When cops break the law

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All Australian
Mar 16, 2006
AFL Club
been noticing this a lot lately and it really does piss me off ... i mean of all the people who shouldnt be breaking the law .... you see it most done by the traffic police ... like for example when they illegally park in a no standing zone to set up a radar/speed trap ... or when they illegally park in the median strip on the freeway etc etc.

I'm thinking i might start to just take photo's of them when it happens and post them online. Would be no point sending them in to the cops as they no doubt look after their own.

What other illegal things have people noticed the cops doing ?
been noticing this a lot lately and it really does piss me off ... i mean of all the people who shouldnt be breaking the law .... you see it most done by the traffic police ... like for example when they illegally park in a no standing zone to set up a radar/speed trap ... or when they illegally park in the median strip on the freeway etc etc.
I think the police have the right to park where ever they want.

I'm thinking i might start to just take photo's of them when it happens and post them online. Would be no point sending them in to the cops as they no doubt look after their own.

What other illegal things have people noticed the cops doing ?
Exceeding the speed limit without the sirens on.
I think the police have the right to park where ever they want.

I'm pretty sure they are still subject to all the normal road rules and therefore cannot just park where they want. Obviously this doesnt apply if a crime is being committed. But its a different thing to park illegally in a no standing zone just because its a good place set up your radar equipment.

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I'm pretty sure they are still subject to all the normal road rules and therefore cannot just park where they want. Obviously this doesnt apply if a crime is being committed. But its a different thing to park illegally in a no standing zone just because its a good place set up your radar equipment.
But it's an emergency vehicle there for should have the right to park where ever they want.
maybe someone who is a police officer or lawyer or who just knows the answer can clarify ??????????
Road rule 301 allows police to breach the road rules.. Police are exempt from parking restrictions. Police also can speed without theeir lights on. Some situations require this.

In case your unaware, police are the most highly scritinised citizens in aus when it comes to the law. Vic pol for instance, are policed by the ethical standards dept and the office of police integrity. The opi can without warrant, place wiretaps on coppers phones, search without warrant, check bank details of coppers, their family and friends etc. All without warrant. The right to silence doesn't apply to coppers either when dealing with the opi. If cops are interviewed by the opi, they aren't even allowed to tell their wives they were interviewed or they commit an offence.

They have the least rights of anyone in the country for 50 grand a year. And nearly everyone complains because very few like to admit their wrong. Add to that getting spat on, bitten, working most Xmas' and weekends etc.

And you think your hard done by.
Road rule 301 allows police to breach the road rules.. Police are exempt from parking restrictions. Police also can speed without theeir lights on. Some situations require this.

In case your unaware, police are the most highly scritinised citizens in aus when it comes to the law. Vic pol for instance, are policed by the ethical standards dept and the office of police integrity. The opi can without warrant, place wiretaps on coppers phones, search without warrant, check bank details of coppers, their family and friends etc. All without warrant. The right to silence doesn't apply to coppers either when dealing with the opi. If cops are interviewed by the opi, they aren't even allowed to tell their wives they were interviewed or they commit an offence.

They have the least rights of anyone in the country for 50 grand a year. And nearly everyone complains because very few like to admit their wrong. Add to that getting spat on, bitten, working most Xmas' and weekends etc.

And you think your hard done by.

What state road rules are you referring to? Vic road rule 301 relates to "Leading an animal while driving a vehicle".

I know the police are allowed to break road rules in order to apprehend a criminal or prevent a crime. But the situation i was describing in the OP relates to where the coppers illegally park and set up their radar equipment.

As for your comments that police are the most scrutinised citizens, i really dont have much to say on that other than they really should be. They are given special powers and they need to be held accountable. And with the volume of police corruption that has taken place over the years, strict oversight is more than justified.
I don't know what you're on about with the parking. Maintenance vehicles are aloud to park were ever they want. Why not a Copper
been noticing this a lot lately and it really does piss me off ... i mean of all the people who shouldnt be breaking the law .... you see it most done by the traffic police ... like for example when they illegally park in a no standing zone to set up a radar/speed trap ... or when they illegally park in the median strip on the freeway etc etc.

I'm thinking i might start to just take photo's of them when it happens and post them online. Would be no point sending them in to the cops as they no doubt look after their own.

What other illegal things have people noticed the cops doing ?

I think you should be grateful we have a police force eays and stop your whining. :thumbsu:

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surely the (alledged)free drugs and (alledged)prostitutes would make up for the lower salaries. Some of those woman officers are pretty hot too so it all looks like a pretty sweet deal to me.
surely the (alledged)free drugs and (alledged)prostitutes would make up for the lower salaries. Some of those woman officers are pretty hot too so it all looks like a pretty sweet deal to me.
Which one:
'drugs and sex' or a 'salary between $80 000 - $120 000?'
i was once handcuffed by police and while i was on the floor a cop stomped on my head, which cut my face on the broken shards of glass on the floor.
I saw a D-Car parked in a disabled spot at the shops the other day, assumed they'd be dealing with some sort of incident until a uniformed traffic copper came out with a couple of bags of groceries.

I didn't say anything (don't really feel like being pulled over twice every five kilometers for the rest of my life - which would no doubt be the mature response), but it's little things like this that chip away at the reputation of the police IMO.
I awlays see emergency vechiles parking in no standing zones and stuff like that. Just 2 days ago I saw 2 guys get out of an ambulance. 1 was standing outside next to the car and the other was in the kebab shop! A few minutes later he came out with 2 kebabs. I lol'd
i was once handcuffed by police and while i was on the floor a cop stomped on my head, which cut my face on the broken shards of glass on the floor.

No doubt you deserved it

Want a tissue?
No doubt you deserved it

Want a tissue?

Yeh I probably deserved to be arrested but I was defenceless, on the floor, and with my hands cuffed behind my back. Shows how piss weak the cops are when one prick comes and stomps on my face.

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When cops break the law

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