Mrs NB was away for the weekend so I caught up a few movies that I knew she wouldn't think much of.
Smile - a couple of people mentioned it up-thread, which reminded me that I meant to see it when it was released but never got around to it. Not a bad horror flick: original but way too reliant on jump scares. 6/10
The Guns of Navarone - somehow I'd never seen this classic war movie, although I had read the book decades ago but forgot all but the general plot. Almost perfect, except the main cast were all way too old to play commandos infiltrating behind enemy lines - David Niven was in his 50s! Richard Harris' Australian accent was hilarious. 9/10
So Fine - an alleged comedy recommended to me by an alleged friend. I'd forgotten how bad some of those 1980s **** and bum movies could be. The plot involves a guy who invents a fashion item that women worldwide go wild over - jeans with the arse cheeks removed and clear plastic put there instead. About the only redeeming feature was Richard Kiel almost reprising his role as Jaws from the James Bond films. What's amazing is that the guy wrote it co-wrote Blazing Saddles, one of the funniest movies ever. Then again he also directed this and wrote/directed Striptease, so I'd say he was a far better writer than director. 2/10
Smile - a couple of people mentioned it up-thread, which reminded me that I meant to see it when it was released but never got around to it. Not a bad horror flick: original but way too reliant on jump scares. 6/10
The Guns of Navarone - somehow I'd never seen this classic war movie, although I had read the book decades ago but forgot all but the general plot. Almost perfect, except the main cast were all way too old to play commandos infiltrating behind enemy lines - David Niven was in his 50s! Richard Harris' Australian accent was hilarious. 9/10
So Fine - an alleged comedy recommended to me by an alleged friend. I'd forgotten how bad some of those 1980s **** and bum movies could be. The plot involves a guy who invents a fashion item that women worldwide go wild over - jeans with the arse cheeks removed and clear plastic put there instead. About the only redeeming feature was Richard Kiel almost reprising his role as Jaws from the James Bond films. What's amazing is that the guy wrote it co-wrote Blazing Saddles, one of the funniest movies ever. Then again he also directed this and wrote/directed Striptease, so I'd say he was a far better writer than director. 2/10