Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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It's a data site. The clue is in the name.

Well I had to ask because...

"As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 145 of the 193 member states of the United Nations. It has been a non-member observer state of the United Nations General Assembly since November 2012.[1][2]"

So quite clearly Palestine is recognised as a state and could quite clearly be included by world data as a state.

Comprehension is clearly not your forte.
Well I had to ask because...

"As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 145 of the 193 member states of the United Nations. It has been a non-member observer state of the United Nations General Assembly since November 2012.[1][2]"

So quite clearly Palestine is recognised as a state and could quite clearly be included by world data as a state.

Comprehension is clearly not your forte.

So you are a 2 state solution guy. Which borders do you recognise?

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I tried to discuss something reasonably, about how the use of language in the media matters for shaping how events are presented, and you're doing the whole 'you support Hamas' schtick that you keep resorting to.
You keep saying this yet you are trying to argue that Al-Jazeera is a reliable media source for reporting on the Hamas-Israel war despite being in full knowledge that an Al-Jazeera journalist is/was a Hamas operative that held an Israeli civilian hostage as collateral in the war it started.

You also have argued that Hamas recognises Israel under its charter (it doesn't) and that Hamas just want a state for the Palestinian people (it doesn't, it wants to control Gaza militarily at all cost). You've also argued there is a wider context to the Oct 7 attacks (there isn't - a wider context would be attacks purely on IDF targets).
Your use of false equivalence in this reply is pretty strange, as is the bizarre leap that someone is pro-Hamas because they point out that how language is used to describe events matters.

There's literal thousands of dead Palestinian civilians. The UN has said Israel has committed crimes against humanity. I don't think it's unreasonable to say Israel is guilty of mass murder. Describing it as 'crimes' and a 'disproportionate response' lets Israel and the IDF off the hook for the absolute atrocities they're committing. It lets people like ZEV - and his pro-war crime friends posting in this thread - off the hook for the atrocities they're supporting.
What a load of nonsense. Israel are guilty of war crimes. Hamas are guilty of an unprovoked terror attack starting the war. A war crimes commission will deal with both appropriately and harshly with the aim of ensuring such a war never happens again. You only seem interested in emotive language about Israel and much of the stuff you say matches what Hamas says publicly. There's no need to discuss it further - only you can ask yourself why this is the case.
My sympathy is towards the innocent civilians caught up in the crossfire. Largely the Palestinian ones who literally have no choice. They have nowhere to go, they have no vote, they have no homes, they have a far better armed adversary bombing their home to oblivion without a care in the world for the civilians they're killing. You seem to keep confusing this with pro-Hamas despite many, many posters having explained it to you on numerous occasions.

Your sympathy is towards the civilians caught in the crossfire unless they are the ones murdered by Hamas. I've just shown you that journalists who retracted their statements about Israel being responsible for Ah-Ahli contacted Al-Jazeera requesting they follow suit. You're not the slightest bit bothered that Al-Jazeera in this knowledge to this day still peddle the absolute lie that Israel were behind the Ah-Ahli massacre and further to this you go on to claim that Al-Jazeera are a reliable media source for the Hamas-Gaza war fully in the knowledge of these facts.
You keep saying this yet you are trying to argue that Al-Jazeera is a reliable media source for reporting on the Hamas-Israel war despite being in full knowledge that an Al-Jazeera journalist is/was a Hamas operative that held an Israeli civilian hostage as collateral in the war it started.

You also have argued that Hamas recognises Israel under its charter (it doesn't) and that Hamas just want a state for the Palestinian people (it doesn't, it wants to control Gaza militarily at all cost). You've also argued there is a wider context to the Oct 7 attacks (there isn't - a wider context would be attacks purely on IDF targets).

What a load of nonsense. Israel are guilty of war crimes. Hamas are guilty of an unprovoked terror attack starting the war. A war crimes commission will deal with both appropriately and harshly with the aim of ensuring such a war never happens again. You only seem interested in emotive language about Israel and much of the stuff you say matches what Hamas says publicly. There's no need to discuss it further - only you can ask yourself why this is the case.

Your sympathy is towards the civilians caught in the crossfire unless they are the ones murdered by Hamas. I've just shown you that journalists who retracted their statements about Israel being responsible for Ah-Ahli contacted Al-Jazeera requesting they follow suit. You're not the slightest bit bothered that Al-Jazeera in this knowledge to this day still peddle the absolute lie that Israel were behind the Ah-Ahli massacre and further to this you go on to claim that Al-Jazeera are a reliable media source for the Hamas-Gaza war fully in the knowledge of these facts.

Looks to me like another Zidane rant without any real factual basis.

You keep wanting to paint me as the bad guy here. I look forward to you reflecting back in 10 years time and wondering 'why the **** did I spend months arguing against the guys deeply opposed to war crimes?'
You only seem interested in emotive language about Israel

lol. Exactly as I said yesterday:

For example, the way you refer to things done by Hamas:

Hamas are guilty of an unprovoked terror attack starting the war.

As compared to things done by Israel:

Israel are guilty of war crimes.

This is what you're doing when you do things like this:

Describing it as 'crimes' and a 'disproportionate response' lets Israel and the IDF off the hook for the absolute atrocities they're committing. It lets people like ZEV - and his pro-war crime friends posting in this thread - off the hook for the atrocities they're supporting.
lol. Exactly as I said yesterday:

This is what you're doing when you do things like this:

Yes, exactly the way you referred yesterday by once again using false equivalences. This is a tactic we see you repeatedly engage in, often in a dishonest manner.

