What kind of fan are you?

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Dec 14, 2008
AFL Club
What kind of fan are you?

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is the premiership cup half full or half empty?

I reckon in football more than anything you are either one or the other, but never in the middle.

But optimism v pessimism is inbuilt, it’s the way you live, it extends past football so I guess it’s not something you can change easily.

The optimists amongst us think we can win the flag every year, have a pretty good list, 50/50 kids will come good, every draft pick will be a good one, we can win this week and will probably win next week, we will beat ASADA, we can come back from any in game predicament. A player inured for 6 years can still make it….

The pessimists (inexplicably to me) spend their time running down the club, our list is horrible, has too many holes, we are too slow, to old, drafted poorly, can’t win this week, we will probably lose to the bottom 4 teams next year, we have to fix this (hasn’t even happened yet). We are ten goals up with 10 minutes left but can still lose.

I don’t think optimism vs pessimism is linked at all to rationalism. It’s a state of mind. If I say we can win the next 5 games, even though we are playing the top 5 sides, I’m being positive, I’m putting a positive slant on every issue. I know it will be hard but I think on the good side of every 50 50 contest. Optimists see opportunity, pessimists see problems.

Personally I’m a supreme optimist, if we are twelve goals down I still think we can win, I’m rounding off the odd points and saying, ok it’s a straight 12 kicks now, we have a quarter left, that’s nearly a goal every 3 minutes, pretty easy, did it against Melbourne in 92, nth in 01.. my optimistic brain can pull out any stat from years gone by to try to justify my positive feeling.

But the big draw-back of being the optimist is you are easy targets for opponent fans, I find myself talking us up all the time, which brings the inevitable fall, and the return fire crap from other fans. And when I fall, I fall hard – like after that Carlton final loss, I was inconsolable.

Optimistic people generally feel that good events are linked somehow to something they have done, but bad things were just a freak occurrence of bad luck, which is where superstition kicks in for me. If I’m sitting in a particular spot, and we go on a run of goals, I’m not moving an inch. If I watched a game at a new pub and we win, I’m back there the next week.

The pre-season is when the optimist is in full swing, it even sways some pessimists to come change sides for a while, there are no poor results to bring the dark clouds, so everything coming out of the club is positive.

So that’s me, a supreme optimist fan with a heavy touch of superstition

What are you?
I'd like to think I'm a realist that leans towards optimism, I'm not full on in either direction.

If there's an area where you can take the positive or negative opinion I'll generally go positive until the negative is proven though (Gumby a prime case in point).

The hard part for me is not being close to the club and unable to see many games so my points of view are based on limited information.

The bigger question is whether the way I perceive myself as a supporter is the same as how others do.

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Optimist. I go to every game in Melbourne, and some interstate. I can't wait for it to come back purely because I think we can make a massive impact this year.
Optimist. As hard as I knew it would be, I believed we could win the flag at the end of the home and away season. "4 good weeks of footy, that's all it takes, over the years we've shown we can beat the best on our day, we just need 4 of those days." That's what went through my head anyway.

Was shattered when we gave up that lead against North.
I'd like to think I'm a realist that leans towards optimism, I'm not full on in either direction.

If there's an area where you can take the positive or negative opinion I'll generally go positive until the negative is proven though (Gumby a prime case in point).

The hard part for me is not being close to the club and unable to see many games so my points of view are based on limited information.

The bigger question is whether the way I perceive myself as a supporter is the same as how others do.
Almost word for word this. The only thing I'd add is that sometimes during the clutch period of a game I'll get a feeling that I just know we're going to come up short. Sometimes I'm right but the times I'm wrong make the victory that much sweeter because I didn't think we could pull it off. I'm not overly vocal in my pessimism but it's definitely there sometimes.
First and foremost the dichotomy doesn't work.

I'm optimistic about some things (drafting, development and the kids generally are sources of optimism for me and I love going to watch the VFL for that reason) and pessimistic about others (balance of the team is not what it take to be seriously good based on any available measure and I don't see the point in pretending otherwise).

I like to think it is a reflection of what I am seeing rather than it being the result of any inbuilt/predetermined personality trait.

I can say with certainty that I am not in anyway superstitious.
i think i erred in not having realist as an option.... there would seem to be many.

i always felt that a realist approaches things with little emotion and bases evetything on fact, sees it for what it is. But there is an intangble in footy, the tribal instinct, maybe the mate vs mate, maybe the cross town rivarly, maybe hoodoos and runs of form against certain teams.

I do think there are things in footy that cannot really be explaied rationally.
i think i erred in not having realist as an option.... there would seem to be many.

i always felt that a realist approaches things with little emotion and bases evetything on fact, sees it for what it is. But there is an intangble in footy, the tribal instinct, maybe the mate vs mate, maybe the cross town rivarly, maybe hoodoos and runs of form against certain teams.

I do think there are things in footy that cannot really be explaied rationally.

Yes well the way I behave in the privacy of my home during those clutch periods I mentioned earlier certainly stretch the bounds of what one might consider rational behaviour at times. :D
i do feel for the likes of Pweter and Beerfish interstate with limited news they may need to use BF as a creditable source!
I do mostly take these pages as a more reliable source than the tabloids... errr... print media, and definitely moreso than social media

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If my performance in the footy tipping is to go by I must be an optimist. In 1993 and 2000 I won my work footy tipping competition and often came close when we finished well. Whenever we do badly I end up at the bottom despite consulting the experts in the paper beforehand. I just can't resist tipping them!
I'm quietly optimistic. Don't like boasting or making big predictions, but generally see the positive side. Don't mind those who are pessimistic but I can't stand it when I hear our supporters bagging the team or any individuals.

Often in the lead up to big games I'll spend the week thinking we will lose but then by the day of the game I'll have talked myself into thinking we
will win.
If my performance in the footy tipping is to go by I must be an optimist. In 1993 and 2000 I won my work footy tipping competition and often came close when we finished well. Whenever we do badly I end up at the bottom despite consulting the experts in the paper beforehand. I just can't resist tipping them!
Your show scared the sh*t out of me, Max.
Your show scared the sh*t out of me, Max.

Brueghel and Mahler were scary bastards, weren't they? In the British pilot movie anyway, the American version was much tamer.

The future was pretty bleak too. Wasn't the same after Max started doing coke ads and going on Letterman though, he (I mean I!) sold out to big biz.

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What kind of fan are you?

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