Wakey wakey

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Why is this on the main board and not in the political area? Seems like it should either be moved or closed - might as well call it 'Qanon gathering place' and be done with it
Why is this on the main board and not in the political area? Seems like it should either be moved or closed - might as well call it 'Qanon gathering place' and be done with it

just out of interest which bit is the conspiracy bit i posted - please advise ?

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Not gonna engage, sorry bud.

don't be sorry, i have made from what i can tell 3 claims on this thread.

1. WHO states that 780 million people world wide have had covid, through multiple sero studies which are much more reliable than the PCR test, divided by the amount of people who died with it or from it gives a mortality rate of 0.12% which is the standard garden variety mortality rate for the flu and roughly 25 times lower than what we were told.

2. Sweden's all cause mortality rate is no different to its average year in year out and if you subtract the 'covid' deaths it is way below average. - that seems weird in the middle of a pandemic - implausible really.

3. WHO says countries should not lockdown in a about face from earlier on when they thought they were a bonzer idea.

Answer or don't answer, i don't really care, but when you make a claim you should attempt to back it up, i do!, but i cant see one iota of Q anon - although i know really nothing about it i do know its some sort of conspiracy site or idea.
This graph look normal to you?

Its literally the exact same graph Victoria has right now

Difference is one is locked in their homes and the other is not
Its literally the exact same graph Victoria has right now

Difference is one is locked in their homes and the other is not
Given Victoria has population around 66% of that of Sweden, and at the peak was seeing about 20-30% of the deaths seen in Sweden, I very much doubt the spike is nearly as pronounced. And - as I said - similar economic impact.
Given Victoria has population around 66% of that of Sweden, and at the peak was seeing about 20-30% of the deaths seen in Sweden, I very much doubt the spike is nearly as pronounced. And - as I said - similar economic impact.

September had 190 extra deaths per week, August had 160 extra deaths per week compared to the normal average so it’s fairly similar

I’m not too sure how you can make a economic comparison. I wasn’t really aware Sweden’s government were pumping hundreds and billions of economic aid to keep its economy at a respectable level like we are.
don't be sorry, i have made from what i can tell 3 claims on this thread.

1. WHO states that 780 million people world wide have had covid, through multiple sero studies which are much more reliable than the PCR test, divided by the amount of people who died with it or from it gives a mortality rate of 0.12% which is the standard garden variety mortality rate for the flu and roughly 25 times lower than what we were told.

2. Sweden's all cause mortality rate is no different to its average year in year out and if you subtract the 'covid' deaths it is way below average. - that seems weird in the middle of a pandemic - implausible really.

3. WHO says countries should not lockdown in a about face from earlier on when they thought they were a bonzer idea.

Answer or don't answer, i don't really care, but when you make a claim you should attempt to back it up, i do!, but i cant see one iota of Q anon - although i know really nothing about it i do know its some sort of conspiracy site or idea.

My healthy grandmother contracted covid and died 3 days later from it - that is all you need to know. You can spout your crap all you like, but until you've had someone close to you die from it, you're just some fool online casting themselves in the role of 'expert', when they don't know a damn thing.
My healthy grandmother contracted covid and died 3 days later from it - that is all you need to know. You can spout your crap all you like, but until you've had someone close to you die from it, you're just some fool online casting themselves in the role of 'expert', when they don't know a damn thing.

Aha, sorry to hear it, but i have just repeated what the WHO have claimed and i have not stated or think i am an expert at all, but i will quote them and there is nothing wrong with doing that.
This graph look normal to you?

No it doesn't look normal, because its a 5 year AVERAGE against 1 year that can show blips and jumps as much more pronounced - do you follow ?, here is one that makes more sense.

well it appears 6,500 doctors and medical specialists agree with him, should they take away access to their computers as well?

Most of the population, they argue, is not at risk of dying if they catch Covid-19 and efforts should be focused on protecting those who are vulnerable, while letting everyone else get on with their lives as normal.


That assumption is clearly backed up by WHO's calculations and many other studies (see my post above) that sees covid having a mortality rate the same as the yearly flu season and of course as we know even less for anyone under the age of 60.
Yeah but what would those doctors and scientists know?
Let's just keep trusting the likes of Dan Andrew's and co. they know what's what. Why would you not trust Governments that have been given free scope to blow budgets with no financial accountability whatsoever?
Let's not question anything or engage in any debate.
Yeah but what would those doctors and scientists know?
Let's just keep trusting the likes of Dan Andrew's and co. they know what's what. Why would you not trust Governments that have been given free scope to blow budgets with no financial accountability whatsoever?
Let's not question anything or engage in any debate.

