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Bloodstained on Switch, I'm digging it. Little bit of slowdown in docked mode but nothing game breaking

Strange choice of title screen music though which sounds more like it should be used for a swashbuckling adventure game like Uncharted, rather than a game that's literally about a castle summoned from Hell. Great theme tune, just not setting the right tone for what the game is.

In game music is the haunting, cathedral organ type motifs that you would expect to hear which is nice
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Been playing Mass Effect Andromeda, was on game pass so thought i would give it a shot

I am on the very last mission which I am going to start very shortly

Not a bad game, not the best game I have played but definitely not the worst
Bloodstained on Switch, I'm digging it. Little bit of slowdown in docked mode but nothing game breaking

Strange choice of title screen music though which sounds more like it should be used for a swashbuckling adventure game like Uncharted, rather than a game that's literally about a castle summoned from Hell. Great theme tune, just not setting the right tone for what the game is.

In game music is the haunting, cathedral organ type motifs that you would expect to hear which is nice
It took me two hours to pass the first level + boss... Just another type of game at which I suck balls.

Anyway, Fire Emblem Warriors was pissing me off (its roster is ****ing boring when there are like three unique movesets, Hyrule did it so much better despite being much older) so I'm playing Saints Row 4 for catharsis.
Not really sure what to do
This is the red dead online experience. You can do the roles. But once you do them once it's a bit boring to keep doing them. Then you're back to not knowing what to do.
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About halfway through Alan Wake. More of a walking sim than a horror game or even a Remedy action game. I like the atmosphere a lot though and the cheesy horror writer/meta narrative of it all.

Just starting Disco Elysium too. It rules. Not since Kentucky Route Zero have I played a game that felt so purposely written.

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Now playing an undub version of Trails of the Sky FC on a PSP emulator.

If Falcom ever realise people will buy and play the series from the first game onwards if they release it on next-gen consoles, I'd buy the Switch versions and play the hell out of them. In the meantime...
FF7 Remake and maybe a little disappointed so far, its all very pretty but I'm a bit over slowly walking down corridors no matter how open they're made to look. Only a couple of chapters in, basically still the tutorial and so planning on playing a good bit more and seeing how it goes.

My Knicks starting line up after 1 season.

Missed play offs but was not bottom 5 sides in my conference and managed to snag pick 2 in the draft.

Purchased Metro Exodus last night so give that a whirl tonight
Really wanting to play disco Elysium but it’s not on the ps store. Something to do with classification rejected.

I think it's still on Steam. I got around the PS store issue with a second US profile, and it plays on more normal profile too.

Purchased Metro Exodus last night so give that a whirl tonight

I just installed this yesterday. Only an hour in but it's so pretty if a little janky. Never played the first two but find this one pretty interesting, especially since your companion is your wife which is something I can't remember an open world AAA game doing before (you're usually single or your wife is dead/kidnapped).
Just finished SOMA which has one of the most interesting and gripping sci-fi stories I've ever played. I played on the 'safe' mode because I heard the "combat" was bad (it was a bit blah) - but from a narrative and atmosphere perspective - it was incredible!

I've not played any other games by the developer - are the Amnesia games equally as good from a narrative perspective?
I think it's still on Steam. I got around the PS store issue with a second US profile, and it plays on more normal profile too.
Do you mean it plays on your Aus account too? If so, I have a UK account I could use to buy and download it.
Do you mean it plays on your Aus account too? If so, I have a UK account I could use to buy and download it.

Yeah my Aus one.

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