Roast What is the Big Deal of Beer?

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few years ago i gave up all soft drinks and juice - one of the better decisions of my life. drink heaps of watter and always have a bottle in hand. i live in dubai though so you need to stay well hydrated at all times

recently though i have started to introduce diet soft drinks (eg coke zero) back into my life, and i drink a shit load of redbull sugar free. not good

never been a massive beer fan, more spirits fan. cognac usually my favourite, recently getting into whisky, trying a few single malt brands this month - next month i'll try a few other varieties.

Diet soft drinks is an oxymoron
i know. but if i am to drink them i'll take them without all the sugar. lesser of two evils.

Tricked by advertising :p

Diet sodas may be calorie-free, but they could be worse for your health and your waistline than ones with sugar, a new report suggests.

Over the long term, fake sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine might mess with our bodies’ abilities to process the calories from sweet things, making it harder for us to metabolize the sugars we get from other sources like candy, cookies, or even fruit.

Purdue University scientist Susan Swithers found in a meta-analysis of 26 health and diet studies that artificially-sweetened sodas — unlike water — were often still associated with many of the same ailments common in people who drink sugary sodas, and may actually increase the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes.

It's a common trick used by big business, put "fat free" or "sugar free" on the packet and people think it's better for you, when in a lot of cases it's actually worse. Fat free yoghurt pumped full of sugar is the biggest culprit

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Alcohol is the cause, and solution to, all of life's little problems.

In all seriousness my mates and I love a beer or 12. None of us ever get arrested or violent. We get pretty stupid, but not in a way that embarrasses anyone but ourselves. I see no harm in that.

Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, so if you are a violent thug by nature, you'll be worse when you drink. Those sorts of people need to be very careful.
Alcohol is the cause, and solution to, all of life's little problems.

In all seriousness my mates and I love a beer or 12. None of us ever get arrested or violent. We get pretty stupid, but not in a way that embarrasses anyone but ourselves. I see no harm in that.

Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, so if you are a violent thug by nature, you'll be worse when you drink. Those sorts of people need to be very careful.

Well isn’t Alchol a big reason why people have Depression because they try and drink it away and that makes it worse
In case it's not clear, I don't judge people for drinking alcohol. As long as it's in moderation, and no one is being hurt, then it's fine by me.

But I strongly dislike the social stigma attached to being a non-drinker. I've always been pretty thick-skinned in regard to this, and I don't cop shit any more, but when I was in my late teens and early 20s, it's was so annoying being the butt of jokes for not drinking alcohol like everybody else, and if anyone reading this does this to non-drinkers, then take this on board.

It was always fun getting the last laugh when they woke up with hangovers though!:D:thumbsu:

I think you do judge people for drinking alcohol. You've done so plenty in the past on this forum. The social stigma attached to being a non-drinker is shit mainly for younger people but I haven't seen any of that in this thread. It seems to me you are applying your own brand of social stigma to those that decide to drink. I'm not sure if you realise it but it comes across as condescending and pious. Especially when you seem to tar all drinkers with the same brush. Ruling out those that drink in "moderation" there are those that are heavy drinkers for a variety of reasons that don't hurt other people (maybe themselves) and don't act disgustingly. The reasons they drink like this can be complex and painful, or not. While I appreciate the support you give to those that choose to be non-drinkers, it is an admirable pursuit, perhaps try not to be so insulting to those that do drink heavily and think about the reasons why they do so. The world is complex and can be shit. This isn't a black and white issue.
Well isn’t Alchol a big reason why people have Depression because they try and drink it away and that makes it worse
For some people, alcohol can cause depression, not all. Quite often those people are drinking because they have other issues they want to escape from, which is when alcohol is a very bad idea. In that case it will sometimes help numb the pain in the short term, but ultimately that is a slippery slope to alcoholism. I would never advocate alcohol for someone with depression issues.

It comes down to knowing yourself and being responsible. There are some people that will become sad, others happy, and unfortunately some that will become violent. However, the majority of people don't have an issue with it so you shouldn't punish them.

It's like how they try to eliminate the road toll, it will never happen because there will always be accidents and there will always be some people who speed and act irresponsibly behind the wheel.
I've always been intrigued that people can be completely different drunk.

For example, what if when a decent guy gets dunk, he becomes violent and abusive. Now alcohol lowers the inhibitions, so is it logical to assume that is how the bloke is naturally wired, and is doing a good job to be otherwise?

Or does alcohol just have an unfortunate affect on the guy?
Getting Drunk also sounds like a Waste of Money
So I went halves in a carton of Canadian Club, a carton of TEDs and a four pack of Woodstock over the weekend. Went out Friday and Saturday nights, Didnt pay entry one night and the cost of getting in was like $15 for the other. All up that to me looks to be at a total cost of $60-$70 all up. Now I was out from 7 til 4 both nights, so lets say that's eighteen hours of entertainment and good times with quality people across the weekend for that minimal outlay.

Compare that to the cost of going to six football matches, especially over here in Perth were GA tickets for ONE game are around $40 and tell me where the wastage of money is now.

By all means don't drink, that's your own lifestyle choice and I have close friends that don't drink or drink minimally. I've never pressured them to drink and to be honest I'm get more concerned then just about anyone when I notice that one of my friends that drinks minimally is setting themselves up for a big night because more often than not it means somethings going wrong in their life at the time. But some of your (and others) comments, especially towards TheFreshBanana , have been little more than ill informed snipes at someones's lifestyle choices.

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I'm 25 and have drank alcohol every day for the last 8 years, bar 6 days when having malaria.
Beer, wine or spirits it depends on scenario.
Have a great job and a great life.

Don't care what anyone else thinks.
I love beer and the taste of it.

Beer and footy goes well for me along with a few beers before hitting the clubs on the weekend. Spirits are good as well but it depends on what mood I am in.

Good old days back in high school and the house parties we went to, having a mate grow out his beard so he could buy us beers lol.
Well isn’t Alchol a big reason why people have Depression because they try and drink it away and that makes it worse
I don't think alcohol is a reason why people have depression, there certainly are depressed people who use alcohol to self medicate.

I actually think we are becoming more wowserish around alcohol consumption. By way of example, our first PM (Barton) used to have a dram of whisky at breakfast - can you imagine the moral panic if Abbott/Rudd/Gillard did that?

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Roast What is the Big Deal of Beer?

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