NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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How has Trump done a number on me?

"The DNC have given up on the idea of cheating again in the 2024 election"
Imagine still running with the stolen election crap in 2024 lol. It was Trump who tried to steal it, you believe the literal opposite of reality due to dear leader's shtick

"Trump is that far ahead in the polling so they’ve decided to discredit him as being fit for being president instead"
That far ahead in the polls eh? Go on then link them up :tearsofjoy:

"They’ve already pushed back Trump’s sentencing to after the election so as to not be seen as interfering with the election process. They’ll then have him jailed with their corrupt judge in the hope of inciting MAGA people to riot."
Imagine fantasising about corrupt judges acting against Trump considering Eileen Cannon and the SC's antics over the last 12 months. In a vaguely functional system the bloke would have lost about 3 more trials by now and would be currently running for prez from home detention at Mar-a-Lago lol

"When they don’t riot they’ll use their paid actors such as Antifa and the illegals to riot dressed up as MAGA supporters"

I can keep going if you like?

There’s a real threat that when the military does step in that they’re not really on the side of The Constitution and ready to uphold their oath.
Oh deary me no, concerns about them not upholding the constitution you say? Sounds pretty bad

Sooo, game day. Predictions for the debate?

I'm less confident about Harris' ability to handle Trump than others seem to be. Still no live fact checking I believe, she'll need to navigate the gish gallop avalanche of bullshit from Trump without getting drawn into extended back and forths with him about objective truths - thats Donnie's bread and butter, drag 'em down into the mud and roll them around.

Probably needs to do a fair bit of straight down the barrel stuff, talk directly to the audience rather than to Trump. Let him flail about bullshit, focus on policy.

Gonna be tough for her though no doubt.

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"The DNC have given up on the idea of cheating again in the 2024 election"
Imagine still running with the stolen election crap in 2024 lol. It was Trump who tried to steal it, you believe the literal opposite of reality due to dear leader's shtick

"Trump is that far ahead in the polling so they’ve decided to discredit him as being fit for being president instead"
That far ahead in the polls eh? Go on then link them up :tearsofjoy:

"They’ve already pushed back Trump’s sentencing to after the election so as to not be seen as interfering with the election process. They’ll then have him jailed with their corrupt judge in the hope of inciting MAGA people to riot."
Imagine fantasising about corrupt judges acting against Trump considering Eileen Cannon and the SC's antics over the last 12 months. In a vaguely functional system the bloke would have lost about 3 more trials by now and would be currently running for prez from home detention at Mar-a-Lago lol

"When they don’t riot they’ll use their paid actors such as Antifa and the illegals to riot dressed up as MAGA supporters"
View attachment 2107347

I can keep going if you like?

Oh deary me no, concerns about them not upholding the constitution you say? Sounds pretty bad

Post the full video with Trump saying this or shut up

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Sooo, game day. Predictions for the debate?

I'm less confident about Harris' ability to handle Trump than others seem to be. Still no live fact checking I believe, she'll need to navigate the gish gallop avalanche of bullshit from Trump without getting drawn into extended back and forths with him about objective truths - thats Donnie's bread and butter, drag 'em down into the mud and roll them around.

Probably needs to do a fair bit of straight down the barrel stuff, talk directly to the audience rather than to Trump. Let him flail about bullshit, focus on policy.

Gonna be tough for her though no doubt.
Giving Trump 60% of the time, to spout his jibberish.
Yep Harris back into 1.83 on sportsbet

The odds makers and punters are very reactionary in these type of markets. Thus my asking in the past about what has happened to cause an odds change. Some people viewed those posts as trolling, not understanding the subtleties at play. It is basically live and in-play betting for a long term 2 horse race market. Very unique.
So, decisive win to Harris, gotta admit I didn't see that coming. Thought Trump actually kept himself relatively well under control (by Trump standards anyway) despite some clear attempts by Harris to niggle and get under his skin. When she started on his rally sizes I thought wowee here we go but he kept himself in check for the most part.

But he still had some pretty bad moments, "I have the concept of a plan" haha. Harris did well, smiling a lot and projecting calm while Trump looked crabby and old pretty much throughout. He also wouldn't look at her while she spent a fair bit of time looking at and talking to him, more than I thought would be a good idea pre-debate but it seemed to work pretty well for her.

It shifted the betting markets but will be interesting to see if it shifts the polls, my suspicion is it won't by much, maybe half a percentage point here and there (which is still a decent win in a race this tight). At the very least it should put the "Harris can't speak without a teleprompter" people to bed.
Yikes, Trump manages a draw despite it being 3 v 1 - imagine if it had been a fair contest like the debate v Biden!

Kamala will get another honeymoon bump in the polls largely due to the pre-planned Tatay thing - foolishly timed, they should have dropped this within 2 weeks of the election with how short voters memories are - but it will settle again when people remember foreign policy and the peaceful state of the world (relative to now) that Trump produced m8.
Yikes, Trump manages a draw despite it being 3 v 1 - imagine if it had been a fair contest like the debate v Biden!

Kamala will get another honeymoon bump in the polls largely due to the pre-planned Tatay thing - foolishly timed, they should have dropped this within 2 weeks of the election with how short voters memories are - but it will settle again when people remember foreign policy and the peaceful state of the world (relative to now) that Trump produced m8.
A draw?
Been eating those 'fermented' pets again mate?
A draw?
Been eating those 'fermented' pets again mate?
The pet eating was unfortunately an example of the "fact" checkers telling Trump he's wrong when it is public record that he was correct. They were too busy claiming that his truthful statements were false to notice Karmalas lies regarding unemployment, the military, Charlottesville etc etc

I would love to endorse Kamala but I am naturally deterred by cheaters... it's why I tend to support any team v Essendon m8.

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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