Modern Day Event Vaccines

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I dont think anyone is celebrating the suffering of infants. All myself and most others want is for the coercion and fear mongering to stop.

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I agree. Those using scientifically unsupported arguments, or arguments scientifically proven to be incorrect to scare parents into not immunising their children, and thus putting them at risks of horrific diseases, are an absolute disgrace.
I agree. Those using scientifically unsupported arguments, or arguments scientifically proven to be incorrect to scare parents into not immunising their children, and thus putting them at risks of horrific diseases, are an absolute disgrace.
Scientifically supported in this day and age simply means heavily financed and promoted opinions with twisted or outright false data. Google even censors dissenting information on vaccines and brings up lists of government and WHO sites all signing the same tune. But I guess all these billionaire philanthropists and politicians with shares in the industry just really care so much about us right

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...such as?

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Well of course, the first one that comes to mind is the MMR and autism. Also that vaccines aren't effective and that it has been other factors responsible for declines in diseases and that vaccines are basically a fraud.
Can you imagine a world without vaccines? Imagine the 100s of millions of babies alone, let alone the rest of the population who would have suffered horribly and died or been maimed without them.

I really hope your not one of those people who peddle harmful myths to encourage parents not to vaccinate their children, so that babies are put at risk of horrific diseases. I highly doubt you'd be that despicable. Please don't disappoint me.
Scientifically supported in this day and age simply means heavily financed and promoted opinions with twisted or outright false data. Google even censors dissenting information on vaccines and brings up lists of government and WHO sites all signing the same tune. But I guess all these billionaire philanthropists and politicians with shares in the industry just really care so much about us right

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Ahhh. I see.
You're an idiot.
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Well of course, the first one that comes to mind is the MMR and autism. Also that vaccines aren't effective and that it has been other factors responsible for declines in diseases and that vaccines are basically a fraud.
Can you imagine a world without vaccines? Imagine the 100s of millions of babies alone, let alone the rest of the population who would have suffered horribly and died or been maimed without them.

I really hope your not one of those people who peddle harmful myths to encourage parents not to vaccinate their children, so that babies are put at risk of horrific diseases. I highly doubt you'd be that despicable. Please don't disappoint me.
The statistics show sharp declines in the rate of diseases several years before individual vaccines are released for the specific disease. They are not effective, they are a medium for an entirely different purpose. Havent you noticed that you dont panic about diseases for which there is no vaccine? You dont because you are not told to panic, and conversely you panic about diseases for which there is a vaccine. You get whipped into a state of hysteria and told to rush off to your gp for injections. The supposed science behind it put out the by manufacturers and departments within the UN mean nothing to me. The more telling clues are always found in the marketing and promotion. Its always designed to make you panic, its targetted at children specifically because this invokes the strongest emotional response (suspension of critical thought, a tactic you yourself are using), and is reinforced by theories clearly designed to maximise profits. If you actually sit and think logically for a moment you can determine that herd immunity is inconsistent with the rest of the "effective" claims in that it implies that on an individual basis the shots dont actually work, but if everyone has them then suddenly they do work. I havent even begun talking about all the societal pressures and coercion tactics used to make people feel pressured to do it out of fear either....

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The statistics show sharp declines in the rate of diseases several years before individual vaccines are released for the specific disease. They are not effective, they are a medium for an entirely different purpose. Havent you noticed that you dont panic about diseases for which there is no vaccine? You dont because you are not told to panic, and conversely you panic about diseases for which there is a vaccine. You get whipped into a state of hysteria and told to rush off to your gp for injections. The supposed science behind it put out the by manufacturers and departments within the UN mean nothing to me. The more telling clues are always found in the marketing and promotion. Its always designed to make you panic, its targetted at children specifically because this invokes the strongest emotional response (suspension of critical thought, a tactic you yourself are using), and is reinforced by theories clearly designed to maximise profits. If you actually sit and think logically for a moment you can determine that herd immunity is inconsistent with the rest of the "effective" claims in that it implies that on an individual basis the shots dont actually work, but if everyone has them then suddenly they do work. I havent even begun talking about all the societal pressures and coercion tactics used to make people feel pressured to do it out of fear either....

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You disappoint me. I was really hoping that you're not one of these people who get off on the suffering of others. But there's no more point arguing with you than with a flat earther or a religious fundamentalist who believes the world was created in 6 days 6 thousand years ago. Science, established fact and reason have no place in your wacky little world.

Instead of enjoying watching youtube videos of babies suffering and dying from vaccine preventable diseases, please get help. I believe that, deep down, you're probably a decent person who's life may not have turned out as you would have liked. But there's got to be less harmful ways of making yourself feel special than spouting crazy conspiracy theories with the aim of harming tens upon tens of millions of people That's just sick.
You disappoint me. I was really hoping that you're not one of these people who get off on the suffering of others. But there's no more point arguing with you than with a flat earther or a religious fundamentalist who believes the world was created in 6 days 6 thousand years ago. Science, established fact and reason have no place in your wacky little world.

