NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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Oh you are cooked by it. Not to the same level as BlueE and Lebbo and GG, but you are.

You're literally posting about 'Hunter Bidens Laptop' in a conspiracy subforum of a social media site.

What got you here? For me it was to try and heal you cookers. For you, it was being cooked.

Think about it. 10 Years ago, you didnt know a damn thing about US Politics. Now you know who Nancy Pelosi, Hunter Biden, MTG, Valdez, Fauci etc and all the players are.

You sat in front of a computer and 'did your own research'. You got cooked.

W've been over this before. I know what happened.

1. There was extensive Russian disinformation floating around the internet. Thousands of Terabytes of data, thousands of bot accounts, spreading viral stories with hundreds of millions of views and shares, under the Codename 'Project Laksa' ordered by Putin, and conducted by Kremlin funded Troll farms.

2. Stories emerged about 'Hunter Bidens laptop being discovered' and it 'containing evidence of paedo/ corruption/ satanic abuse etc'.

3. The US intelligence agencies came out and said the laptop story was likely Russian disinformation, as it had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

4. Meta (and other social media companies) then shut the story down as part of their efforts to minimize disinformation.

5. It came to light the laptop itself actually existed (even if there was nothing actually on the laptop).

6. Meta reversed their ban, and the US intelligence community conceded the laptop was real.

7. Cookers (such as yourself) now repeatedly post 'Hunter bidens laptop' in answer to literally anything online, as proof of either some kind of conspiracy by the US intelligence agencies, Meta or both, to do... something (I dont know what you think the story proves other than Meta make token efforts to combat disinformation online)?

That's the facts of the story. You crapping on about it, demonstrates nothing other than how cooked you are.

And its a good thing they are cracking down on disinformation.

Here in Australia we saw literally tens of thousands of people (cookers) wearing MAGA hats, talking about 5G causing COVID, vaccine mandates being a 'path for UN control', standing under umbrellas (to protect themselves from 5G and spy satellites or whatever), crapping on about 'Hillary being replaced by a body double', refusing to take a safe and efficacious vaccine (at the cost of their jobs and even in some cases lives) and talking about 'Satanic ritual abuse of children' and even a few of them blowing away some Cops in Queensland.

The disinfo combined with the algorithm, is literally cooking people. It's causing great harm, and the State (and social media companies) have a role to play in combatting it.

14 days later is literally days later.

And what on earth (or how) would Hunter Biden selling a laptop (with nothing on it) have anything to do with influencing an election?

It's a non story. I mean, if the Laptop had evidence of far-reaching corruption by his father (the Prez) then yeah, we could talk (but it doesnt).

The length of this response suggests you're totally cooked.

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

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