Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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I only go twice per week, one day upper and second day lower.

Feel like I'm not progressing, despite my lifts all increasing. Probably just a mental thing.

My single leg squats are up to 40kg x 6 now, much better than the 10kg I started on when I couldn't even keep my balance for 5 reps.
I'll be rapt when I can push out 60kg for 8+

Currently one leg squatting 55kg x 6

Didn't think my progress had been this slow, but progress is progress I guess.

I wanna see how much I can lift with a normal barbell squat, but I haven't done one in a long time, worried I'll have back pain all week.

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does it matter how much you can squat?

Not really at all, just curious

Not sure what once a week frequency would be good for other than if you were in season and trying to maintain strength levels

Seems to be pretty good for strength gain.

It's not ideal, but with work 5-6 days a week (very physical) and trying to fit in other leisure activities, it's fine for me.
I guess at the beginner/novice stage the CNS adaptations would still dictate strength gain increases even at a once a week frequency

You can just about do anything as a novice and still progress

It's like how a lot of people appear to lose fat on a deficit and simultaneously gain suprising amounts of strength

Better than nothing I guess
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I guess at the beginner/novice stage the CNS adaptations would still dictate strength gain increases even at a once a week frequency

You can just about do anything as a novice and still progress

It's like how a lot of people appear to lose fat on a deficit and simultaneously gain suprising amounts of strength

Better than nothing I guess

It's not that complicated. You can train legs once a week and still get stronger as an experienced lifter.
It's not that complicated. You can train legs once a week and still get stronger as an experienced lifter.
The volume would have to be astronomical, but even then I highly doubt it. I don't mean novice as not experienced, I mean it in training adaptation terms, which is evident by your weighted lunges (Unless that weight is quite a lot for your BW). At those weights it would still indicate you are experiencing the "novice effect" which is a CNS adaptation to resistance exercise. (Given you are finding strength increases at such low training frequency... Would indicate you are still experiencing this phenomenon.

By training movements once a week, I doubt you've progressed anywhere close to the intermediate phase wherein the CNS adaptations begin to plateau, which by then higher volumes are introduced. Even with a Bill Starr/Starting Strength type basic novice strength program where you lift heavy 3x a week frequency, it still takes a 4-6 months on average to get to that point where linear progress stalls
Hey guys, I've recently started hitting the gym again and just looking for any feedback you might have.

I'm one of those on again/off again types with the gym and I've determined that one of the main issues I've had was that I want to keep it simple, and not spend too long in there at once. With this is mind I've picked out a few compound lifts to hit the whole body so I'm not wasting time doing isolation exercises. I've split it into two days that I'll do twice a week each pending other sports that come up through the week.

Currently ~180cm, ~70kg. Goals are to add strength with minimal mass gain. Then once I've reached my strength goals I'll start doing a bit of running to build speed and speed endurance.

1. Back Squat - Bench Press - Pull up - Core

2. Back Squat - Deadlift - Overhead Press - Rows

All exercises will be 4sets X 6reps

- Squats are ATG
- I can't manage too many pull ups so I'm not starting at 4x6 but I'll work up to it
- Core is a combination of planks, leg raises etc for a few minutes

Living at uni my diet is restricted by dining hall food, and VERY restricted by budget. Also our sports are inconsistent in that it's not a year long season, it's random sports for a few weeks at a time so that'll impact if I can get in 4 times a week or only 2-3.

Another issue I'm having is I've been getting knee pain around the patellar tendon of both knees, it's mostly when I squat or climb stairs but I get the occasional ache just when I'm sitting around. My squat form is generally pretty solid but if I was nitpicking I'd say I squat through my toes more than I should as opposed to all on the heels. I'm hoping I can just roll it out and stretch before each session but wondering if anyone else has had something similar and could share their cures?

Cheers guys

Also apologies if all this has been covered, I only got through reading the first 65 pages of this thread
1 - Do 1 day light/technique for squats and the other day heavy

2 - In fact do that for every exercise as your frequency doubles then

3 - So day 1 do squat/oh/rows 3 x 5 at about 50% of the heavy day all in a'll take 5mins and serve as a decent warm up for the main lifts...then do the bs/bp/pu as you've said

4 - Work in pairs so your utilising your rest periods instead of checking fact you could pair 1 of the light exercises above with a heavy 1 if you wanted but don't double up the same movement/muscle group

5 - Don't go 'too minimialist" or you'll barely get a training effect
cptkirk, cheers for the reply mate, just a quick question.

For point 3 I'm reading it as you're suggesting I should do all 6 lifts every day, just alternating between light/heavy. So 3xlight, 3xheavy.

But for point 4 I'm reading it as you're suggesting to just fill my rest time with a lighter exercise to cut down time. So light/heavy/light/heavy...

I could be misinterpreting this but if you could clear up which you mean (if either at all) that'd be great

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day 1
Deadlift light / pull ups heavy
Oh light / squat heavy
Rows light / Bench heavy

Day 2
Bench light / rows heavy
Squat light / oh heavy
Pull ups 50% volume / deadlift heavy

Cheers mate, you're a legend! I'll keep at it for a while and have to post letting you know how I get on :thumbsu:
Anyone tried Y3T?
I've been using it for the past 4 months and I feel I've seen more improvement with this than anything I can remember. Gaining muscle and strength. I have to say that my work ethic has a lot to do with it since I have been working a lot harder than I ever have. Worth a look IMO
Looks interesting - day 4 shoulders the day after doing chest/tris might be a bit tough for anyone if DOMS come into play.

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Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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