary groups.[5]


The Commies (far Left) and the Nazis (far Right) both were fighting each other to overthrow the Liberals Weimar Republic.

The Nazis anthem (the Horst Wessel Lied) describes these battles in some detail:

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA marches with calm, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the storm division man!
Millions are looking upon the hooked-cross full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

The Rotfront, or "Red Front", was the Rotfrontkämpferbund, the paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany. The Nazi SA, also known as the "brown shirts" and the Communist Red Front fought each other in violent street confrontations, which grew into almost open warfare after 1930. The "reactionaries" were the conservative political parties and the liberal democratic German government of the Weimar Republic period, which made several unsuccessful attempts to suppress the SA.


As the Nazis gained more power, the Liberals (people like me) were forced to fight alongside the KPD and the Communists to oppose the Nazis.

Liberals might loathe Communists, but we hate Fascists a shitload more, and the enemy of mine enemy is my friend.

Ironically, these same scenes would play out at the end of WW2 (on a much larger scale) with an alliance of Liberal democracies (UK, USA, France etc) aligning with the Communist Soviet Union to destroy Nazi Germany, before immediately squaring off against each other again.

Similar scenes can be seen in the USA today, with Nazis and Right-wing paramilitaries like the 3 percenters and the Proud Boys (the Brownshirts and Freikorps of the USA) squaring off against Antifa in running street battles and by influencing major political parties, and Liberals in the middle trying desperately to stop the US Republic from falling to either.

As a Liberal, Im prepared to ally with the Commies to stop the Nazis. But that doesnt make me a Communist, and Im well aware that once the Nazis are dealt with, the Commies will be coming after us next.
EasternTiger how do you intend on celebrating the predictably exceptional performances today by the great men on (finally a pro-free-speech platform) /X/? Tis a shame that Kamala lacked the courage to engage in a similar interview.

The fascists are doing their darnedest to have it censored, which tells you everything you need to know. My only complaint was that the god emperor was a little too presidential, a little too formal. I would like to see him fight fire with fire and sink to the low-brow threshold set by the opposition.

I have listened to the historic Great Man X interview twice now, and learn something new from each listening.

The great man outlined a plan to reduce inflation, end needless wars, and lock up a bunch of scummy marxists.

Scrubbers like Harris and Tampon Timmy wouldn't have the guts to do an unscripted off the cuff interview like that.

I can tell you one thing though. If Kamala and Timmy manage to steal enough votes to win the next election, Planet Earth might as well cancel its subscription and we all move to Mars.

I shall volunteer to make this a reality by having you twerk with JDV at the next rally... I will keep you updated. Godspeed.

Now now FK. Pull your head in please. No need for that sort of carry on.
And as I've said before, I'm post-information. I don't actually consume much information at all because it's all compromised to control you. I make 95% of my conclusions based on logic which can't be compromised.
Possibly the silliest thing you’ve ever written on this thread. Your so-called logic is useless to you when it starts from a set of premises that are provably false. No wonder you believe the nonsense you do.
No, he wants Trump in power.

This is accepted by everyone, including the Republicans themselves.


Project Lakhta, directly ordered by Putin himself.

The Kremlin actively supported the Trump campaign in 2016 (and are doing it again now) and actively sought to undermine the Democratic nominees in each election.

They also had contacts with numerous Trump officials in 2016, many of whom were subsequently convicted of lying to the FBI about it.

They also hacked the DNC computers, and gave that data to Trumps team:

View attachment 2079100

The Mueller report stopped short of recommending Trump himself be charged with colluding with the Russians because there was insufficient evidence linking Trump and the Russians (despite the numerous attempts by the Russians) and because the FBI (correctly as it turns out) assumed Trump could not be convicted of any criminal wrongdoing because he was the Prez at the time.

Trump then framed this as 'no collusion' and now here we are.

In addition to hacking, the Russians flood the internet with memes and bot accounts who mindlessly parrot right wing and pro Trump content, misinformation like 'Clinton has died and been replaced by a body double' and all sorts of shit, looking for that content to go viral, get picked up by the algorithm and and pop up on peoples feeds (like it has with your social media feeds).

