Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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Yes, but we are not allowed in the gym unless I pick fitness as a subject next year and get in. (i'm going to pick it)
You sure a teacher won't supervise during lunch? Or they won't offer a lunchtime use?

Pretty rough.

You might need to invest in some bigger weights for home. Marketplace is filled with it.

The better people here will suggest things for you to do
You sure a teacher won't supervise during lunch? Or they won't offer a lunchtime use?

Pretty rough.

You might need to invest in some bigger weights for home. Marketplace is filled with it.

The better people here will suggest things for you to do
Nah, We just aren't allowed to use it at lunch. Thanks for your help i will try and save some money for some 7.5-10kg weights
Hey guys,
I am 14 years old (turning 15) and i am 165cm and 51kg and looking for advice for what exercises I should do for playing forward line. I have 3kg weights and my parents won't allow me to go to the gym. What should I do?

This might be worth a look, is based around minimal equipment and a good, general starting point that should get you ready for when you've got access to a barbell, bench and squat rack.

If / once you have access to a barbell, bench and squat rack take a look at Stronglifts or Starting Strength as a really easy to follow, high quality basis for general strength.

Don't get caught up in following fitness influencers and such, most of them have a long history in strength training and a really good base of strength or are just doing stuff for attention. Either way what they're doing is probably not applicable to you*.

*(There is a handful of good ones depending on your goals and once you know more you'll be able to better filter out the BS from the useful advice)

Sebastian Oreb ( explains it really well when he started working with guys from other sports (e.g. not just powerlifters) and realising that whilst they may be experts at their chosen sport, they're novices in the strength training world. They didn't need anything weird or fancy, just the high quality basics.

Thanks for the help so far. Are there any exercises you guys would recommend. (I play starting ruck rover lower div side.)I know shoulders, legs, and back are good, but any specific exercises I should be doing?
Compound exercises buddy and eat a few more calories

But as you play footy and are still developing and some gyms may not accept you yet on age grounds as you're only 14, I would focus alot on bodyweight exercises at the moment then once you're about 16 you'll be ready to upgrade to the gym (most gyms let you in at 15-16)

If your parents are happy to buy you equipment, I would suggest finding a good 2nd hand power tower so you can do exercises like dips, chin ups and ab work and probably a few bands also so if chin ups/dips are too hard to begin with you can use bands to assist taking your bodyweight off


This is a 2nd hand power tower, $50 on Gumtree in Melbourne

You can do chin ups, dips, push ups, leg raises/tucks on this and that'll be great for initial upper body development, to build your legs, bodyweight squats and lunges, calf raises etc would help, you can do hamstring exercises with bands also.
Thanks for the help so far. Are there any exercises you guys would recommend. (I play starting ruck rover lower div side.)I know shoulders, legs, and back are good, but any specific exercises I should be doing?

Compound lifts, but check out some of the gym work and plyometrics work that sprinters do for their calves and ankle stiffness. You're at the stage where your type 2B muscle fibres can get a great headstart and you can seriously improve your speed.

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After getting in a bit of a rut I switched up a lot my exercises to a lower weight with higher reps in the teens. As long as you still get within 0-2 of failure it works well.
So you've taken up CrossFit?
Next competition is October.

Running a 5 week program, hit some double PB’s last week.
Squat - 217.5kg x 2
Bench - 150kg x 2 @ RPE 8
Deadlift - 260kg x 2 @ RPE 8

Last week of heavies this week, wanting 225 x 2 or 3 tonight for squat, 155 x 2 for bench and 270 x 2 for deadlifts!
Hey guys,
I am 14 years old (turning 15) and i am 165cm and 51kg and looking for advice for what exercises I should do for playing forward line. I have 3kg weights and my parents won't allow me to go to the gym. What should I do?
Ask if anyone in the footy club has weights at home or maybe even if someone’s dad has a gym at home that you’d be able to go over and use.
I've gotta say that doing PPL has been a total game changer for my lifting. If you're in that stage where you feel like you've been an intermediate lifter for a long time and haven't tried a push pull legs routine, drop your current set up and try it. Workouts are stimulating, great mix of compounds and accessories and allows you to go hard on upper body two days in a row because of the recovery factor of working different groups of muscles, which is great if you've got other commitments like footy/running/martial arts etc and don't have the time/energy to lift five times a week.
I've got cardio in the mix so I'm a weird Monday-leg day type to allow enough recovery for exercise later in the week.
Makes jumping on the machines a bit easier when everyone else is doing International Chest Day at the start of the week

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Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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