Analysis We need to chat ( some of our more sensitive posters, probably shouldn't enter)

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I have no doubt that now that, it the Shaw years and later, and possibly during the end of the Scott era, we weren't fit for purpose as a football club. Our recruiting, player development, the medical side and our coaching fell below the professional standard required for a football club. I obviously don't know the reason, but I suspect that the penny pinching we undertook to pay off our debt was a significant factor.

I didn't mind the Noble appointment when Roos was appointed to provide some support. Hoped that Roos would identify some of our core deficiencies and help turn them around. Turned out that neither Noble or Roos were fit for purpose.

So now change, through Clarkson and Viney, is finally here. But I reckon we're starting from a very long way back, and it's going to take us a commensurate amount of time to turn things around.
Two of the best coaches in the last 65 years - Barassi and Clarkson - both said how important it was to have a competent board untied behind the footy department and all focused on winning a flag. We have that at least so everything else is gonna be alot easier than it was in the past 20 years. Doesn't mean it'll be easy but at least its a stable place to begin building.

I hope we play finals next year and are top four or top two the year after.

In two years Jy, Logue, Zurhaar and Larkey will all be 26 - 27 years old. LDU and Sleevo not far behind. If they aren't among the dominant sides in the comp then something has gone wrong (or they aren't very good.)

We have a bunch of players from the 2016 and 2017 drafts and we need to target more players for trade from those drafts and both 2015 and 2018 over the next year two to fill certain list holes. Not just anyone tho. I wouldn't mind Balta. I reckon he's a better player than CCJ.
I reckon EVW looked quite a capable prospect. But shoulder, shoulder, PCL, PCL then capped off with an ACL put paid to that.

It's also easy to forget the quarter Walker played before his "minor" knee injury. He had a ripper. Then the injury followed by the undetected injury crueled that.

As Ferbs mentioned, s**t luck coupled with other s**t decisions left us with nowt.

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Walkers was a reach man, and was as timid as Spicer.

EVW was very average, Scott no one wanted at the time. Taylor would be ok in a decent side.

Not having a crack at you Mickey, just heck the average NMFC poster blows mind mind with how they see our squad.

I’m hoping we go KPF with our first pick. Have lost all faith in Charlie. Don’t think he’ll ever temper his enthusiasm for snapping himself in half.

Oh well
B McDonald ??? Corr
HB Thomas Logue ???
C. ??? LDU. ???
HF. Zurhaar ??? Stephenson
F. Curtis. Larkey. Sheezel

Rucks; ??? Simpkin ???

Inter; Bergman, ??? ,???,???

So leaves ; Wardlaw, Goater, George & Spicer believe it or not .
Then Goldy, JZ, Cunners and Shiels.

The rest don’t inspire me any tbh.

Yes some will say Powell and Phillips, maybe they’ll be ok. Hope so

But and I’m being honest there are at least a doz other ordinary teams. So it will turn quicker than some think

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B McDonald ??? Corr
HB Thomas Logue ???
C. ??? LDU. ???
HF. Zurhaar ??? Stephenson
F. Curtis. Larkey. Sheezel

Rucks; ??? Simpkin ???

Inter; Bergman, ??? ,???,???

So leaves ; Wardlaw, Goater, George & Spicer believe it or not .
Then Goldy, JZ, Cunners and Shiels.

The rest don’t inspire me any tbh.

Yes some will say Powell and Phillips, maybe they’ll be ok. Hope so

But and I’m being honest there are at least a doz other ordinary teams. So it will turn quicker than some think

You could probably cut harder
  • McDonald - the 'rooster'
  • Curtis - can't run or find the ball
  • Stepho - feather
  • Corr - battler
  • Thomas - would rather dress up nice

Am I being too harsh?

I would just leave Simpkin, LDU, Logue, Larkey, Sheezel and Zurhaar. Maybe Wardlaw is okay. Comben who knows if he'll play a game. Cut the rest.
B McDonald ??? Corr
HB Thomas Logue ???
C. ??? LDU. ???
HF. Zurhaar ??? Stephenson
F. Curtis. Larkey. Sheezel

Rucks; ??? Simpkin ???

Inter; Bergman, ??? ,???,???

So leaves ; Wardlaw, Goater, George & Spicer believe it or not .
Then Goldy, JZ, Cunners and Shiels.

The rest don’t inspire me any tbh.

Yes some will say Powell and Phillips, maybe they’ll be ok. Hope so

But and I’m being honest there are at least a doz other ordinary teams. So it will turn quicker than some think
Lmac and corr can piss off to
You could probably cut harder
  • McDonald - the 'rooster'
  • Curtis - can't run or find the ball
  • Stepho - feather
  • Corr - battler
  • Thomas - would rather dress up nice

Am I being too harsh?