Instead of enjoying watching youtube videos of babies suffering and dying from vaccine preventable diseases, please get help. I believe that, deep down, you're probably a decent person who's life may not have turned out as you would have liked. But there's got to be less harmful ways of making yourself feel special than spouting crazy conspiracy theories with the aim of harming tens upon tens of millions of people That's just sick.
*rolls eyes*

Yes yes, I know you wont entertain the notion that medical science is compromised with agendas and severely lacking in integrity. I know very well the reality you live in, the shadowplay world of Plato's cave. Through my eyes you are a severely brainwashed slave, happy to jump however high any percieved authority tells you to, and if they want you to inject yourself and your children with toxins you'll gladly do it and beg for more. Its a reality shaped by fear. Im not interested in your pity, I dont want to be dragged back down into the darkness with the rest of the zombies.

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*rolls eyes*

Yes yes, I know you wont entertain the notion that medical science is compromised with agendas and severely lacking in integrity. I know very well the reality you live in, the shadowplay world of Plato's cave. Through my eyes you are a severely brainwashed slave, happy to jump however high any percieved authority tells you to, and if they want you to inject yourself and your children with toxins you'll gladly do it and beg for more. Its a reality shaped by fear. Im not interested in your pity, I dont want to be dragged back down into the darkness with the rest of the zombies.

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Amazing. You read me like a book.
Do you have Psychic powers?
You disappoint me. I was really hoping that you're not one of these people who get off on the suffering of others. But there's no more point arguing with you than with a flat earther or a religious fundamentalist who believes the world was created in 6 days 6 thousand years ago. Science, established fact and reason have no place in your wacky little world.

Instead of enjoying watching youtube videos of babies suffering and dying from vaccine preventable diseases, please get help. I believe that, deep down, you're probably a decent person who's life may not have turned out as you would have liked. But there's got to be less harmful ways of making yourself feel special than spouting crazy conspiracy theories with the aim of harming tens upon tens of millions of people That's just sick.
Oh boy
Anti-vaxxers started off by saying that vaccines cause autism. When that idiocy was exposed as fake they moved onto to 'freedom of choice'
Now it is becoming Government conspiracy and Big Pharma.
Anti-vaxxers claiming they are the ones who have their eyes open and the rest of us are sheeple.
The children of anti-vaxxers are the ones who can't make an informed choice and rely on their parent to do what is best for them... children being let down by the very adult who should be protecting them from preventable diseases.

If it was only anti-vaxxers who were afflicted by such illnesses, the human gene pool would be much improved, but its all of us who can be affected by the simple mindedness of a few
I wouldn't class myself an anti vaxxer but this sort if stuff sends shivers.

"This past week, the government said it had discovered that Changchun Changsheng, located in Jilin Province, had produced a second batch of 247,200 faulty vaccines, for a total of 499,800 doses. Officials say the company falsified data and used expired ingredients."
I wouldn't class myself an anti vaxxer but this sort if stuff sends shivers.

"This past week, the government said it had discovered that Changchun Changsheng, located in Jilin Province, had produced a second batch of 247,200 faulty vaccines, for a total of 499,800 doses. Officials say the company falsified data and used expired ingredients."

Id guess anti-vaxxers would be joyous with this news

Their logic would be that the less people vaccinated the better

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Id guess anti-vaxxers would be joyous with this news

Their logic would be that the less people vaccinated the better
It's really hard to decipher really is.

Bad information good information who really freaking knows? What's suppressed what's not?

Lets be honest here the medical industry isn't without their bullshit and litany of cover ups.
It's really hard to decipher really is.

Bad information good information who really freaking knows? What's suppressed what's not?

Lets be honest here the medical industry isn't without their bullshit and litany of cover ups.

It isn't difficult to decipher hard data for the effectiveness against things such as Measles and Polio, as just a coupe of examples.

Look at Europe now, as vaccination rates have been decreasing. They are on target by the end of this year for a 1600% percent increase in measles cases in just two years

It isn't difficult to decipher hard data for the effectiveness against things such as Measles and Polio, as just a coupe of examples.

Look at Europe now, as vaccination rates have been decreasing. They are on target by the end of this year for a 1600% percent increase in measles cases in just two years

View attachment 546673
Hard data is there such a thing without an unbiased result?

I dont think anyone is denying what vaccines can do... And the benefits from it, I will continue to vaccinate my child.

What they are worrying about is the other issues, that do not come up in hard data.

We all know the medical industries are prone to producing biased results or leaving out negative results from data.

Data and statistics can show whatever picture you want to paint.
Hard data is there such a thing without an unbiased result?

I dont think anyone is denying what vaccines can do... And the benefits from it, I will continue to vaccinate my child.

What they are worrying about is the other issues, that do not come up in hard data.

We all know the medical industries are prone to producing biased results or leaving out negative results from data.