To make things absolutely clear and leave you with no further avenues of citing false equivalences in the instance of Israel doing what Hamas did on Oct 7 it would be absolutely guilty of launching an unprovoked terror attack. All things both sides are doing would be viewed as the same if the current war was reversed.
Yes, exactly the way you referred yesterday by once again using false equivalences. This is a tactic we see you repeatedly engage in, often in a dishonest manner.

To make things absolutely clear and leave you with no further avenues of citing false equivalences in the instance of Israel doing what Hamas did on Oct 7 it would be absolutely guilty of launching an unprovoked terror attack. All things both sides are doing would be viewed as the same if the current war was reversed.

You don’t think the ongoing apartheid might have provoked some kind of response?
You don’t think the ongoing apartheid might have provoked some kind of response?

Apartheid is a claim, not fact. And yes, there might have been some sort of response. Just not going into Kibbutz, raping / desecreating elderly people, murdering children.

Would be understandable if Hamas went after IDF bases as that is who their beef should be with. Not with grandamas and babies in communities nearest Gaza just because they dared to be Jewish.
All things both sides are doing would be viewed as the same if the current war was reversed.

It wouldn't. Israel have been doing horrible things to Palestinians for decades and you seem to just handwave it all away.

Israel is mass murdering Palestinians. If the term is suitable for what Hamas did, it's most certainly suitable for what Israel is doing daily.

Here's a nicely written quote from another poster on the SRP Thread:

Does anyone else wonder about these supposed greatest ever moral army unprecendented tactics to prevent civilian casualties?

“Roof knocking” on targets with non-explosive bombs so that civilians have time to flee before an attack. Anyone who is affiliated with Hamas just stays put?

Leaflet drops warning of air strikes? Again - Hamas members can't read?

Kind of leads me to believe these airstrikes aren't about attacking Hamas at all - just aimed at making all of Gaza a wasteland, unsuitable to life. Add in the destruction of hospitals, universities, libraries, parliament buildings, mosques, museums, churches, water infrastructure, bakeries, fecking graveyards - and it's looking like a clear case of ethnic cleansing to me.

I think the reason these tactics aren't usually used in a war, is that this isn't actually a war. War is between states. This is the annihilation of a people. This is Barbarossa revisited.

Latest estimate there are another 20,000 children missing, dead under rubble? Israel's heroic efforts to avoid civilian casualties are not worth a pinch of shit.

If anything, calling what Israel is doing 'mass murder' drastically undersells it.
It wouldn't. Israel have been doing horrible things to Palestinians for decades and you seem to just handwave it all away.

Israel is mass murdering Palestinians. If the term is suitable for what Hamas did, it's most certainly suitable for what Israel is doing daily.

Here's a nicely written quote from another poster on the SRP Thread:

If anything, calling what Israel is doing 'mass murder' drastically undersells it.

Nice quote, big on Hamas rhetoric, low on facts. And totally absolving Hamas of the fact that it started this war - what a surprise. Ignores the fact that Israel isn't doing the things in Gaza to Palestinians in West Bank, Jordan & Syria. What is your explanation for why Israel isn't bombing West Bank to the stone age? After all, according to you Israel are trying to murder all Palestinians. Where are the bombing runs in West Bank? Why isn't Israel trying to annihilate the large Palestinian community in Syria? Why aren't Palestinians being bombed to smithereens that are citizens of Israel? Once again, you're claiming Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians. Why isn't this happening in Israel? Before you go the whataboutisms and false equivalence route please restrict your response to explaining the lack of air strikes on Palestinian civilians in these areas.

Hamas-Israel is a war. Hamas' rhetoric is that is isn't. Even the war crimes report you quote states as much. Of course it isn't surprising that now you don't want to talk about the UN war crimes report because it doesn't support your theory that Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians.. Unlike yourself I'm more than willing to let UN investigate the war and take actions against those who have committed the most heinous of war crimes on both sides of the equation.
Nice quote, big on Hamas rhetoric, low on facts. And totally absolving Hamas of the fact that it started this war - what a surprise. Ignores the fact that Israel isn't doing the things in Gaza to Palestinians in West Bank, Jordan & Syria. What is your explanation for why Israel isn't bombing West Bank to the stone age? After all, according to you Israel are trying to murder all Palestinians. Where are the bombing runs in West Bank? Why isn't Israel trying to annihilate the large Palestinian community in Syria? Why aren't Palestinians being bombed to smithereens that are citizens of Israel? Once again, you're claiming Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians. Why isn't this happening in Israel? Before you go the whataboutisms and false equivalence route please restrict your response to explaining the lack of air strikes on Palestinian civilians in these areas.

Hamas-Israel is a war. Hamas' rhetoric is that is isn't. Even the war crimes report you quote states as much. Of course it isn't surprising that now you don't want to talk about the UN war crimes report because it doesn't support your theory that Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians.. Unlike yourself I'm more than willing to let UN investigate the war and take actions against those who have committed the most heinous of war crimes on both sides of the equation.

And there the real Zidane is.
And there the real Zidane is.

Yes, one that isn't prepared to repeat Hamas rhetoric like others.......

How's your response going to the question of why Palestinian citizens of Israel, West Banki, Syria & Jordan aren't subject to air strikes to murder them all?

Like always you deflect to counter accusations while ignoring a reasonable question.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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