Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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Don't know a single Jewish person.

Don't know a single practicing Christian.

Sorry I can't help you out.

Then where do you get all your zionist talking points from?

The only other place I can think of outside of those two groups, would be mainstream media. The plaything of big governments.
Strong Pro Israel lobby tonight, did you all get the new chat points from Murderous HQ?
Murderous HQ sounds like a good name for Hamas, but only one group of people around here get all their talking points from an embarrassing terrorist network.

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Then where do you get all your zionist talking points from?

The only other place I can think outside of those two groups, would be mainstream media.

Or I've never seen a single Jewish person in Australia acting up like total and utter religious nutter that's caused harm to anyone else.

Unlike the other mob.

I mean I only have to look at how the supporters of each group in this nation have acted to let me know all I need to know.

Anyone paying attention can see one group is far more threatening and criminal than the other.
So no evidence of who actually put it there?

Wasn't it in Sydney where an Assyrian Priest was stabbed?

Blokes dad has political connections.. You know, big government.

Blokes dad has political connections.. You know, big government.

Good thing they locked him up isn't it?

Might be time to start locking up the Pro-Palestinian crooks too?
Well the Christian population of Gaza has gone from 15% to under 2%.

In Lebanon the nation that had a Civil War started by Palestine that lead to far more dead than this conflict are seeing their Christian population begin to seriously decrease.

In 1932 Christians were a majority in Lebanon.
In 2010 they were 45% of the population.
In recent times it's believed the number is down to 32%

Hmm let me see, why would Christians not want to live in Gaza.....

What possible reason could they have to not want to live in Gaza for the past 75 years.....

I really wonder.
Ease up on the conspiracies. Clearly you're only interested in one side of the story, you only look for stuff that fits your narrative rather than attempting to find what the real story is.

Could easily find hundreds of examples of Israelis going out of their way to look after and treat Palestinians with the utmost respect and cone up with a similar post to yours.

But unlike yourself I wouldn't do that because it would not be an honest depiction of the real story. Quite clearly Israelis are doing horrible things to Palestinians. Palestinians are doing horrible things to Israelis.

Your propaganda direct work and I don't know why your even posting in thus thread anyway. This is about war crimes.

Conspiracies? Which conspiracies are they? Which of these events is a conspiracy?

You actually have no idea, do you? You have no idea about what's actually going on.

All those things I posted - yeah they're war crimes. Executing civilians? War crime. Transferring your population to land obtained through war? Yeah that's a war crime. Looks like this is the perfect thread for it.

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You do realise Palestinians are being murdered in the West Bank in record numbers, right? No Hamas to blame here.

How do you explain away that?

I think you're the one that is a little gullible here mate.

Let's ignore the fact that we can't see any IDF anywhere in the video...

That bloke doesn't even have any holes in him. He's not even bleeding a little bit.:think::think::think:
Your claim is Israel is mass murdering Palestinian civilians.

it is your contention that Israel are mass murdering Palestinian civilians.

what is your explanation for the fact that Israel isn't doing what it is doing in Gaza to Palestinian civilians in Syria, Israel, West Bank & Jordan?

in order to mass murder a group, you don't have to kill all of them.

Ooh boy wowee Zidane.

Any chance of a comment on the below?

So - to clarify - you believe the ~ 1200 Israelis killed (notice how I'm not distinguishing whether they were civilian or not) on October 7th is mass murder, but you don't believe the ~ 37,000 Palestinians killed (again, notice how I'm not distinguishing civilian or not for either side here) is mass murder?
Are all civilian casualties in war "murder"? Do you even know what murder means? :confusedv1:

He is probably not answering you because your question is really stupid.
It's not murder if you send a pamphlet saying we are about to bomb your house!
Are all civilian casualties in war "murder"? Do you even know what murder means? :confusedv1:

He is probably not answering you because your question is really stupid.

You realise Zidane is the one arguing that the ~ 1200 dead Israelis on October 7th are the victims of mass murder, but the ~ 37,000 dead Palestinians since are not victims of mass murder. I'm not the one arguing one is mass murder but the other isn't.

As to whether I understand what murder is, you'd have to take that up with the UN:

The below are the Legal Analysis findings as relates to the term 'murder':

Against Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups:

The Commission found that the war crimes of intentionally directing attacks against civilians and murder or wilful killing were committed by shooting and killing residents of kibbutzim and other civilian locations, including women, children and older persons, and by indiscriminately firing projectiles towards populated areas in Israel. The Commission also found that the war crimes of torture, inhuman or cruel treatment and of destroying or seizing the property of an adversary were committed.

Against Israel:

The Commission found that the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare; murder or wilful killing; intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects; forcible transfer; sexual violence; outrages upon personal dignity; and SGBV amounting to torture or inhuman and cruel treatment were committed.

