NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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If you weren't so damn stupid you might actually understand why the question was relevant in the context of a discussion of JS Mills theory of liberty we were discussing.

But you're just here to troll.


US Politics thread....and you are asking people if they are neo nazis and working out which toilet it is safe to pee in.
Oh lawd. Just when you thought he peaked, he ups the ante and starts ranting about gender neutral toilets
Easy tiger! I'm going to have to go ahead and fact check you on this issue. Mal isn't interested in gender neutral toilets, he specifically wants men to have the choice of using the womens toilet.

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From my research, Mal derailed the thread from about post 9396.

Lets reset and go again.

I will repost the post in question, and we can take it from there:

Yep you bet. Democrats have always been comfortable forming strong friendships with rapists.

MICHELLE OBAMA: I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day. This is possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.

And the receipts...Michelle gushing over the wonderful mr weinstein starts at 0:43

I hope he gets the help he so desperately needs.
I think he should see a psychologist. Clearly still feels guilty about voting for One Nation a long time ago and projects that guilt onto others. It would explain the thousands of posts accusing others of being anti-semites.

Also taking up another hobby would be useful. I suggest cooking, maybe he can take lessons from Pete Evans?
I think he should see a psychologist. Clearly still feels guilty about voting for One Nation a long time ago and projects that guilt onto others. It would explain the thousands of posts accusing others of being anti-semites.

Also taking up another hobby would be useful. I suggest cooking, maybe he can take lessons from Pete Evans?

Well he's clearly dealing with conflicting beliefs and emotions. Talking through his issues can only help.

I did not know he was a One Nation voter.

I will be interested to hear of his journey from white supremacist to online Non Footy Related hall monitor.

Malifice please explain.
Tremendous news, EasternTiger. The great Peter "Kingmaker" Thiel will be our guest speaker at Mensa this Friday. He will be giving us a cyber-security speech on the dangers of Systematic Overload and Recurrent Outage Scenario (or "SOROS" for short).

The theme will, of course, be Lord of the Rings. Please advise me of your costume choice in advance, I'd hate for us to both turn up as Sauron again.

Our beautiful friend Chuckles will be in attendance - while he regrettably could not meet our IQ requirements, I've agreed to hire him to handle the evening's valet parking. He insists he will be able to manage the onslaught of Tesla's seeking attendance, and I have reminded him that our Sentry Mode features will detect if he scratches any of our fine chariots - RIGHT bourbons???
Yep you bet. Democrats have always been comfortable forming strong friendships with rapists.







Nek minute: Epstein 'hangs himself' in a Federal Prison, while two security guards (effectively emplyed by Trump as POTUS) were 'looking the other way, while the cameras were turned off'.

Tremendous news, EasternTiger. The great Peter "Kingmaker" Thiel will be our guest speaker at Mensa this Friday. He will be giving us a cyber-security speech on the dangers of Systematic Overload and Recurrent Outage Scenario (or "SOROS" for short).

The theme will, of course, be Lord of the Rings. Please advise me of your costume choice in advance, I'd hate for us to both turn up as Sauron again.

Our beautiful friend Chuckles will be in attendance - while he regrettably could not meet our IQ requirements, I've agreed to hire him to handle the evening's valet parking. He insists he will be able to manage the onslaught of Tesla's seeking attendance, and I have reminded him that our Sentry Mode features will detect if he scratches any of our fine chariots - RIGHT bourbons???

Can bonbons name 5 breakfast cereals mate?
It would explain the thousands of posts accusing others of being anti-semites.

FlowersByIrene literally believes in the following:

The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory is a white nationalist conspiracy theory that claims there is a deliberate plot (often blamed on Jews) to cause the extinction of white people through forced assimilation, mass immigration, and/or violent genocide.

The theory was popularized by white separatist neo-Nazi David Lane around 1995, and has been leveraged as propaganda in Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia. Similar conspiracy theories were prevalent in Nazi Germany and have been used in the present-day interchangeably with, and as a broader and more extreme version of, Renaud Camus's 2011 The Great Replacement, focusing on the white population of France.

Since the 2019 Christchurch and El Paso shootings, of which the shooters' manifestos decried a "white replacement" and have referenced the concept of "Great Replacement", Camus's conspiracy theory (often called "replacement theory" or "population replacement"), along with Bat Ye'or's 2002 Eurabia concept and Gerd Honsik's resurgent 1970s myth of a Kalergi plan, have all been used synonymously with "white genocide" and are increasingly referred to as variations of the conspiracy theory.

Adolf Hitler wrote to Grant to thank him for writing The Passing of the Great Race, calling it "my Bible". Incorporating Grant's theory, Nazis employed the conspiracy theory widely as propaganda, as exemplified in a 1934 pamphlet written for the "Research Department for the Jewish question" of Walter Frank's "Reich Institute" with the title "Are the white people dying: the future of the white and the colored peoples in the light of biological statistics".

Nazis used the conspiracy theory as a call to arms in a bid to gain power through cultural hegemony and scapegoating Jews by leveraging long-running historical prejudices.

The modern conspiracy theory can be traced back to post-war European neo-Nazi circles, especially René Binet's 1950 book Théorie du Racisme. The latter influenced French 1960s far-right movements such as Europe-Action, which argued that "systematic race mixing [was] nothing more than a slow genocide". In December 1948, Binet's newspaper L'Unité wrote: "We accuse the Zionists and anti-racists of the crime of genocide because they claim to be imposing on us a crossbreeding that would be the death and destruction of our race and civilization".

