NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Then how is it a active law that works?

Free speech should have a definition yeah? Not just as you go whereby you refuse to report on it...

Can you think of any example where a crime occurs and govt withold data on the offender and offense done?
As I understand it free speech isn't even really a thing in the UK (certainly to the degree it is in the US). Libel much more readily actionable over there apparently.

In the instances you're talking about I'd imagine the withholding of detail might be due to not wanting to re-publish and re-distribute the hateful shit that was the basis of the charge in the first place but I don't know for sure, like I said I haven't looked into it. You appear to have more knowledge on the subject than I so I thought you might have seen some specific instances that seemed out of whack - and I'd be happy to accept there are probably good examples of that, just looking at the article on their draconian laws I posted above.

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Quite a few hate crimes listed there, so at a glance it would seem yes thats what people are being jailed for. You may disagree with definitions of course.

Seems like a particular issue in the UK due to antiquated laws/culture

Quite a few? Its 5 of 7,000+ ... How is that a reliable set of data to have your opinion on?

Any reason they release 5 but not the whole 7,000+ . Is withholding information a good thing? Do you think its easy to set legislation you do not communicate to people as what a arrestbale offense actually is?
I keep warning you about who you associate with. I know which group I would prefer to have a drink with.
Associate with? Weird, its a discussion forum. I associate with no one on this site in real life but would be happy to have a beer with just about anyone (who'd be happy to have a beer with me lol).

Who was that Seinfeld video you posted directed at?
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Associate with? Weird, its a discussion forum. I associate with no one on this site in real life but would be happy to have a beer with just about anyone (who'd be happy to have a beer with me lol).

Who was that Seinfeld video you posted directed at?
Speak for yourself. Some people who have said some inexcusable things still wandering the halls
Quite a few? Its 5 of 7,000+ ... How is that a reliable set of data to have your opinion on?
I don't really have an opinion on it ¯\(ツ)

Any reason they release 5 but not the whole 7,000+ . Is withholding information a good thing? Do you think its easy to set legislation you do not communicate to people as what a arrestbale offense actually is?
Not sure
Probably not
Ask the britts

This is your hobby horse not mine. All I said was Elon isn't the free speech warrior he pretends he is, on which we apparently agree.

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I don't think it will do much good, sadly.

No matter how much photographic proof you provide of actual holocaust-supporting assholes standing shoulder to shoulder with MAGA folk, cookers like Lebbo73 will continue to pretend they have nothing to do with his team.

People like that just aren't wired to accept objective fact :(
If Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr thought this, they wouldn’t have thrown their support behind Trump.
For anyone reviewing this conversation, let me first say that I disavow Nazism and anti-semitism.

Good to hear.

Now, onto the real topic of discussion, for anyone playing along at home, what Malifice is attempting to do, as he has said many times above, is "enlighten" me that my views are the product of broad, international, far reaching and far flung conspiracy theories rooted in Nazism.

That's because they are rooted in Nazism.

They actually go further back to be totally accurate. Ever heard of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

He is saying that I am a fool, to be so Unwittingly conned by these enticing conspiracies and that I should come to the light, renounce them and distance myself from them (I presume by adopting far left views as he did after taking the same pilgramatic journey away from the right in his One Nation Days to cross the desert that has been the last 30 years and land at his current position on the far left of the political spectrum).

No, I dont expect you to 'turn to the light side'. I just expect you to acknowledge the striking similarities in the conspiracy you believe in, and the one Hitler also believed in, and used as justification to murder 6 million people, and invade the Soviet Union.

This is high school level argument and no one should be fooled. He is, through insincere piousness (a key column of the left as I have previously stated), simulatenously: insulting my intelligence, disparaging my person and downplaying my views through a form of demonisation by attempting to paint me as n unwitting supporter of Nazism.

You are an unwitting supporter of Nazism. There are Nazis literally standing on your side of the piquet lines, and everywhere you look in 'alt-Right' spaces online. You're sitting here directly parroting a Nazi conspiracy theory with approval.

As we have discussed, under a libertarian political theory (as Malifice alleges to be and as I actually am) the State has a responsibility to protect its citizens (note citizens, not everyone in the world) from harm. Unchecked migration clearly causes harm and as such any libertarian (not Nazi) should oppose it.

Im not a libertarian. Libertarianism is a long debunked and discarded school of political thought, with few adherents. We have the 1 Libertarian politician (Lijonhelm) and the rest are mostly Liberals (at the moment mostly Social Liberals/ Liberal Democrats).

You're conflating liberalism with libertarianism. They're vastly different ideologies, with the latter (libertarianism) being debunked centuries ago. Liberalism has long moved on from 'small government' to discussions of positive vs negative liberty, and the role of the State in regulating harm.

Which is a schoolboy error that someone with a degree in Political Science should be incapable of making.

Of course Mal, you are not a libertarian and

No, I am not and have never claimed to be.

I am a Liberal. They're different things.

Which you should know.
If Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr thought this, they wouldn’t have thrown their support behind Trump.
Suuuure they wouldn't haha

**** me, Tulsi and RFK Jr, two real upstanding paragons of ethics and principle there :tearsofjoy:

RFK was literally shopping his endorsement to Harris, she told him to bugger off so he went to Trump who was more than happy to provide the required bribe of a cabinet position (which Trump will probably renege on anyway lol)
Good to hear.

That's because they are rooted in Nazism.

They actually go further back to be totally accurate. Ever heard of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

No, I dont expect you to 'turn to the light side'. I just expect you to acknowledge the striking similarities in the conspiracy you believe in, and the one Hitler also believed in, and used as justification to murder 6 million people, and invade the Soviet Union.

