I'm angry at the development and coaches more than I am Lachie Jones.
He has all the fundamental physical characteristics to make a very good AFL footballer.
Cleanliness with hands is something that can absolutely be taught. I'd argue it is one of the easiest things that you can get better at with effective coaching, instruction and practice - not training - but practice. Repetition, repetition, let's do it again.
Yes confidence plays a part and everyone makes mistakes, no one is expecting him to be prime Darren Jarman, but the simple basic first take, body behind the line of the ball, thumbs back, keep your eye on the pill at all times type stuff is understood by most U15s.
It's an utter indictment on everyone involved in the last few years of player development that we have a regular player that is this bad at... catching and picking up the ball.
He has all the fundamental physical characteristics to make a very good AFL footballer.
Cleanliness with hands is something that can absolutely be taught. I'd argue it is one of the easiest things that you can get better at with effective coaching, instruction and practice - not training - but practice. Repetition, repetition, let's do it again.
Yes confidence plays a part and everyone makes mistakes, no one is expecting him to be prime Darren Jarman, but the simple basic first take, body behind the line of the ball, thumbs back, keep your eye on the pill at all times type stuff is understood by most U15s.
It's an utter indictment on everyone involved in the last few years of player development that we have a regular player that is this bad at... catching and picking up the ball.