Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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Imo if you were going to train 3x a week PPL would be far too little frequency to make a decent progress.
Even push/pull or upper/lower would be stretching it given you’d only be training everything 3x a fortnight.
What would you recommend for 3x a week? I can squeeze in 50 mins max. Maybe I need a strength method that doesn’t take as long but I already take less rests between sets as is. I don’t do the 3-5 minute rest of working sets
I reckon 4x would be enough for me.

Trap Bar, DB OHP/Band Pull superset D1

Floor/BB Row superset, Bulgarian SS D2

Zercher, DB Incline Bench/Band Pull superset D3

OHP, DB Bench/DB Row superset D4

That’s more than 10 sets a week of leg, push, pull, especially since Jacked and Tan method for main lifts is high intensity.

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I definitely couldn't do 6 days of PPL. Seems to be the rage at the moment with anyone getting their workout ideas from social media, but I'd be bored shitless with so many gym workouts.

I'm the opposite - I'm depressed on the one morning a week I don't get to go to the gym. :tearsofjoy:

Luckily I have an early client scheduled that morning so it forces me to commit to that rest day.
What would you recommend for 3x a week? I can squeeze in 50 mins max. Maybe I need a strength method that doesn’t take as long but I already take less rests between sets as is. I don’t do the 3-5 minute rest of working sets

3x week I would typically program full body using undulating periodisation.
In 50 minutes I would program for about 15-16 sets, which I’d then divide into 3-4 exercises eg 5 sets (including warm ups) each of squats, bench press & rows.
Daily volume isn’t massive but you get 12-15 sets/week per muscle group/movement.
3x week I would typically program full body using undulating periodisation.
In 50 minutes I would program for about 15-16 sets, which I’d then divide into 3-4 exercises eg 5 sets (including warm ups) each of squats, bench press & rows.
Daily volume isn’t massive but you get 12-15 sets/week per muscle group/movement.
I don’t count warm ups in my volume. I think if I drop the number of back off sets to three or less I could get everything done especially if I superset push and pull.

So for trap bar for example I’d be looking at four working sets max and two or three warm up sets. So if counting warm up’s that’s 4-7 sets, 12-21 in total per session. Better than a kick in the head.

Good news is I’m getting stronger even though my body ain’t beach bum material and that’s okay by me. Face makes up for it bwahaha 😁

Edit: I can chuck in some extra work on Saturday's, though that'll probably be inconsistent.
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I reckon 4x would be enough for me.

Trap Bar, DB OHP/Band Pull superset D1

Floor/BB Row superset, Bulgarian SS D2

Zercher, DB Incline Bench/Band Pull superset D3

OHP, DB Bench/DB Row superset D4

That’s more than 10 sets a week of leg, push, pull, especially since Jacked and Tan method for main lifts is high intensity.

Pullups for a vertical pull exercise? You've got vertical push with the OHP and horizontal pull / push with the bench and rows.
Pullups for a vertical pull exercise? You've got vertical push with the OHP and horizontal pull / push with the bench and rows.

I'd go further and say a variation of pullups should always be in a program. At least, in athletic strength programs, they're always in there. Narrow (chins), Neutral (hammer), or wide. You can swap out BB Bench Press for DB Bench Press or Floor press in different mesocycles, even do alternating DB Bench Press if a lower load stimulus is required, but pullups are the king of max force production exercises for the upper body.

In truth they likely sit beside Bench Press because one is a pull, and the other a push, but pullups should never leave a program unless prohibited by injury. Unfortunately, due to powerlifting and their associated programs, BB Bench press and BB OH presses get a greater focus in weight room exercises for gen pop, and pullups get swapped out for lat pulldowns.
Any recommendations on a good pull up station? I just can’t get one of those ones you drill into the walls or whatever, they wouldn’t hold. Ceiling too low and old. Can put one outside though.
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I'd go further and say a variation of pullups should always be in a program. At least, in athletic strength programs, they're always in there. Narrow (chins), Neutral (hammer), or wide. You can swap out BB Bench Press for DB Bench Press or Floor press in different mesocycles, even do alternating DB Bench Press if a lower load stimulus is required, but pullups are the king of max force production exercises for the upper body.

