Beauty & Style Vaping

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errant bounce

Team Captain
May 2, 2024
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South Fremantle
Thoughts? feel like this is the sort of place to love them. reckon Plugger35 has bought one once out of pissed curiosity and sucked the whole thing dry listening to Weddings Parties Anything one night and then just never had the taste for it again.
Also any vape related anecdotes would be good. feel like vape stories the urban myth de jour. like the guy who went to a kick ons with two week old iGet and was sucking the thing ****ed up on ketamine and ended up smoking the battery acid and had a brain aneurysm on a couch.

Or how primary schools have smoke detectors in every toilet now and in California, there's specially designed smoke detectors that only pick up vapes.

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So SA is back eh.

I use one for herb when out and about. None of that disposable flavoured stuff for me even though cherry flavour is delicious.

SA was always an interesting poster that turned almost infamous. The way he used to write is very similar to this brand new account, I picked it up almost straight away.

Wonder what drives someone to come back to BigFooty after escaping for so long.
SA was always an interesting poster that turned almost infamous. The way he used to write is very similar to this brand new account, I picked it up almost straight away.

Wonder what drives someone to come back to BigFooty after escaping for so long.
I'll be launching a Patreon soon.
Horrible stuff. I became addicted to the iGet bars. Was going through nearly two a week at my worst. Couldn’t put the thing down.

After a while I started to wake up in the middle of the night with crushing chest pains. It felt like someone was standing on my rib cage. I would struggle to breathe and have like half an hour episodes. Some nights the pain was so excruciating, I would have to get up and walk it off. At 3am I’d be pacing up and down my hallway praying it went away. I almost drove myself to hospital a couple of times as well (probably f***ing should’ve). Fortunately, they would always pass and I’d go back to sleep.

I was also getting really bad sweats. Sometimes I’d be sitting in my bedroom and my wife would point out that I was sweating on my forehead from literally doing nothing. Any kind of moderate exercise and I would be drenched in sweat. A light walk from the office to the shops for lunch and my co-workers would point out that I was dripping. Aside from how embarrassing this was, I was extremely concerned for my health.

I had to kick them because I was confident they were killing me. I was down at a beach house for my mum’s 60th and was hiding my vape use from everyone outside and I had a moment. I decided to throw my blueberry ice iGet bar in the bin I was standing next to and never look back.

The first week of quitting was hell. Headaches, anxiety, night sweats, fatigue, stomach aches, irritability, no appetite, inability to concentrate, etc. I could barely get through work. After week one things started to improve. No more chest pain episodes. No more extreme sweats. No more f***ing problems. 20th October 2023 was the day I quit cold turkey and I am so glad I did it. Vapes are brutal.

For the record I’m a 33 year old male. Generally very fit and healthy. Not overweight and was training for a marathon at the time. Workout 3-4 times a week. Non-smoker (quit then in 2015).

As for other stories. A mate of mine ended up in hospital because of them. Her lungs collapsed. They had to put her in an induced coma for three days. They’re not worth it and get ahold of you very easily.
Schools are rife with them. I finished high school in 2019 and it was beginning to creep in a little bit, still wouldn't see them all that often and you were always judged for it.

COVID massively expatiated the trend. I hear stories now of Year 7s and 8s choofing in the toilets between classes, which is crazy for me to think about considering it was pretty rare when I was there.

Was huge at university though. Probably every 4th or 5th person walking around would be letting go of some vaporized air.

Then I studied overseas in London. It was so normalised there, even compared to Australia, probable every 3rd person had a vape. I distinctly remember one kid I shared a flat with knocking on my door while I was still asleep, asking if he could use my USB-C charger (I didn't even know that you could charge them lol). I'd known this kid for a week and his withdrawals were so huge he felt that this was reasonable behaviour.

Hard to know exactly what the long term effects are, but they don't seem great with all these reports of collapsed lungs etc.
I've never owned one, but I've certainly tried it many times especially when offered on a night out. I really don't get the appeal, and I'm pretty happy I've never been inclined to purchase one.
Genuinely don't get the appeal. It tastes nice? So does a Pepsi Max or chocolate you complete and utter moron

Is there any other upside?

At least booze changes your mood/feeling etc. Vaping does nothing. You have to question the intelligence of anyone who really gets into these. Peer pressure, weak mindedness. There's no other reason for this to be popular
Genuinely don't get the appeal. It tastes nice? So does a Pepsi Max or chocolate you complete and utter moron

Is there any other upside?

At least booze changes your mood/feeling etc. Vaping does nothing. You have to question the intelligence of anyone who really gets into these. Peer pressure, weak mindedness. There's no other reason for this to be popular
I guess its the same as tobacco. Can de-stress and calm the body. The nicotine would make it highly addictive.

It looks ridiculous and immature though. Looks like you're carrying a dummy around, and I highly judge anyone who is doing it in broad daylight. Weak mindedness definitely plays a part.

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Genuinely don't get the appeal. It tastes nice? So does a Pepsi Max or chocolate you complete and utter moron

Is there any other upside?

At least booze changes your mood/feeling etc. Vaping does nothing. You have to question the intelligence of anyone who really gets into these. Peer pressure, weak mindedness. There's no other reason for this to be popular
There's gotta be about four times the nicotine as a regular old darty.

They should invent them for beers. just get like four pints pissed on your lunch break with no smell.
I started vaping as a piss take and ended up hooked on them for a year. Never been a smoker my entire life. I don't buy them anymore but will never pass one up if a mate has one.

Still get urges today to have one and fang them when I'm a few beers deep. Good shit.
Genuinely don't get the appeal. It tastes nice? So does a Pepsi Max or chocolate you complete and utter moron

Is there any other upside?

At least booze changes your mood/feeling etc. Vaping does nothing. You have to question the intelligence of anyone who really gets into these. Peer pressure, weak mindedness. There's no other reason for this to be popular

'Look at me! I'm not addicted to it so you're a moron if you are.'
Stopped me smoking for 5 years so far, cant tell me they are bad.
Am I still addicted to Nicotine, my F**ing oath I am, but cigs are worse.

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Beauty & Style Vaping

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