The Commission found that the chapeau elements of crimes against humanity have been fulfilled, namely a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population in Gaza. The Commission found that the crimes against humanity of extermination; murder; gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys; forcible transfer; and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment were committed.

Now, to expand the discussion to cover the 'mass' term as it might relate to murder:

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has given us some definitions:

I'll bold some words I believe to be relevant.

Mass Atrocities
Instances of “large-scale, systematic violence against civilian populations.” Although the term mass atrocities has no formal legal definition, it usually refers to genocide (as defined above), crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing.

In this instance, we see they refer to 'crimes against humanity' and 'war crimes' as example of a Mass Atrocity. We know from the UN document that Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have committed war crimes, thus giving rise to a 'mass atrocity'. We also know from the UN document that Israel and the IDF (aka ISF) have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, thus giving rise to a 'mass atrocity'

So I assume we'd all be in agreement that a Mass Atrocity has been committed by parties on both side?

Mass Killing
The deliberate actions of armed groups, including but not limited to state security forces, rebel armies, and other militias, that result in the deaths of at least 1,000 noncombatant civilians targeted as part of a specific group over a period of one year or less.

As regards 'mass killing'.

On October 7th we know ~ 1200 Israeli's were killed, a mix of civilian and non-civilian. Of which I believe 859 were civilians. So whilst it doesn't meet the 'at least 1,000' noncombatant civilians figure in that definition, it's certainly close enough that I'd be comfortable saying a Mass Killing occurred.

We've got a figure of ~ 37,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza at the moment. We don't know the exact figure of civilian causalities, but even taking the most 'generous' figure provided by Israel we have far surpassed the 1,000 civilian deaths requirement, and we're still well within a 1 year period. I'd say this means we're comfortably able to make the claim that a Mass Killing has occured.

So, given all the above, how is it possible to claim that a mass-murder occurred against Israelis, but a mass-murder hasn't occurred against Palestinians? Thus asking for Zidane to clarify his claim.

I hope this clears it up for you Jazny.
You realise Zidane is the one arguing that the ~ 1200 dead Israelis on October 7th are the victims of mass murder, but the ~ 37,000 dead Palestinians since are not victims of mass murder. I'm not the one arguing one is mass murder but the other isn't.

As to whether I understand what murder is, you'd have to take that up with the UN:

The below are the Legal Analysis findings as relates to the term 'murder':

Against Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups:

Against Israel:

Now, to expand the discussion to cover the 'mass' term as it might relate to murder:

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has given us some definitions:

I'll bold some words I believe to be relevant.

In this instance, we see they refer to 'crimes against humanity' and 'war crimes' as example of a Mass Atrocity. We know from the UN document that Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have committed war crimes, thus giving rise to a 'mass atrocity'. We also know from the UN document that Israel and the IDF (aka ISF) have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, thus giving rise to a 'mass atrocity'

So I assume we'd all be in agreement that a Mass Atrocity has been committed by parties on both side?

As regards 'mass killing'.

On October 7th we know ~ 1200 Israeli's were killed, a mix of civilian and non-civilian. Of which I believe 859 were civilians. So whilst it doesn't meet the 'at least 1,000' noncombatant civilians figure in that definition, it's certainly close enough that I'd be comfortable saying a Mass Killing occurred.

We've got a figure of ~ 37,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza at the moment. We don't know the exact figure of civilian causalities, but even taking the most 'generous' figure provided by Israel we have far surpassed the 1,000 civilian deaths requirement, and we're still well within a 1 year period. I'd say this means we're comfortably able to make the claim that a Mass Killing has occured.

So, given all the above, how is it possible to claim that a mass-murder occurred against Israelis, but a mass-murder hasn't occurred against Palestinians? Thus asking for Zidane to clarify his claim.

I hope this clears it up for you Jazny.
This whole thing is wrong. Only winner the weapons manufacturers.
Israel shouldn't need to do 3 years compulsory military service, palestine should have its own state.
I firmly believe USA and United Nations could sort this out easily, I guess it could cost the US president of the day office, so why would they.
USA can get round this by not vetoing UN resolutions, that way it is UN not USA doing it.
This whole thing is wrong. Only winner the weapons manufacturers.
Israel shouldn't need to do 3 years compulsory military service, palestine should have its own state.
I firmly believe USA and United Nations could sort this out easily, I guess it could cost the US president of the day office, so why would they.
USA can get round this by not vetoing UN resolutions, that way it is UN not USA doing it.

Weirdly, it might still cost the sitting US President office as the voting cohort he's relying upon (e.g. politically engaged young voters) are the ones that are camped out protesting for Palestinian rights but he's deeply invested in supporting Israel.

Trumps voters meanwhile don't care about his stance on Israel.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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