It sure is a coincidence that a guy who from the start has been openly anti COVID vaccine just happens to have since told us about all these unverified close personal experiences with people suffering significant side effects from it, isn't it? This is at least the third time he's told such a story.Sidebar (I’ve tried my best not to bite so far, sorry): Blood clots — thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) — are clinically associated with the Astra-Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson adenovirus-based vaccines, not the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
There was one case involving a chap who developed DVT shortly after his second Pfizer vaccine, but he was found to have inferior vena cava abnormality (which leads to clots) and was a pack a day smoker (which is a risk factor for clots), so, draw your own conclusions there.
The serious Pfizer side effect is myocarditis/pericarditis.