NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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The Republicans who keep trying to assassinate Trump?

Maybe, I think the issue is more alienation in general with violence being the symptom.
... and there are idiots who still oppose background checks for anybody wanting a firearm.

Too many representatives bought and sold by the NRA.

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He really is a halfwit.
I genuinely feel pity for people whose personal attributes are so lowly they actually look up to him.

He really is a halfwit.
I genuinely feel pity for people whose personal attributes are so lowly they actually look up to him.

View attachment 2112688
Try talking to someone who lives in a community effected by illegal immigration m8. As Dave Chappelle said, "Twitter isn't a real place".

The wealthy boomers want you to keep shrieking "racist nazi" because mass migration boosts the values of their property portfolio and provides them with cheap nannies and groundskeepers. But those of us who are against this type of exploitation have no option but to support Trump!
Try talking to someone who lives in a community effected by illegal immigration m8. As Dave Chappelle said, "Twitter isn't a real place".

The wealthy boomers want you to keep shrieking "racist nazi" because mass migration boosts the values of their property portfolio and provides them with cheap nannies and groundskeepers. But those of us who are against this type of exploitation have no option but to support Trump!
You missed the point completely mate that weird fantasy - he's complaining about an app that was launched under his own administration!

He's senile.
Malifice this is your time to shine, baby!

We urgently need your fact checking skills combined with your obsession with all things nazi to confirm whether the shooter was in fact featured in an azov propaganda video.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

A literal nazi attempted to assassinate the great man?

Mal will be all over this IF Wikipedia has a page on the alleged assassin.

And depending on whether he has taken his meds or not, Mal could either be at one nation or an antifa meeting.

Give him some time to study the posting patterns on 4chan before he gives you a thoughtful response.
Finished off nicely on Saturday. You have certainly got my attention.
Another one to watch in the Spring is Bodyguard.
Young colt out of I Am Invincible.
Had a good jump out today.

Warmonger v Bodyguard
Unfortunately they won't go head to head.
One's a sprinter one is a stayer.
Will keep track of who wins the most money and pulls an October Surprise.
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He really is a halfwit.
I genuinely feel pity for people whose personal attributes are so lowly they actually look up to him.

View attachment 2112688
It's you I worry about Mof. I had such high hopes initially that you were an independent thinker.

But nah. You're so swayed by whatever the force feed narrative of the minute is.

"Senile old fart". Supporting this after three and a half years of shouting nothing to see here, while happy clapping the actual senile old fart!

And of course promoting actual violent rhetoric. “Put a target on him”. “He needs to be Eliminated”. “Greatest threat to democracy”. “Literally Hitler”.

So desperate to blame everything on Trump you could be transposed for Routh in his propaganda Routh from his interviews. Sad.

CBP One™ introduced a week before the 2020 election "As part of CBP’s comprehensive effort to improve the security of our nation’s borders while enhancing legitimate travel and trade" "CBP One™ is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services. Through a series of guided questions, the app directs each type of user to the appropriate services based on their needs."

Taken over by Biden/Harris in January 2023 to allow illegal immigrants to enter the country misusing the smartphone app.

The documents cover a 13-month period between January 2023, when the Biden administration started allowing migrants to request appointments using CBP One, and Feb. 8, 2024. On average, migrants have made just under 5 million appointment requests per month.

It's you I worry about Mof. I had such high hopes initially that you were an independent thinker.

But nah. You're so swayed by whatever the force feed narrative of the minute is.
rofl. Always a great time when BlueE starts banging on about independent thinkers and narratives :tearsofjoy:


And of course promoting actual violent rhetoric. “Put a target on him”. “He needs to be Eliminated”. “Greatest threat to democracy”. “Literally Hitler”.
Rallies chanting "lock her up"
Rally goers were heard shouting "traitor" and "kill her"
Called Clinton a monster, unbalanced, unstable and unhinged
Said a Clinton presidency would lead to “the destruction of this country from within”?

All this before Hills even wheeled out the 'deplorables' line in 2016.

But sure mate, the dems are actually the ones responsible for the rising violent rhetoric, good one :tearsofjoy:

CBP One™ introduced a week before the 2020 election "As part of CBP’s comprehensive effort to improve the security of our nation’s borders while enhancing legitimate travel and trade" "CBP One™ is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services. Through a series of guided questions, the app directs each type of user to the appropriate services based on their needs."

Taken over by Biden/Harris in January 2023 to allow illegal immigrants to enter the country misusing the smartphone app.

The documents cover a 13-month period between January 2023, when the Biden administration started allowing migrants to request appointments using CBP One, and Feb. 8, 2024. On average, migrants have made just under 5 million appointment requests per month.

Wait - you're upset that people seeking asylum are doing it via official channels, rather than just coming in illegally?

So hard to keep up lol

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It's you I worry about Mof. I had such high hopes initially that you were an independent thinker.