In truth they likely sit beside Bench Press because one is a pull, and the other a push, but pullups should never leave a program unless prohibited by injury. Unfortunately, due to powerlifting and their associated programs, BB Bench press and BB OH presses get a greater focus in weight room exercises for gen pop, and pullups get swapped out for lat pulldowns.
It's a great BW relative test too. I can get to 20 in a set most weeks, which is a goal based solely on the old military fitness tests I had to do back in the day.

If I fall to get it I tend to eat and train pretty well to get back to it ASAP.
Pull Ups is definitely the one I'm missing most. Can't remember where now but think I saw a pull up station that's 92.25 inches in height (my ceiling is 96 inches). That might just work. Throw in some spotter arms and I can do a sweet program with the big lifts on day 1 and day 2 and day 3 do Zercher's, DB Incline, Pull Up variation and on Saturday throw in some single leg, lat, curl, ab etc that I could knock out in under an hour.

I do get these dust mite migraines every 2-4 weeks though and that ****s up the schedule a bit, am probably never gonna get 3-4 sessions a week done on a regular basis but then with lower volume I can do a couple sessions back to back instead of every second day to make up for lost days.

Weight storage done

Bought an extra one just in case, was thinking of putting it either side of my cable tower.

Might chuck the 15s behind the 10s or put the 25s on my toaster rack or something, but apart from that there's not many more attachments that are compatible for this rack in Australia now unless Rugged/Bodysolid makes more or I find a 2x3 rack supplier somewhere else who offers some legitimately decent attachments on things I don't have (jammer arms, roller j cups, multigrip chin up etc)

Good thing is there are plenty of small American companies who specialise in niche rack attachments now. Will cost alot but looks like many will ship internationally.
View attachment 2065506

Weight storage done

Bought an extra one just in case, was thinking of putting it either side of my cable tower.

Might chuck the 15s behind the 10s or put the 25s on my toaster rack or something, but apart from that there's not many more attachments that are compatible for this rack in Australia now unless Rugged/Bodysolid makes more or I find a 2x3 rack supplier somewhere else who offers some legitimately decent attachments on things I don't have (jammer arms, roller j cups, multigrip chin up etc)

Good thing is there are plenty of small American companies who specialise in niche rack attachments now. Will cost alot but looks like many will ship internationally.
Was just thinking

There's this company called Mutant Metals in America, they're outsourcing their dip attachment to Rogue at the moment in order to keep up with demand as they're a small operation.

However they do a few other things like this roller j cup monolift attachment called snap back rollers which looks absolutely sick and they cater for 2x3 metric racks like what I have, but they also sell knurled handles in 1 inch and 5/8s diameter that bolt onto racks or holes of those sizes

I reckon if I don't find a multigrip bar or Rugged can't be bothered making one, fair chance I'll reach out to these guys eventually for a few pairs of knurled handles and make a few different multigrip variations myself.

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Five weeks ago I embarked on a project to see how good my muscle memory can be.

Background: I was a serious lifter until about 2018. Since then, I've had two knee recos and various upper body injuries, got back into sport where I focused on running, and just stopped lifting. I got seriously weak to be quite honest.

Came back from a holiday five weeks ago at about 85.7kg, with almost 4kg of no exercise weight gain in the preceding month.

Anyway, started at:

• 85.7kg body weight
• 60kg 1RM bench press
• 80kg 1RM squat

I can't deadlift heavy at the moment due to a grip injury.

