Welcome: Which games do you have or want?

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Received Tiny Epic Pirates the other day. Got the maxed out, deluxified version and think they’d have been better off just making this one a big box experience with chunky pieces etc!

Rule book is a little under written, but the game mechanic works well and it makes for good fun. Pick up and deliver + combat, has a bit of something for everyone.
Yeah, I also went the deluxe version, where it's the expansion as a separate box. I get their model of everything (for their base games) fits in the one small box, but you've then two boxes. Still at least it fits the table without issue (a bigger table is on the list of things to get). Still it's the opposite end to one of the latest updates for Castles of Mad King Ludwig collectors edition, looking at their Colossal version being play tested and not only is just one players layout not going to fit on the table, if we get a 4 player game going it'll be a struggle to fit in a not particularly big game room, with everyone's on the floor.

Real Estate Agent : Why are you looking for a bigger house? Growing family?
Me : No, we need more room for our board games.
Real Estate Agent : ....
Purchases from the last month. Wife picked up Tapestry, just because.


Then game shop relocated to shops up the road. Elysium and Century A New World on sale. What sort of people would we be if didn’t support our local traders?

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Finally wife also grabbed an Isle of Cats expansion, plus Barking Kittens (an Exploding Kittens expansion) for youngest son.

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That rare Kickstarter arriving early. City of Crowns. Expansion for Paladins of the West Kingdom. Also got the big box to fit the existing game and expansion.

Seems like everyone of my other Kickstarters are stuck in shipping hell at the moment.

Though this arrives and wife says ‘I added them up and you know we have between $4000 and $5000 of Kickstarters on order’. Oops. 😬

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Holy sh*t.
The killers are Dawn of Madness, Witcher : Old World and Chronicles of Drunagor all coming in over $500, as gone all in with expansions and minis for them. A bit under 20 others that are smaller making up the rest 😳
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Do you think you are addicted? I can empathise but have weened myself off KS bar very select pledges.

I looked at my collection and the number of unplayed games was a sign to reign things in.

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Do you think you are addicted? I can empathise but have weened myself off KS bar very select pledges.

I looked at my collection and the number of unplayed games was a sign to reign things in.

Sent from my SM-A515F using Tapatalk
Yes. Though haven't ordered anything for a couple of months, we've so much on order (some not due to late next year), that we have kept a hold on buying anymore. Though thankfully nothing that looked hugely interesting to us in that time to tempt us strongly.

Really except Deep Madness 3rd printing when it eventually comes out (which with delays for Dawn of Madness won't be until next year at earliest now) will be staying away from any big all-ins (that's the plan anyway!). We may get an occasional smaller game, but even there we've half a dozen games yet to play, a similar number of expansions yet to get to, plus still Jaws of the Lions and Gloomhaven Forgotten Circles to finish off, before we get to Sleeping Gods, before any of the new campaign / legacy games arrive.

At least we've almost got through Pandemic Legacy Season 0 with our gaming friends!
Got the D&D Essentials Kit for the missus and I. Lockdown really driving up the board game purchases in the last couple of weeks.

Know most tabletop games are better with more than 2, but any other entry level games for 2 people out there?
Got the D&D Essentials Kit for the missus and I. Lockdown really driving up the board game purchases in the last couple of weeks.

Know most tabletop games are better with more than 2, but any other entry level games for 2 people out there?
7 Wonders - Duel. Is only 2 player. Cut down version of 7 Wonders.

One's that are entry level, that aren't just 2 players, but my wife and I have played multiple times 2 players and they work well as 2 players include:
Forbidden Island
Ticket to Ride
Carcassonne (start with the base game without expansions)
One's that are entry level, that aren't just 2 players, but my wife and I have played multiple times 2 players and they work well as 2 players include:
Forbidden Island
The beauty of co-op games such as Forbidden Island (and I'd include Forbidden Desert as a recommendation) is that you can play them with 2 players as a 3- or 4-player game. One or both players run two 'characters'.
The beauty of co-op games such as Forbidden Island (and I'd include Forbidden Desert as a recommendation) is that you can play them with 2 players as a 3- or 4-player game. One or both players run two 'characters'.
We do that for most co-op games. Gloomhaven, Mansions of Madness, Arkham Horror etc.

We’ve found also with it most of the time it just the wife and I, that playing a balance of competitive and co-op games works well. We tend to win around 50/50, but don’t want to be competing all the time.

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For my birthday last month got two games from the wife. Cosmic Frog and Tidal Blades - Heroes of the Reef. The first a strange resource collection game (giant frogs consuming parts of planets). The second yet to play.

Picked up yesterday a second hand copy of Zombicide - Prison Outbreak. We've enjoyed Zombicide, but not enough to fork out for new subsequent one's over other new games. This one picked up for $70 with most of the figures already painted (as I've the painting skills of a toddler whose found their inattentive parents not quite finished wine and the wife has carpal tunnel these days this was a big plus). That there's an overarching campaign of the missions is also a bonus, as campaign games are high on our list of game genres we like.
Got the D&D Essentials Kit for the missus and I. Lockdown really driving up the board game purchases in the last couple of weeks.

Know most tabletop games are better with more than 2, but any other entry level games for 2 people out there?
Better with 4 but Machi Koro can be played with 2 players, likewise Power Grid - Which is a great game.
Kingdomino is a great entry level one too.

A +1 on 7 Wonders Duel. Probably the best of the scaled down versions of games out there.
Secret Santa arrivals this year



Pretty much all the games I want (mostly from GMT Games and DVG Games) are sold out here and overseas prices are insane.

Covid really has had people buying up the 1 and 2 player games. Hopefully new prints are coming this year.

I have Greedy Dragons on order - for the family
Also Red Storm - 80s war over Europe - for a friend and I
LOTR card game core for the Mrs and I or friend and I - with a plan to get expansions if we like the game
Got my copy of Now or Never today. Third Red Raven game in their game world with Above and Below, Near and Far. Not that have started their Sleeping Gods yet.

All the goodies.


Map board

Player boards



The Red Raven shelf, except for 8 Minute Empire Legends that couldn't fit. Still a couple to get of theirs, but have most now.
Got my copy of Now or Never today. Third Red Raven game in their game world with Above and Below, Near and Far. Not that have started their Sleeping Gods yet.

Sleeping Gods is apparently excellent.

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Welcome: Which games do you have or want?

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