NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

How long before Musk & Trump have a major rift?

  • Under one month

  • Under six months

  • Under one year

  • Under two years

  • Not happening, never!

  • Not until Musk is ready to seize the Presidency

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Here is US Politics Pt 2

Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States on Monday 20th January, 2025 in Washington DC.

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Looks like Trump continues to walk back his election promises. Now it's Ukraine.

At some point people will realize they've been duped. The slower ones will continue to defend everything he says or does.

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Joe shifts the focus from the devastation in California to himself and his expanding family. Video cued to where Joe tells us the good news.

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It will take a lot longer than 24 hours for Trump to fix the mess that Putin and Biden made.

I think he'll get the job done, but it will take at least two Lebbos. It won't be a great deal for Ukraine, but it's better than losing even more land and bleeding to death in the process.

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It will take Trump longer than 24 hours to set up his secret police. Remember, torture chambers don't build themselves overnight but maybe Dad Cheney can help with some ideas to speed up the process.

I don't believe anything will be done within 24 hours, so Trump lied. It will take at least 2-3 terms to get everything in order.
He's certainly a good liar.

He was one of the messiahs through covid and the 2020 election but now he is the devil incarnate. He needs to contact Assange on how to deal with that. Though, I think it will all turn out OK for Mark.
He is a liar… but the left told me he was honest and reliable

Based on their own metric, they owe us an apology. I don’t think they do but hey, live by your words


Love this idea that coz democrats are functioning adults who can maintain civility in the face of a lost election they're somehow 'bad' coz they've been lying in their election campaign attacks on Trump.

The flipside of course being if Trump had lost, he'd be busy tearing the place apart while maintaining his radical/marxist/communist attacks on Harris, which of course means he's 'good' and wasn't lying on the campaign.

Galaxy brain take for sure :tearsofjoy:
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