Movie What's the last movie you saw? (7)

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Dune part 2. Outstanding - 9/10.

It might be the best looking and sounding film I have even seen - go see it on a big screen. The bigger the better.
Is it a must to have seen the first one? I missed it but the reviews for Dune 2 are really good.

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Finally got around to it. The cinematography was absolutely fantastic. Would've looked great on the big screen.

Story didn't grab me as much as I expected but fell in love with how it was made.

Operation Fortune: So a Guy Ritchie film and like M Night I like directors that have a unique take on their films but this didnt really hit the mark. The dialogue wasn't to snappy and the protagonists were introduced very quickly almost rushed. I found parts entertaining but it was a bit of a mish mash. Though Hugh Grant really hammed it up as the anti villain. In fact his last two movies I've seen being this and Dungeons and Dragons (surprisingly good) he genuinely looks like he is really enjoying himself, far from the lost soppy love stricken character ala Notting Hill. It is a far cry from Lock Stock and Snatch and to a lesser extent The Gentlemen. I was midly entertained but wont watch again. 6/10

12 Strong: So this is based on the first military on ground operation straight after the Sept 11 attacks which after research did actually happen however Hollywood really took some artistic licencing with the battles and shoot outs. I highly doubt C Hemsworth character got blown off his horse, stood up and single handed shot down 5-10 Al-Qaida militants with a handgun by playing "Bangkok Rules" (for those who have seen Escape from LA). Really this harked back to Rambo 3 but replace Rambo with 12 marines with varying skillsets befriending the Northern Alliance to take down the Taliban. Somewhat entertaining which made me see it through to the end. 5/10

BASEketball: So yeah a re run, havent seen it in ages and came about watching it after playing BBall with my son in our drive way playing Horse. When he went for a shot I yelled out "Steve Perry!!" and he just stared at me blankly saying what was that?? "Its a psyche out guy, now play your shot" Next shot "Hey junior heard your sisters going out with SQUEAK!!" again he is laughing with no idea what I'm on about so we watched it that night. Yeah pretty dated but still has it moments which I find hilarious, just the off the cuff dialogue, son thought it was piss funny first time. Good times. 7/10
awkward matt stone GIF
Just A Farmer

Had some time to kill whilst waiting for my car to be serviced so looked up the local cinema times. This was still AM time so wasn't expecting much and Kung Fu Panda during school hols was not gonna happen. I knew very little about it, turns out its only in cinemas for a couple of weeks. Amazing film, deserves awards. Might be a hard thing for some to watch.
Dune 2

Very impressive, especially in the big Eximax (formerly IMAX) cinema with the giant screen and sound so loud the vibrations shook the fillings out of my teeth. The kind of movie that thankfully keeps cinemas alive by getting people in there in significant numbers - you won't get that experience on streaming no matter how good your home setup is.

Very good movie, although I was more aware of the length than I was with the first one. I wouldn't say it dragged, but it did push its luck and wisely didn't push any further. Even so, you do feel like you're getting a very abridged version of a much bigger, deeper, richer story. Which I assume you are. I tried reading the book way back when I was in high school but kind of bounced off it. Will probably give it another shot at some point after enjoying the movies so much.
Dune 2

Very impressive, especially in the big Eximax (formerly IMAX) cinema with the giant screen and sound so loud the vibrations shook the fillings out of my teeth. The kind of movie that thankfully keeps cinemas alive by getting people in there in significant numbers - you won't get that experience on streaming no matter how good your home setup is.

Very good movie, although I was more aware of the length than I was with the first one. I wouldn't say it dragged, but it did push its luck and wisely didn't push any further. Even so, you do feel like you're getting a very abridged version of a much bigger, deeper, richer story. Which I assume you are. I tried reading the book way back when I was in high school but kind of bounced off it. Will probably give it another shot at some point after enjoying the movies so much.

Many people at the theater when you saw it? It must be nearing the end of its cinema run soon?

Went to the exIMAX for the first time a few weeks ago as I never been there before and yeah it was a pretty good experience. I am not sure how that stacks up to the latest IMAX theaters around Australia.
Many people at the theater when you saw it? It must be nearing the end of its cinema run soon?

Went to the exIMAX for the first time a few weeks ago as I never been there before and yeah it was a pretty good experience. I am not sure how that stacks up to the latest IMAX theaters around Australia.
Yeah it was probably about 50% full, and it's a big theatre, lots of seats, so that's a fair few people. I had actually planned on going a few weeks earlier but it was so packed those first few weeks that there were no good seats available (I hate sitting down the front too close to the screen). So I think it'll be around for a while yet, just maybe not on the biggest screen. When I saw it last week it only had maybe half the number of sessions on that screen that it had in previous weeks - I guess they wanted to get some Godzilla x Kong sessions onto that screen, too.

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Next Goal Wins... ooft. I had heard this had received middling reviews but I thought an average Taika Waititi movie is still better than a lot of other options. This is both a bad Waititi movie (the jokes are really lazy, broad and largely unfunny) and a bad sporting movie (cliched, character development feels unearned). Fassbender is truly awful in this, really slumming it, Waititi makes a cringey cameo and a lot of the jokes feel like they are at the expense of America Samoa and certainly not endearing as Waititi is usually good for. Metacritic is averaging 4.5/10, Rotten Tomatoes 5.5, both seem generous. 3/10 for a few laughs and the footage at the end of the real coach and players.

If you haven't watch any of these movies probably don't watch it.

I loved the nostalgia and retro themes that combined elements of the old movies and the last one - very enjoyable and my Mum has a massive crush on Paul Rudd LOL

She's talking about the 1933 version surely. Elisabeth Moss beasted the new one.

Looking forward to the director Leigh Whannel's next one in production now: Wolf Man 🐺
Frankly they’re both pretty good. Was hoping maybe she meant hollow man.

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Movie What's the last movie you saw? (7)

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