I would just leave Simpkin, LDU, Logue, Larkey, Sheezel and Zurhaar. Maybe Wardlaw is okay. Comben who knows if he'll play a game. Cut the rest.
Yes a bit harsh lol
Lmac and corr can piss off to
they have their faults but are worthy of a spot on out 20 deep list
Yes a bit harsh lol

they have their faults but are worthy of a spot on out 20 deep list
What’s traits from Lmac do you like - getting beaten one on one , taking an hour to put foot to ball , trying to kick it 100 metres and doing all this with a dopey smirk on his face
We kicked more against Lions and Carlton than most teams have this year. About on par against Freo and about a two goals under against port. All without help for Larkey.

We concede bc of turnovers. We have turnovers bc of basic skill errors. We have skill errors bc everyone too focused on game plan.

Persist. Remember the whole “it’s good to go back to basics” comments everytime we changed coach. **** that. Persist. If they can’t learn the game plan, **** off.

When the game plan starts to become second nature all will start to fall into place. We’re a lot closer than ppl think. When it clicks it’ll click.
From today you could quite easily cut the following players that are either not up to it or too fragile to be part of a successful club.

Curtis Taylor
Flynn Perez
Bailey Scott
Aiden Corr
Ben McKay
Luke McDonald
Jack Mahony
Phoenix Spicer

The following we don’t know if they will make it yet.

Paul Curtis
Muller Bergman
Blake Drury
Darcy Tucker

I’m hopeful for all four, but it’s too early to make a call one way or another.

Then you have the guys that won’t be there soon.

Todd Goldstein
Jack Ziebell
Liam Shiels
Hugh Greenwood

Jaidyn Stephenson is flaky, but capable.

So you are left with

Jy Simpkin
Luke Davies-Uniacke
Harry Sheezel
Nick Larkey
Griffen Logie
Cam Zurhaar

Anyone involved with list management and development over the last 5 years + and still at the club should be moved on. The list is ****ed.

Even if players like Wardlaw, Goater, Comben, Brayden George etc come on, the list has way too many holes and too much shit, with not enough coming through.
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We kicked more against Lions and Carlton than most teams have this year. About on par against Freo and about a two goals under against port. All without help for Larkey.

We concede bc of turnovers. We have turnovers bc of basic skill errors. We have skill errors bc everyone too focused on game plan.

Persist. Remember the whole “it’s good to go back to basics” comments everytime we changed coach. * that. Persist. If they can’t learn the game plan, * off.

When the game plan starts to become second nature all will start to fall into place. We’re a lot closer than ppl think. When it clicks it’ll click.
The problem is that even if the game plan is sound there are too many shitmen on our list to execute it well and execute it consistently.
From today you could quite easily cut the following players that are either not up to it or too fragile to be part of a successful club.

Curtis Taylor
Flynn Perez
Bailey Scott
Aiden Corr
Ben McKay
Luke McDonald
Jack Mahony
Phoenix Spicer

The following we don’t know if they will make it yet.

Paul Curtis
Muller Bergman
Blake Drury
Darcy Tucker

I’m hopeful for all four, but it’s too early to make a call one way or another.

Then you have the guts that won’t be there soon.

Todd Goldstein
Jack Ziebell
Liam Shiels
Hugh Greenwood

Jaidyn Stephenson is flaky, but capable.

So you are left with

Jy Simpkin
Luke Davies-Uniacke
Harry Sheezel
Nick Larkey
Griffen Logie
Cam Zurhaar

Anyone involved with list management over the last 5 years + should be moved on. The list is ****ed.

Even if players like Wardlaw, Goater, Comben, Brayden George etc come on, the list has way too many holes and too much s**t, with not enough coming through.
Might have a bit to do with development but more to do with the players we’ve selected

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From today you could quite easily cut the following players that are either not up to it or too fragile to be part of a successful club.

Curtis Taylor
Flynn Perez
Bailey Scott
Aiden Corr
Ben McKay
Luke McDonald
Jack Mahony
Phoenix Spicer

The following we don’t know if they will make it yet.

Paul Curtis
Muller Bergman
Blake Drury
Darcy Tucker

I’m hopeful for all four, but it’s too early to make a call one way or another.

Then you have the guts that won’t be there soon.

Todd Goldstein
Jack Ziebell
Liam Shiels
Hugh Greenwood

Jaidyn Stephenson is flaky, but capable.

So you are left with

Jy Simpkin
Luke Davies-Uniacke
Harry Sheezel
Nick Larkey
Griffen Logie
Cam Zurhaar

Anyone involved with list management over the last 5 years + should be moved on. The list is ****ed.

Even if players like Wardlaw, Goater, Comben, Brayden George etc come on, the list has way too many holes and too much s**t, with not enough coming through.

All these blokes in the “keeper “ are 24-25, apart from Sheezel. Can we build a team around them in 6 years?
We kicked more against Lions and Carlton than most teams have this year. About on par against Freo and about a two goals under against port. All without help for Larkey.

We concede bc of turnovers. We have turnovers bc of basic skill errors. We have skill errors bc everyone too focused on game plan.

Persist. Remember the whole “it’s good to go back to basics” comments everytime we changed coach. * that. Persist. If they can’t learn the game plan, * off.

When the game plan starts to become second nature all will start to fall into place. We’re a lot closer than ppl think. When it clicks it’ll click.