The term "white genocide" appeared sporadically in the American Nazi Party's White Power newspaper as early as 1972 and was used by the White Aryan Resistance in the 1970s and 1980s, where it primarily referred to contraception and abortion. The conspiracy theory was developed by the neo-Nazi David Lane in his White Genocide Manifesto (c. 1995, origin of the later use of the term),[74][75][76][72] where he made the claim that the government policies of many Western countries had the intent of destroying white European culture and making white people an "extinct species".[77] Lane—a founding member of the organization The Order—criticized miscegenation, abortion, homosexuality, Jewish control of the media, "multi-racial sports", the legal repercussions against those who "resist genocide", and the "Zionist Occupation Government" that he said controls the United States and the other majority-white countries and which encourages "white genocide".[77][78]

Shortly after Lane's Manifesto, the Aryan Nations published their 1996 Declaration of Independence stating that the Zionist Occupation Government sought "the eradication of the white race and its culture" as "one of its foremost purposes". It accused such Jews of subverting the constitutional rule of law; responsibility for post-Civil War Reconstruction; subverting the monetary system with the Federal Reserve System, confiscating land and property; limiting freedoms of speech, religion, and gun ownership; murdering, kidnapping and imprisoning patriots; abdicating national sovereignty to the United Nations; political repression; wasteful bureaucracy; loosening restrictions on immigration and drug trafficking; raising taxes; polluting the environment; commandeering the military, mercenaries, and police; denying Aryan cultural heritage; and inciting immigrant insurrections.[79][80][81][82] Of these accusations, only passage of the Federal Reserve Act, ratification of the Charter of the United Nations, and imprisonment of members of The Order were cited as specific instances.

Another strand developed in Europe in the 1970s by Austrian neo-Nazi Gerd Honsik, who distorted the early 20th century writings of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi with his invention of the Kalergi plan conspiracy theory, which was popularized in a 2005 book.


If you knew someone who believed in the above openly and expressly Nazi and antisemitic conspiracy theory, while simultaneously parroting other conspiracies about 'Hollywood elites' and 'Blackwater, Soros and the Rothschilds and financiers' and so forth imposing Communism and 'cultural Marxism' on the 'white race' and so forth (as he's done, repeatedly) wouldn't you be a little...

... suspicious?

Yes or No will suffice.

He's literally parroting exactly what the Nazis thought was going on by believing in the above. The above was basically their entire justification for the holocaust. He's 'done his own research' online, and been cooked into believing a series of centuries old debunked Nazi conspiracy theories (and the reason they murdered 6 million Jewish people) are actually true.
while two security guards (effectively emplyed by Trump as POTUS) were 'looking the other way, while the cameras were turned off'.
C'mon m8, like a POTUS personally manages every prison guard. Political assassinations don't always come from the top - unless you believe JFK arranged his own hit.

I do give you kudos for providing the correct quote though, every other time you quote Trump as referring to "young girls" when he in fact referred to young "women". Your line about the guards "looking the other way" is also incorrect. The lie was even more ridiculous: that they fell asleep.

Right up there with "We couldn't position USSS agents on that roof because it was sloped and therefore unsafe".
I think he should see a psychologist. Clearly still feels guilty about voting for One Nation a long time ago and projects that guilt onto others. It would explain the thousands of posts accusing others of being anti-semites.

Also taking up another hobby would be useful. I suggest cooking, maybe he can take lessons from Pete Evans?


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C'mon m8, like a POTUS personally manages every prison guard. Political assassinations don't always come from the top - unless you believe JFK arranged his own hit.

He was best placed to make it happen was he not?

Plus he self evidently had the most to lose (along with Clinton and Andrew and likely tons of others).

I do give you kudos for providing the correct quote though, every other time you quote Trump as referring to "young girls" when he in fact referred to young "women".

The campaigner literally owned Miss Teen USA.

During which, as 15 and 16 year old girls were getting undressed (in the words of the Great man himself):

''Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting, I want to make sure that everything is good.

You know, the dresses. ‘Is everyone okay?’ You know, they're standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that.''


'I don't even wait for consent. I just grab 'em by the pussy. When you're rich you can do anything'
Why do you have a problem with trump in the womens toilets whilst advocating for the rights of men to use the womens toilets?

1. Because Trump is not a woman, nor does he identify as one. This important point might be lost on you.
2. Trump was in a teenage girls changeroom (not a toilet), and was deliberately perving on the girls in a sexual manner (which he freely admits).

He was there (as a man) to be a creep, not (as a woman) to have a piss. Important context no?

I have no problem with a transwoman using a female changeroom to get changed.

I answered your question. It's your turn now.

Mia Nowlan:


Should she use the Men's or Woman's changerooms (or toilets, or Prisons)?
FlowersByIrene literally believes in the following:


If you knew someone who believed in the above openly and expressly Nazi and antisemitic conspiracy theory, while simultaneously parroting other conspiracies about 'Hollywood elites' and 'Blackwater, Soros and the Rothschilds and financiers' and so forth imposing Communism and 'cultural Marxism' on the 'white race' and so forth (as he's done, repeatedly) wouldn't you be a little...

... suspicious?

Yes or No will suffice.

He's literally parroting exactly what the Nazis thought was going on by believing in the above. The above was basically their entire justification for the holocaust. He's 'done his own research' online, and been cooked into believing a series of centuries old debunked Nazi conspiracy theories (and the reason they murdered 6 million Jewish people) are actually true.
I looked for the post(s) from FlowersByIrene where he said any of the above and couldn't find them?

Are we talking about just this thread, or do I have to go through several thousand posts?
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