Around half of the Twitter accounts linked on this site in this subforum by you blokes are from Russian bot accounts. I've pointed a fair few out over the last month alone.

Thanks to the way the algorithm works, once you start reading that misinformation, your social media platform will subtly start to push more of that content on you, and before long you're utterly cooked into COVID denialism, anti-vaxx nonsense, pro Trump Qanon 'white replacement' nonsense and more. Then you yourself become an agent of the Kremlin, posting those same bot posts, memes and talking points on other social media forums, cooking others.

Think about it mate. You sat down in front of your computer 10 years ago (when this shit started) a blank slate. Now you're hyperfocused on the USA election, can likely name all the major players, are a COVID denialist and Trump cultist and now believe all the talking points the Russians have been putting online for years.

Stop and think about it for a second. You haven't 'done your own research'. It's been done for you.
Didnt see FK on the list

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The Communists of Germany were the KPD and if you think (for a second) they supported Hitler or the NASDAP in any capacity, you're flat out wrong:
You have gone off on a tangent, i already said the soviets wanted the nazis in power as they thought it would be a shitshow and they could overthrow them in short order. I never said they supported them, just that they wanted antifa to focus on the social democrats.
The Nazis anthem (the Horst Wessel Lied) describes these battles in some detail:

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!The SA marches with calm, steady step.Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionariesMarch in spirit within our ranks.Clear the streets for the brown battalions,Clear the streets for the storm division man!Millions are looking upon the hooked-cross full of hope,The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
Yeah that's some detail they go into there.

And why am i not surprised you know nazi poetry?
Yeah that's some detail they go into there.

And why am i not surprised you know nazi poetry?

I know history. You should also.

You were genuinely trying to make the argument that the German communists (the KPD etc) were in league with the NASDAP.

The Communists hated the Nazis (and not just internally, but the Russian Marxists as well). The Soviets and the Nazis hated each other as well (being far Left and far Right wing respectively). It's why the Molotov Ribbentrop pact shocked the world.

Communists hate Fascists (and Nazis). As a Liberal I hate both of them, but at least the Commies have their hearts in the right place.
I already said the soviets wanted the nazis in power as they thought it would be a shitshow and they could overthrow them in short order.

Firstly, the Soviets had already stopped supporting the German KPD by the time Hitler came to power.


After Adolf Hitler came to power on January 30, 1933, he began the suppression of the Communist Party of Germany. The Nazis took police measures against Soviet trade missions, companies, press representatives, and individual citizens in Germany. They also launched an anti-Soviet propaganda campaign coupled with a lack of good will in diplomatic relations, although the German Foreign Ministry under Konstantin von Neurath (foreign minister from 1932 to 1938) was vigorously opposed to the impending breakup.[44] The second volume of Hitler's programmatic Mein Kampf (which first appeared in 1926) called for Lebensraum (living space for the German nation) in the east (mentioning Russia specifically), and, in keeping with his world view, portrayed the Communists as Jews (see also Jewish Bolshevism) who were destroying a great nation.


Hitler was a man that blamed Communism and Socialism on 'the Jews' seeing it as part of their plan to destroy Germany and the west. In his autobiography he expressly called for an invasion of the East (Russia specifically), an ethnic cleansing of Russia, and the destruction of Communism.

His first steps in power (before he went after the Jews) was suppressing Communists.

What on earth makes you think the two sides were friends in any way, shape or form?
Let's not forget people, Kamala was the lowest approved Democratic candidate in 2020 and has overseen the worst presidential reign in American history as VP. She is an awful candidate and a terrible person. This 'wave' of support is purely bought and paid for by the Democratic party and their complicit allies in the mainstream media (along with the brainwashed masses)
Let's not forget people, Kamala was the lowest approved Democratic candidate in 2020 and has overseen the worst presidential reign in American history as VP. She is an awful candidate and a terrible person. This 'wave' of support is purely bought and paid for by the Democratic party and their complicit allies in the mainstream media (along with the brainwashed masses)
A Trumper calling anyone else a terrible person, gold :tearsofjoy:
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