How To Watched threads, alerts and the Watch Console: The latest news.

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Over the last few years we have put together some new features which change how alerts and Watched content works.

Settings for the items we're talking about here can be found in your Preferences page:

What did we do?

We've installed some in-house and third-party addons which:

* Give you the Watch Console. This is the bar which shows the top 5 (or other number if you changed that setting in your Preferences) unread threads and forums that you are Watching (or subscribed to).

* Changed how alerts work to give you a mouse-over drop-down for each of the Unread icons up the top right of your screen.

* Summarise alerts, and let you change when alerts are marked as read.

* Also the software gives you the option to accept Push notifications to your desktop via your web browser.

Which settings can you change?

Right up the top of your Preferences you've got:


About half of these are self-explanatory, but let's explain them all anyway.

Email options:

* Receive news and update emails - This will put you on the list for vital admin emails. No ads or anything like that, just things you need to know, mainly given you have personal info stored with BigFooty. Even with this off, you MAY get very rare emails required by law or best practice. Privacy and information storage laws change, and you will need to be informed sometimes.

* Receive emails for user tags - Sends an email notification when you have been tagged in a post. That is someone types (for me) @ Chief in a post to alert you.

* Receive email when a new conversation message is received - An email is sent when a new message is posted in any of your Private Conversations.

* Receive email when a new discussion is started in a group you belong to - This relates to Social Groups. Try them. They're useful.

Content options:

* Automatically watch content you create… - Any new threads or media, you will Watch it and be alerted according to your preferences.
  • and receive email notifications - Like it says on the tin.
* Automatically watch content you interact with… - If you post in a thread or Like a post in a thread, you will automatically watch that thread. You can get a similar effect by visiting the "Threads in which you have participated" link:

  • and receive email notifications - Again, you get an email, not just an alert on the site.
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More settings you can change.

About half way down your Preferences page you get some more alert-related options.


These have some contextual information, so I don't need to repeat that.

Alerts page summarising probably needs a little explanation.

When you get this number of alerts from the same source (person etc), they will be summarised in a single entry that you can click to expand. This saves a little space in your alerts and tidies it up a little.

Persistent alerts enabled might take a couple of read-throughs to understand. Shout out if you don't get it. The "based on your settings" bit means the settings in the posts above and below this one.
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Push notifications

Just below Alerts page and summary settings are the Notifications settings.

ALERT means your alerts drop-down/page on the site.

PUSH means notifications sent to your desktop via your web browser.

You love desktop messages popping up while you're trying to play a video game! (Set that sort of thing on your computer - it varies how your computer treats these notifications when it receives them).

The list is longer than this, but here's most of it:


This section lets you set just about anything individually.

Breathe in the tedium!

But if you have a particular alert that is always annoying you or that you really must see, this is the place to make sure you get those alerts and push notifications.

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Then down towards the bottom of the Preferences page we have...

Watch Console and SuperNav

These are our babies. If they go wrong, it's our developer who gets roasted.

We've tried to include the relevant information on the the page right there. You can get to these settings by clicking the little cog icon ⚙ on the far right of the Watch Console bar on the site.

Watch Console is the bar underneath the site's top navigation section. It has either a fire icon :fire: or a speech bubble icon 🗨 on the far left of the bar.

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I've been getting unwanted alerts from Sydney
Got one just now no Oppo supporter

I don't want them thanks
Try the solution here:

I sent out an alert about this at the time, but people may have dismissed it as another Sydney board thread.
Try the solution here:

I sent out an alert about this at the time, but people may have dismissed it as another Sydney board thread.
thank you

What other forums have you had to unwatch?

Some months ago, had to unwatch the Sydney forum.

I checked the watched forum list yesterday. Had to unwatch a couple I had never seen before. I think one was “She-rona”. Forgot which was the other one… some obscure sports one, I think?

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How To Watched threads, alerts and the Watch Console: The latest news.

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