Quarterback Style
Thank you. We hate you too.I have any number of things to say.
Firstly, I have a hatred of your club, a bone deep, pure emotionally based sense. I live for your pain, in just so many, many ways.
Second, I would lament that the competition has granted you so even a Grand Final. I have watched game after game after game to feel the hair on the side of my head; during the GF, I made a pact should Richmond win that I'd get the Dusty do.
So when it hurts me to say, as a Carlton supporter - as a human being - that, beyond all else - beyond the pain and the flagellation, beyond the whips and the agony - to say, well done, I mean it, I want you and yours to understand my full meaning.
To all those who are true, to all those who have bleed to be Richmond, to those who have stayed through the darkest times, when the wolves and the AFL have twin advocated mergers between Richmond and others. To those people who have remained Richmond, well ******* done!
For tonight, and only tonight, go the tigs!