Those doctors and scientists have been week after week month after month deplatformed by various tech companies, the MSM and Government, posters on this site have been banned for repeating and linking the very things that even the WHO are saying are now correct, but still Andrews and Sutton carry on regardless of scientific consensus and refuse to divulge the data they work on, even Sutton co authored a paper years ago stating that masks are next to useless.

Mike Yeadon was chief scientist for 26 years at Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd, one of the biggest in the world

Those doctors and scientists have been week after week month after month deplatformed by various tech companies, the MSM and Government, posters on this site have been banned for repeating and linking the very things that even the WHO are saying are now correct, but still Andrews and Sutton carry on regardless of scientific consensus and refuse to divulge the data they work on, even Sutton co authored a paper years ago stating that masks are next to useless.

Mike Yeadon was chief scientist for 26 years at Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd, one of the biggest in the world

The same big Tech companies whose values have skyrocketed because of lockdowns. The wealthiest of the wealthy are most certainly getting significantly richer. Some questions we should be debating:

1. If we are trying to eradicate this Coronavirus, I can't see how international travel can ever re-commence. This Coronavirus is now out there and like every previous Coronavirus and variation of Flu it will continue to evolve. Flu jabs are not all that effective and it would appear to be fantasy to think Coronavirus jabs would be any more effective, meaning that the only solution is to continue to hide from it for the rest of our lives. Are people comfortable with spending the rest of their lives in and out of lock down and with never being able to travel overseas again?

2. What are the effects in years to come? Sweden has mostly dealt with it now, you can see the very minor death rate in its second wave, whereas we haven't even really gone through a first wave. We have successfully reduced the Flu and Covid death rate in its initial stages but are we now more susceptible to a nastier evolution of it without having built up any immunity?

3. Are we risking overburdening our health care system in later years? If we accept that people at some stage will demand freedom, as people age they will become more susceptible to this virus. Instead of having a large percentage of the population having built up immunity (though research has shown that a decent amount of people already has immunity to this Coronavirus from previous Corona/cold) there would seem to be a good chance that we have a larger percentage of more at risk people becoming infected all at once.

4. The fact that the Swedish numbers are being ignored and brushed aside by the masses in favour of hysteria is beyond astonishing. We have seen that the figures show this has been a bad flu season for them but nothing more. We originally locked down the world based on a model that predicted Armageddon and have never been able to reconcile that. Why isn't the common sense approach of Sweden being discussed and debated?

5. How many deaths are we causing by our lockdowns? Numbers going back 100 years shows there is a direct relationship between unemployment rates and suicide and that's not even taking into account the mental illness caused by the lock down itself. Then there are the people who have avoided health visits for such things as cancer, heart etc. Are there actually going to be more deaths because of how we have handled this?

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4. The fact that the Swedish numbers are being ignored and brushed aside by the masses in favour of hysteria is beyond astonishing. We have seen that the figures show this has been a bad flu season for them but nothing more. We originally locked down the world based on a model that predicted Armageddon and have never been able to reconcile that. Why isn't the common sense approach of Sweden being discussed and debated?

There is a lot wrong with this but point 4, but to start, the Swedish strategy has been widely discussed and analysed. You must already be living in a bunker if you don't know that.

What has Sweden achieved? Their economy tanked anyway and they let lots of people die. To say their death numbers are low now because they already let most of the vulnerable people die is false logic.
There is a lot wrong with this but point 4, but to start, the Swedish strategy has been widely discussed and analysed. You must already be living in a bunker if you don't know that.

What has Sweden achieved? Their economy tanked anyway and they let lots of people die. To say their death numbers are low now because they already let most of the vulnerable people die is false logic.

Looks like Sweden had it right, and still no one can explain why - if the virus is so deadly that in non lockdown, non mask wearing, business open, kids at school etc Sweden there is no increase in the amount of deaths year on year at this point in time as per the graph i posted above.

If you tracked the flu virus for most countries in most years in the Northern Hemisphere the graph would look eerily similar to the one below -typical Gompertz curve.


We can trade articles all day about the Swedish economy - good and bad ...

But what you can't dispute is the death rate and that is no different in any other year and in fact if you subtract all the alleged 'covid' deaths they are way below average amount of deaths for the year - and that is in the middle of a pandemic ???? - Implausible


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Looks like Sweden had it right, and still no one can explain why - if the virus is so deadly that in non lockdown, non mask wearing, business open, kids at school etc Sweden there is no increase in the amount of deaths year on year at this point in time as per the graph i posted above.

If you tracked the flu virus for most countries in most years in the Northern Hemisphere the graph would look eerily similar to the one below -typical Gompertz curve.