But nah. You're so swayed by whatever the force feed narrative of the minute is.

"Senile old fart". Supporting this after three and a half years of shouting nothing to see here, while happy clapping the actual senile old fart!

And of course promoting actual violent rhetoric. “Put a target on him”. “He needs to be Eliminated”. “Greatest threat to democracy”. “Literally Hitler”.

So desperate to blame everything on Trump you could be transposed for Routh in his propaganda Routh from his interviews. Sad.

CBP One™ introduced a week before the 2020 election "As part of CBP’s comprehensive effort to improve the security of our nation’s borders while enhancing legitimate travel and trade" "CBP One™ is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services. Through a series of guided questions, the app directs each type of user to the appropriate services based on their needs."

Taken over by Biden/Harris in January 2023 to allow illegal immigrants to enter the country misusing the smartphone app.

The documents cover a 13-month period between January 2023, when the Biden administration started allowing migrants to request appointments using CBP One, and Feb. 8, 2024. On average, migrants have made just under 5 million appointment requests per month.


Mof brought a toothpick to the fight.

BlueE came with a sledgehammer.
Oh, looky here. Just JD causually admitting they 'created' the pets thing and meme'd it into existence

Shocked I tells ya

Check out an extended clip of this JD interview - his next comment established what he meant and it wasn't fabricating a fake story. Lol @ the amount of people fooled by twitter soundbytes taken out of context. I expect this from the SRP hoarde, they need their hourly outrage injection regardless of factual accuracy... but I expected better from you m8. Falling for misinformation, it's unbecoming :(
Check out an extended clip of this JD interview - his next comment established what he meant and it wasn't fabricating a fake story. Lol @ the amount of people fooled by twitter soundbytes taken out of context. I expect this from the SRP hoarde, they need their hourly outrage injection regardless of factual accuracy... but I expected better from you m8. Falling for misinformation, it's unbecoming :(
Oh, you mean he realised what he'd just said and thought shit, I better smooth that out? :tearsofjoy:

Not the sharpest tool ol' JD, but apparently still slick enough to fool you m8. Don't let mensa see this post, talk about unbecoming :(
It's you I worry about Mof. I had such high hopes initially that you were an independent thinker.

But nah. You're so swayed by whatever the force feed narrative of the minute is.

"Senile old fart". Supporting this after three and a half years of shouting nothing to see here, while happy clapping the actual senile old fart!

And of course promoting actual violent rhetoric. “Put a target on him”. “He needs to be Eliminated”. “Greatest threat to democracy”. “Literally Hitler”.

So desperate to blame everything on Trump you could be transposed for Routh in his propaganda Routh from his interviews. Sad.

CBP One™ introduced a week before the 2020 election "As part of CBP’s comprehensive effort to improve the security of our nation’s borders while enhancing legitimate travel and trade" "CBP One™ is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services. Through a series of guided questions, the app directs each type of user to the appropriate services based on their needs."

Taken over by Biden/Harris in January 2023 to allow illegal immigrants to enter the country misusing the smartphone app.

The documents cover a 13-month period between January 2023, when the Biden administration started allowing migrants to request appointments using CBP One, and Feb. 8, 2024. On average, migrants have made just under 5 million appointment requests per month.

False accusations with no basis in reality (you're projecting) followed by a wall of cut and pasted text (you haven't read), evidence hunting (I thought you didn't trust the MSM?) to obfuscate an issue the GOP are openly trying to exacerbate for political gain - e.g. torpedoing their own bipartisan agreement because Herr Trump said so.

Mate, it's a carbon copy from all the times you were wrong in the past.

The happy clappers who can't write more than two lines lap it up.

I love this thread. By God it's amusing.

BlueE's sledgehammer:

Go easy on him. Let the little fella have his fun. Ditto the other clappers.

Anyone that looks up to a pathological liar, pedo & felon probably isn't doing that great in life.
An article that draws on some important policy differences - not that MAGA care/understand policy.

In the November election, the U.S. faces two futures. In one, the new president offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience. She pushes policies that boost good jobs nationwide by embracing technology and clean energy. She supports education, public health and reproductive rights. She treats the climate crisis as the emergency it is and seeks to mitigate its catastrophic storms, fires and droughts.

In the other future, the new president endangers public health and safety and rejects evidence, preferring instead nonsensical conspiracy fantasies. He ignores the climate crisis in favor of more pollution. He requires that federal officials show personal loyalty to him rather than upholding U.S. laws. He fills positions in federal science and other agencies with unqualified ideologues. He goads people into hate and division

That is why, for only the second time in our magazine’s 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Kamala Harris.

Before making this endorsement, we evaluated Harris’s record as a U.S. senator and as vice president under Joe Biden, as well as policy proposals she’s made as a presidential candidate. Her opponent, Donald Trump, who was president from 2017 to 2021, also has a record—a disastrous one. Let’s compare....

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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