I agree with you but we also have many limited players, many.
I have spent the last 3 seasons wishing we'd get beaten. ( hated myself for it fyi) I was super excited by the prospect of watching us compete under al clarko in the year of the Lord 2023.
Well not much has changed, we have a better squad than we've had over the last 3 seasons, and today's result was as bad as anything we've dished up in the past. Not going to bother analysing the fact we got analysed. It was there for the football world to see.

The Hawks defeat was also catastrophic and I wasn't a bit surprised the Blues copped a belting against the Crows. We are once again closing in on averaging 100 points against every week. With many more options in the back six than we've had in a while.
Someone said that Sheezel may well win our B&F and as laughable as that should be, you'd think he'll go close.

I'm not sure how we arrived here but alas we are here and I still feel finals in 2025 are a real chance, I also don't rate the quality of the comp, think it is quite poor. That helps us I suppose.

On to the real issue at hand. In alphabetical order

  1. Bergman
  2. Comben
  3. Corr
  4. Cunnington
  5. Curtis
  6. Drury*
  7. George*
  8. Goater
  9. Goldy
  10. Greenwood
  11. Harvey*
  12. Howe
  13. Larkey
  14. Logue
  15. McKay
  16. Phillips
  17. Powell
  18. Sheezel
  19. Sheils
  20. Simpkin
  21. Stephenson
  22. Thomas*
  23. Tucker
  24. Wardlaw*
  25. Xerri
  26. Ziebell
  27. Zurhaar

That is our AFL capable squad, the * I haven't seen as yet, so I'll give then a chance. The rest aren't any good and for 99% they never will be good enough for AFL football, regardless of how poor a standard it is.

The break down as follows.

The below fab five I believe won't be playing in season 2025, so leaves us with 22

  1. Goldy
  2. Cunners
  3. JZ
  4. Greenwood
  5. Shiels

The below flaky four make the San Andreas seem stable, leaves us with 18.
  1. McDonald
  2. McKay
  3. Corr
  4. Howe

The good news, the below are our future

  1. Bergman
  2. Comben
  3. Corr
  4. Curtis
  5. Goater
  6. Larkey
  7. Logue
  8. LDU
  9. Phillips
  10. Powell
  11. Sheezel
  12. Simpkin
  13. Stephenson
  14. Xerri
  15. Zurhaar

May be the above is bad news as there isn't many of them.

Then of course; * Haven't seen them play

  1. George- hope he is as good as they say.
  2. Wardlaw- very unfit, but that is actually very exciting if you think about it
  3. Drury- don't know anything about him
  4. Harvey- isn't impressing many on the track with his efforts fyi.

For the rest, you could all be delisted without causing a ripple. Now I'm not suggesting we delist 18 at seasons end, but we *en should.
This is dire and I hope we're smart enough to let McKay walk and cash in big time.
Head to the draft with 3 first rounders and shake them about , see if we get a bite.

Collingwood have moved on great players and it never seems to set them back.

oh well

Couple of questions. 1) re letting McKay walk. From all reports if we do let him walk, offers from other clubs will be around 400k mark. That’s hardly going to give us the compensation we are after.

2) given CCJ has kicked 9.2 in the VFL today and given he hasn’t really had a good run at it, I hope he gets a fair run at it

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We kicked more against Lions and Carlton than most teams have this year. About on par against Freo and about a two goals under against port. All without help for Larkey.

We concede bc of turnovers. We have turnovers bc of basic skill errors. We have skill errors bc everyone too focused on game plan.

Persist. Remember the whole “it’s good to go back to basics” comments everytime we changed coach. * that. Persist. If they can’t learn the game plan, * off.

When the game plan starts to become second nature all will start to fall into place. We’re a lot closer than ppl think. When it clicks it’ll click.
100% spot on . Expected 100 + pt loss to Port, but the team didn't lie down....they simply looked like they were trying to play a bit more clever. Port shut down the many little errors
I agree with you but we also have many limited players, many.
How many blokes do 80% things at least to a satisfactory level but then the last 20% is coachkilling bullshit? So many. The fact that most of those players don't have an elite attribute to at least offset it just rubs salt in the wound.
If I was a senior coach that's been at the club for 2-3+ years now, I'd be very worried come the offseason.
They're contributing to our losing culture and need to go.
Couple of questions. 1) re letting McKay walk. From all reports if we do let him walk, offers from other clubs will be around 400k mark. That’s hardly going to give us the compensation we are after.

2) given CCJ has kicked 9.2 in the VFL today and given he hasn’t really had a good run at it, I hope he gets a fair run at it

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I believe we will let McKay walk. The dudes a pain in the arse. If we end up with an early second, that’s a valuable pick. Just we have in the past wasted them. I think we’d get a first but lets see. Either that or a PP. Easier for the AFL to overpay for Magoo.

CCJ- it’s year six and he’s shown not much at any stage of his career. Kicking 9 is a good start. He should come into the side.

He doesn’t make us any quicker fwiw. We preferred Comben.

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