NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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Don't be paranoid I wasn't referring to you.

Of course the US media is bias. They do not even hide it anymore.
Well in fairness I'm one who could be considered 'defending' against allegations of bias as it relates to the debate, so I think it does.

US media in general and their reporting of stories, sure of course there is bias there. I just didn't see it in the debate so interested in the specifics of what others are forming their opinion on.
Again, some specific examples would be good. The executing babies after birth one is pretty iron-clad I would have thought.

On the contrary, I'd be quite happy staking my life on the fact that there are no laws on the books allowing execution of healthy babies after birth in the US and that there aren't vast swarms of immigrants abducting and eating pets :tearsofjoy:

OK. The fact checking process was hugely scientific, probably deserving of Nobel Peace prize. And there is no bias in the US media?

You are correct.
Well in fairness I'm one who could be considered 'defending' against allegations of bias as it relates to the debate, so I think it does.

I'm telling you that it wasn't directed at you. But as you are correct again, I was referring to you even though I wasn't. You are good. You know my thoughts better than me. Are you AI or something? You are brilliant. Share you secrets with mere mortals.

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OK. The fact checking process was hugely scientific, probably deserving of Nobel Peace prize. And there is no bias in the US media?

You are correct.
You do yourself no favours with responses like this, and the one following. It simply confirms any suspicion that your thoughts are based on partisan leanings and mitigations for your preferred candidate not putting in a particularly good performance, rather than the facts of what took place in the debate itself.

All I asked for were your thoughts on some specific examples you were basing your opinion on, no need for the childish defensiveness. Well, not unless you weren't actually posting in good faith in the first place :think:
You do yourself no favours with responses like this. It simply confirms any suspicion that your thoughts are based on partisan leanings and mitigations for your preferred candidate not putting in a particularly good performance, rather than the facts of what took place in the debate itself.

All I asked for were your thoughts on some specific examples you were basing your opinion on, no need for the childish defensiveness.

And off we go again.

I post my thoughts, not directed at you. You jump in with your BS, claim victimhood, and ra ra ra. Be honest, you just like the contrarian rubbish to pass the day. I simply do not care what you say. That's why I don't not quote you, other than after you quote me. I am polite like that.
And off we go again.

I post my thoughts, not directed at you. You jump in with your BS, claim victimhood, and ra ra ra. Be honest, you just like the contrarian rubbish to pass the day. I simply do not care what you say. That's why I don't not quote you, other than after you quote me. I am polite like that.
Mate, I was completely honest in what I said yesterday and what I've said today. Its a discussion forum for people to discuss topics they are interested in - if you have no interest in doing that I'm honestly not sure what you're doing here. You've posted before that reasonable right wing opinions aren't allowed on the SRP board, but on available evidence it seems what you meant was you simply don't like people debating or pushing back on those opinions.

Anyway you've made it clear you have no interest in any honest discussion so I'll leave it there, I have no wish for a repeat of yesterday. I may still quote you from time to time when you post something that interests me but will scale down any expectation of a good faith response and thats ok, I hope its ok with you too. Have a good one.
The pet eating was unfortunately an example of the "fact" checkers telling Trump he's wrong when it is public record that he was correct. They were too busy claiming that his truthful statements were false to notice Karmalas lies regarding unemployment, the military, Charlottesville etc etc

I would love to endorse Kamala but I am naturally deterred by cheaters... it's why I tend to support any team v Essendon m8.
The Charlottesville Lie 😂

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Serious tho, this pets thing is getting outta control. Don Jr :tearsofjoy:

They may have found the secret sauce that can turn the tide here, finally an issue with some substance. Doing wonders to get away from the 'Republicans are weird' stuff :tearsofjoy:

M8 I was gonna ask you to dogsit my sweet ole labrador this weekend but the passion with which you are defending this stuff has me thinking twice! I knew that slow cooked "lamb" you brought to Mensa seemed suspicious.

Oh and I forgot to quote your other msg but I'm still off the piss thank god. Appreciate the concern m8 but I'm just my usual eccentric self
Like myself, Trump knows that this green crap and climate change is a ****ing joke. If you had half a brain, you would as well.
So true, I mean NASA thinks climate change is real. What a joke, what the hell would they know!!!

And all the money that China is paying in tariffs. Wow. Trump really knows his stuff hey.
So true, I mean NASA thinks climate change is real. What a joke, what the hell would they know!!!

And all the money that China is paying in tariffs. Wow. Trump really knows his stuff hey.
It reminds me of that time NASA said that increased CO2 emissions by humans would cause an increased frequency of wild storms and adverse weather events. Then they said they couldn’t understand why it wasn’t occurring but it would.
How’s that video faring? Any chance of you quoting the truth?
Ha, I asked you first mate.

Asking me to produce a video you know doesn't exist and that I never claimed existed is what you have been reduced to. This is what passes for a 'win' for you now. Literal screenshots of the now deleted post, confirmed in reporting from every news org under the sun, discussed ad naseum including during the GOP primaries - all meaningless to you. Or you pretend thats the case anyway, such is your level of delusion and psychological thrall.

So weak
So low info
So sad :(
Ha, I asked you first mate.

Asking me to produce a video you know doesn't exist and that I never claimed existed is what you have been reduced to. This is what passes for a 'win' for you now. Literal screenshots of the now deleted post, confirmed in reporting from every news org under the sun, discussed ad naseum including during the GOP primaries - all meaningless to you. Or you pretend thats the case anyway, such is your level of delusion and psychological thrall.

So weak
So low info
So sad :(
More lies. I asked you first!
More lies. I asked you first!
'fraid not knackers

"Trump is that far ahead in the polling so they’ve decided to discredit him as being fit for being president instead"
That far ahead in the polls eh? Go on then link them up

You replied to this post asking me for a video of him saying it, in post https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/us-politics-pt-3.1387143/page-5#post-85292612

You guys are just incapable of taking Ls aren't you :tearsofjoy:

Shall we continue this charade for another few posts or do you just wanna man up and say yeah, ya got me, there are no polls with Trump leading by heaps I was just bullshitting.

Like.. its all good mate, its that kind of thread, we laugh and move on ¯\(ツ)
Ok I think we've worked out where the hell Trump's eating the pets thing came from :tearsofjoy:

Just hanging with Qanon enthusiast and professional nutcase Laura Loomer, nothing to see here. Even money she regaled him with tales of haitian illegals abducting cats to barbecue on the plane ride to the debate. Currently engaged in a twitter shitfight with fellow cooker Marj Taylor Greene

Attended the 9/11 ceremony with him today too. "The best people" :tearsofjoy:

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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