Today's stats, five weeks later:

• 82.8kg body weight (-2.9kg)
• 110kg bench press
• 165kg 1RM squat to parallel, not ATG

Still a long way away from my old records, but I didn't expect to be back at respectable numbers so quickly. Spewing I didn't do a DEXA scan.
Was able to clean out the garage today, heaps of floor space in the middle of the garage now, looking forward to some more efficient workouts leading into spring, will have more space to stretch and foam roll now also, will also be able to utilise my landmine again with the space cleared, get some back and shoulder work in with it

Hopefully can finally set up this all in one trainer next few weeks and get a couple of workouts in on it too, then will pull the trigger on something better once my tax return comes in. Though I think the all in one trainer could do a job for a couple of months for a couple of things, like leg extensions, leg curls and certain cable exercises
View attachment 2065506

Weight storage done

Bought an extra one just in case, was thinking of putting it either side of my cable tower.

Might chuck the 15s behind the 10s or put the 25s on my toaster rack or something, but apart from that there's not many more attachments that are compatible for this rack in Australia now unless Rugged/Bodysolid makes more or I find a 2x3 rack supplier somewhere else who offers some legitimately decent attachments on things I don't have (jammer arms, roller j cups, multigrip chin up etc)

Good thing is there are plenty of small American companies who specialise in niche rack attachments now. Will cost alot but looks like many will ship internationally.
My gym set up.
Still need a rower and some dumbbells.
My gym set up.
Still need a rower and some dumbbells.
View attachment 2090596
Nice mate, minimalist but will get the job done

1 thing that I underrated for a while but am loving now is having more floor space since I did a tidy up a few weeks ago, looks like you've got a good amount of space there

Bought an ATX lat pulldown also 2-3 weeks ago, sitting it next to my rack, putting cash aside for a ATX multipress as my next major purchase with a few bench attachments to go along with it and I'll be pretty close to finally being done. Will probably post a new photo once the multipress comes back in stock.

How is that Verve bike? I noticed it looks similar to the Rogue Echo bike, that's probably the only piece of equipment that I miss as I sold mine nearly 2 and a half years ago to fund my dumbbell collection (also to free up space, but I probably have the space again now)
Nice mate, minimalist but will get the job done

1 thing that I underrated for a while but am loving now is having more floor space since I did a tidy up a few weeks ago, looks like you've got a good amount of space there

Bought an ATX lat pulldown also 2-3 weeks ago, sitting it next to my rack, putting cash aside for a ATX multipress as my next major purchase with a few bench attachments to go along with it and I'll be pretty close to finally being done. Will probably post a new photo once the multipress comes back in stock.

How is that Verve bike? I noticed it looks similar to the Rogue Echo bike, that's probably the only piece of equipment that I miss as I sold mine nearly 2 and a half years ago to fund my dumbbell collection (also to free up space, but I probably have the space again now)

Minimalist at the moment but hoping to add some more as I go along. My house was actually a Queenslander style duplex when I bought it and I converted into a single house. I had a four-car garage under my house, so I've used 2 spaces for my gym.

The Verve bike is good. Maybe not as good as the Echo but for half the price I'm happy.
Minimalist at the moment but hoping to add some more as I go along. My house was actually a Queenslander style duplex when I bought it and I converted into a single house. I had a four-car garage under my house, so I've used 2 spaces for my gym.

The Verve bike is good. Maybe not as good as the Echo but for half the price I'm happy.
That Verve bike only like $600?

The Echo has remained $1095 for years (though it's like $300 in shipping as it comes in one heavy gigantic box)
That Verve bike only like $600?

The Echo has remained $1095 for years (though it's like $300 in shipping as it comes in one heavy gigantic box)
Sorry it was around a grand. I was thinking of the Concept 2 bike which are around $2k.
I need to start training in the mornings again 😩

Just trying to work out the best routine around my occasional physical labour


Can't train chest shoulders/shoulders chest back to back sessions

Can't have a deadlift/upper back day then train shoulders, lats or legs the next day, only group that makes sense is chest and triceps the following day

Deadlift day
Back (hypertrophy)
Legs/anything lower I've missed out on
Shoulders/anything upper I've missed out on

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Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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