View attachment 987609

We can trade articles all day about the Swedish economy - good and bad ...

But what you can't dispute is the death rate and that is no different in any other year and in fact if you subtract all the alleged 'covid' deaths they are way below average amount of deaths for the year - and that is in the middle of a pandemic ???? - Implausible

As has been posted to you many times there is no discussing anything with you, you just spam the latest thing you found on Google. That site is NOT evidence by the way, I will say this as honestly as possible as someone who works in the field - you do not understand anything about research.
As has been posted to you many times there is no discussing anything with you, you just spam the latest thing you found on Google. That site is NOT evidence by the way, I will say this as honestly as possible as someone who works in the field - you do not understand anything about research.

you wont discuss it because you cant refute it, it's clear, its simple, its documented, its official Swedish statistics
The same big Tech companies whose values have skyrocketed because of lockdowns. The wealthiest of the wealthy are most certainly getting significantly richer. Some questions we should be debating:

1. If we are trying to eradicate this Coronavirus, I can't see how international travel can ever re-commence. This Coronavirus is now out there and like every previous Coronavirus and variation of Flu it will continue to evolve. Flu jabs are not all that effective and it would appear to be fantasy to think Coronavirus jabs would be any more effective, meaning that the only solution is to continue to hide from it for the rest of our lives. Are people comfortable with spending the rest of their lives in and out of lock down and with never being able to travel overseas again?

2. What are the effects in years to come? Sweden has mostly dealt with it now, you can see the very minor death rate in its second wave, whereas we haven't even really gone through a first wave. We have successfully reduced the Flu and Covid death rate in its initial stages but are we now more susceptible to a nastier evolution of it without having built up any immunity?

3. Are we risking overburdening our health care system in later years? If we accept that people at some stage will demand freedom, as people age they will become more susceptible to this virus. Instead of having a large percentage of the population having built up immunity (though research has shown that a decent amount of people already has immunity to this Coronavirus from previous Corona/cold) there would seem to be a good chance that we have a larger percentage of more at risk people becoming infected all at once.

4. The fact that the Swedish numbers are being ignored and brushed aside by the masses in favour of hysteria is beyond astonishing. We have seen that the figures show this has been a bad flu season for them but nothing more. We originally locked down the world based on a model that predicted Armageddon and have never been able to reconcile that. Why isn't the common sense approach of Sweden being discussed and debated?

5. How many deaths are we causing by our lockdowns? Numbers going back 100 years shows there is a direct relationship between unemployment rates and suicide and that's not even taking into account the mental illness caused by the lock down itself. Then there are the people who have avoided health visits for such things as cancer, heart etc. Are there actually going to be more deaths because of how we have handled this?
Aren't Sweden's numbers pretty high now?
And what are Victoria's numbers like now?

The conspiracy theorists have disappeared, unsurprisingly. That is what they do when they are proven wrong, they run away and find a new conspiracy.

Sweden's strategy is a major fail, it has not done anything other than cause needless deaths. Europe is in bad shape, although the US is looking at a horrible winter, they are past the point where the virus can be controlled and have so many problems in terms of trying to deal with it.
The conspiracy theorists have disappeared, unsurprisingly. That is what they do when they are proven wrong, they run away and find a new conspiracy.

Sweden's strategy is a major fail, it has not done anything other than cause needless deaths. Europe is in bad shape, although the US is looking at a horrible winter, they are past the point where the virus can be controlled and have so many problems in terms of trying to deal with it.
Lets just have a look at the theories:
- Its just the flu: proven wrong
- Herd immunity is better, just look at sweden: Swedens ****ed
- You can open up the country to normal the day cases seem pretty low, just like in europe: europes ****ed
- Its a conspiracy so that dictator dan can take control of the state: just plain stupid
- The lockdown is illegal: declared wrong in multiple court cases
- Its just a socialist conspiracy to take over: The socialist state (sweden) failed miserably and the dictatorship (china) suceeded
- 5G: a derp
Lets just have a look at the theories:
- Its just the flu: proven wrong
- Herd immunity is better, just look at sweden: Swedens f’ed
- You can open up the country to normal the day cases seem pretty low, just like in europe: europes f’ed
- Its a conspiracy so that dictator dan can take control of the state: just plain stupid
- The lockdown is illegal: declared wrong in multiple court cases
- Its just a socialist conspiracy to take over: The socialist state (sweden) failed miserably and the dictatorship (china) suceeded
- 5G: a derp

Also, COVID is a hoax to bring down Donald Trump
Masks kill you

Courtesy of our well educated US friends

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Wakey wakey

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