You are an unwitting supporter of Nazism. There are Nazis literally standing on your side of the piquet lines, and everywhere you look in 'alt-Right' spaces online. You're sitting here directly parroting a Nazi conspiracy theory with approval.

Im not a libertarian. Libertarianism is a long debunked and discarded school of political thought, with few adherents. We have the 1 Libertarian politician (Lijonhelm) and the rest are mostly Liberals (at the moment mostly Social Liberals/ Liberal Democrats).

You're conflating liberalism with libertarianism. They're vastly different ideologies, with the latter (libertarianism) being debunked centuries ago. Liberalism has long moved on from 'small government' to discussions of positive vs negative liberty, and the role of the State in regulating harm.

Which is a schoolboy error that someone with a degree in Political Science should be incapable of making.

No, I am not and have never claimed to be.

I am a Liberal. They're different things.

Which you should know.
My apologies, I thought your invoking of a core libertarian text earlier in this threat meant you at least respected core libertarian principles. That was foolish of me given your political views are far from libertarian as we have already established. I gave you too much benefit of the doubt. No, you're right you're absolutely a liberal democrat, run that up the flag pole and be proud, look everyone Mal supports the most corrupted and misguided modern political theory, everyone come and commend his support of the most common cesspool of modern political thought.
My apologies, I thought your invoking of a core libertarian text earlier in this threat meant you at least respected core libertarian principles. That was foolish of me given your political views are far from libertarian as we have already established. I gave you too much benefit of the doubt. No, you're right you're absolutely a liberal democrat, run that up the flag pole and be proud, look everyone Mal supports the most corrupted and misguided modern political theory, everyone come and commend his support of the most common cesspool of modern political thought.

Modern Social Liberalism. The political views of Mill, Dworkin, Hobbes, Locke, Hobhouse, which embraces both 'freedom from' and 'freedom to' positive and negative liberty:

Social liberalism[a] is a political philosophy and variety of liberalism that endorses social justice, social services, a mixed economy, and the expansion of civil and political rights, as opposed to classical liberalism which favors protection of property rights, freer markets, limited government, and an overall more laissez-faire style of governance. While both are committed to personal freedoms, social liberalism places greater emphasis on the role of government in addressing social inequalities and ensuring public welfare.

Economically, social liberalism is based on the social market economy and views the common good as harmonious with the individual's freedom.[9] Social liberals overlap with social democrats in accepting market intervention more than other liberals;[10] its importance is considered auxiliary compared to social democrats.[11] Ideologies that emphasize its economic policy include welfare liberalism,[12] New Deal liberalism and New Democrats in the United States,[13] and Keynesian liberalism.[14] Cultural liberalism is an ideology that highlights its cultural aspects. The world has widely adopted social liberal policies.[15]


It includes parties like the Democrats in the USA, and the Liberal Democrats in the UK.

In Australia, elements of both the Liberal party (Left faction) and Labor (Right faction) also embrace the above.

'Libertarianism' has a single adherent (David Leyonhjelm) in Australia, and a few in the USA (usually aligned with their Republican party, or running as independents under the Libertarian banner).

Liberals moved past libertarianism a long time ago. The reason being that a 'small government' protects no-ones liberty at all, and simply allows for the 'tyranny of the majority' to cause a whole different kind of oppression, with minorities in society being persecuted, and Corporations and the wealthy being allowed to wield unchecked power over the people.

As you've already acknowledged above.

You should know this with your degree by the way. We studied at the same university apparently, and I was taught the above distinction (and history) very very clearly.
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Genuinely have seen what were once good posters, fall off the cliff with their continued derangement posting about Trump. It happens when you don't post or read BF for an extended period, then come back on and go wow, wtf is going on.
I pop into these threads once in a blue moon wondering if the penny has finally dropped (but it never does). Even when notable leftists and democrats like Musk, Tulsi and JFK defect to Trump all citing in detail the blatant corruption, warmongering, lawfare and censorship of the DNC it's STILL yeah, nah, Trump is bad.
I pop into these threads once in a blue moon wondering if the penny has finally dropped (but it never does). Even when notable leftists and democrats like Musk, Tulsi and JFK defect to Trump all citing in detail the blatant corruption, warmongering, lawfare and censorship of the DNC it's STILL yeah, nah, Trump is bad.

Erm, I think you missed his point.

He was referring to how awful it is seeing good people getting cooked into being Trumpists.

Logging back in and seeing reasonable people being cookers all of a sudden.
Erm, I think you missed his point.

He was referring to how awful it is seeing good people getting cooked into being Trumpists.

Logging back in and seeing reasonable people being cookers all of a sudden.
Yep he had it arse about. The real tell is Trump attracting very left wing people to his tent who vehemently disagree with him on certain fronts but still recognise him as being a far lesser of two evils. Yet the derangers still can't see it and probably never will.
Yep he had it arse about. The real tell is Trump attracting very left wing people to his tent

Left wing cookers.

One of those you named is a billionaire tech giant who happily espouses antisemitic conspiracy theories (and has had to do penance by visiting Auschwitz and groveling in apology), the other is an antivaxxer from a family of billionaires, and the last one has been making appearances on Fox news for years decrying transgender people, Muslims and even standing in for Tucker Carlson.

If you want to talk about conservatives getting stuck into Trump and going with Harris I can list you scores of them. Here and abroad (including our own right-wing George Brandis the former AG, yesterday).
Yep he had it arse about. The real tell is Trump attracting very left wing people to his tent who vehemently disagree with him on certain fronts but still recognise him as being a far lesser of two evils. Yet the derangers still can't see it and probably never will.

Thoughts on 40 of his previous 44 cabinet members not endorsing Trump this time around? After all, those are the people who worked for him
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