Data and statistics can show whatever picture you want to paint.

What other issues?
Well, your example resulted in two nurses being charged... So that example doesn't hold up

View attachment 546718 View attachment 546719

I will await the trial first.

It was never ever going to be the vaccine, yet 2 separate nurses will cop the brunt.

And this absolutely counts along with the china incident shows the process is flawed.

There is a whole host of incidents similar to these that you can see for yourself.
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Why would folks out for personal gain care what goes into your bloodstream? If it damages your health and makes you dependant on drugs they themselves endorse or produce then they would likely see no issues, it is a for profit industry after all. I know some of you want to live in a rosy world where these massive conglomerates really have your childrens best interests at heart, but the truth is they do not and never did.

I think the vaccines and autism debate is somewhat of a red herring. There is much information put out by both sides. What if it is not what we should be focusing on at all?

“Perhaps by means of injections and drugs and chemicals the population could be induced to bear whatever its scientific masters may decide to be for its good.” - Bertrand Russell

I dont think its coincidental that fertility rates in the west have dropped 70% since the 1950's. No one seems to make a big deal out of it whatsoever, which tells me it is being done on purpose.

Its also no coincidence that one of the major contributors towards vaccine production and propaganda is the Rockefeller foundation, whom also organised UN meetings on population reduction. Old David blathered about it every chance he got.

Yes, incredible to believe, but very easy to connect the dots.

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Why would folks out for personal gain care what goes into your bloodstream? If it damages your health and makes you dependant on drugs they themselves endorse or produce then they would likely see no issues, it is a for profit industry after all. I know some of you want to live in a rosy world where these massive conglomerates really have your childrens best interests at heart, but the truth is they do not and never did.

I think the vaccines and autism debate is somewhat of a red herring. There is much information put out by both sides. What if it is not what we should be focusing on at all?

“Perhaps by means of injections and drugs and chemicals the population could be induced to bear whatever its scientific masters may decide to be for its good.” - Bertrand Russell

I dont think its coincidental that fertility rates in the west have dropped 70% since the 1950's. No one seems to make a big deal out of it whatsoever, which tells me it is being done on purpose.

Its also no coincidence that one of the major contributors towards vaccine production and propaganda is the Rockefeller foundation, whom also organised UN meetings on population reduction. Old David blathered about it every chance he got.

Yes, incredible to believe, but very easy to connect the dots.

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Population control board was started by Carter in 78. Had pharma executives cia insurgents politicians all sorts sit on it

Within two years a hole host of banned chemicals were unbanned and now in our food. Many of these chemicals developed during ww2 during shortages and found to cause cancer ect

The pharmacutical industry changed and fake science started creeping in.

Don't worry about grin. He gets really mad when confronted with the truth. It means he cares and has a heart. When you post like you do it makes him face things in himself he wants to avoid. So he gets angry. Obviously has had bad experiences and is shutting them out. Holding on at all costs that western medicine uses science for us and not against.

I hope one day the man finds some peace

I dont think its coincidental that fertility rates in the west have dropped 70% since the 1950's. No one seems to make a big deal out of it whatsoever, which tells me it is being done on purpose.

I looked up these figures and you are correct, so it was the vaccines which contributed to the declining fertility rate was it?

Nothing to do with "this" at all

In 1951, a chemist, named Carl Djerassi from Mexico City made the hormones in progesterone pills using Mexican yams. Djerassi had chemically created the pill but was not equipped to distribute it to patients. Meanwhile, Gregory Pincus and John Rock with help from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America developed the first birth control pills in the 1950s, such as mestranol/noretynodrel, which became publicly available in the 1960s through the Food and Drug Administration under the name Enovid. Medical abortion became an alternative to surgical abortion with the availability of prostaglandin analogs in the 1970s and mifepristone in the 1980s.

So widely available contraception is not responsible for declining fertility rates ????

Maybe we just need fresh water and sanitation as well ;)
I dont think its coincidental that fertility rates in the west have dropped 70% since the 1950's. No one seems to make a big deal out of it whatsoever, which tells me it is being done on purpose.

Its also no coincidence that one of the major contributors towards vaccine production and propaganda is the Rockefeller foundation, whom also organised UN meetings on population reduction. Old David blathered about it every chance he got.

Yes, incredible to believe, but very easy to connect the dots.

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Let me connect some of those dots for you.

The website you quote if LifeSiteNews owned by Campaign Life
From wiki: The Campaign Life Coalition (sometimes shortened to Campaign Life) is a Canadian political lobbyist organization founded in 1978. Based in Toronto, the organization advocates for socially conservative values.[1] In addition to its initial goals of opposing abortion and euthanasia, Campaign Life Coalition advocates for what it describes as traditional family values, including opposition to same-sex marriage, homosexual sex, pre-marital sex, and the use of contraceptive methods.

The claim about contraceptives being put into vaccines has also been debunked. You can read it about it on snopes


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Modern Day Event Vaccines

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