Where it all went wrong for Clinton

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Where did it all go wrong for Hilary?

In the Democratic Party game of identity banana fanna fee fi black or woman candidate...ana…the ....name….. game….the blame game…..a woman still looses over a male.

Identity politics is suicide pact.

Everyone looses in the long run.

If you want to progress on merit, go away from the Dems young anything, go away.
Where did it all go wrong for Hilary?

In the Democratic Party game of identity banana fanna fee fi black or woman candidate...ana…the ....name….. game….the blame game…..a woman still looses over a male.

Identity politics is suicide pact.

Everyone looses in the long run.

If you want to progress on merit, go away from the Dems young anything, go away.
Is there any chance you could possibly post in sentences, or have you recently suffered a stroke or something?
Is there any chance you could possibly post in sentences, or have you recently suffered a stroke or something?

Is there any chance you can learn the difference between the definition of "sentences" and "paragraphs" or have you suffered a an moment of awareness of your genetic destiny?

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I said "sentences" and I meant sentences, champ.

The English language never did anything to you.

Has the English language "did anything to you."


Hey, get a personal injury lawyer, considering what it did to you.

You "said sentences", not wrote sentences, now, when can you write an interesting sentence? (Paragraphs are a bridge too far.)

Or has the English language done too much on you?
Nice colourful post Steph :thumbsu:
I agree with the Blue, Green, Pink and Brown, the media may have been better for Obama but that has more to do with him remaining on message while Hillary has been all over the shop
I believe that the biased pro-Obama lovin' media coverage has at the very least been as influential as anything else in this contest, although I don't expect too many on this board to agree with that of course. There is absolutely no way known that Obama has done anything to justify an 84% positive media coverage, and there is no way that Clinton deserves only 51% positive media coverage.

As I had shown more than once previously, those figures have held constantly since late last year, which was before her campaign was "all over the shop" as you put it. By the way, what message has he actually been on apart from "hope and change," and lacking with in depth policy details, while without doubt being the weaker candidate at the debates? The details regarding the biased media coverage of this contest can be found at the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, and the Project for Excellence in Journalism, amongst many other sources.
at times her behaviour has been very negative and would be a turn off to many potential swing voters.
She has actually done as well as her opponent with independents, and she has done extremely well with people that have made up their mind at the last minute, and has been much stronger than Obama in the important swing states, so I definitely disagree with that.
Another article on where it all went wrong for Clinton from Clinton insiders.
That article has already been posted by someone else in this thread.
"Suprisingly" enough, there is little mention of media bias nor any recriminations against the DNC.
Firstly, I've posted links of criticisms regarding the Democratic Party's handling of this race before. Since you're so good regarding the searching of my posts, why didn't you notice them? Secondly, my list of reasons is my opinion, and not the opinion of The New Republic, and of course it's not "surprising" that a media article happened to overlook the impact of the media in this contest. Keith Obama-man on MSNBC even tried to claim that their coverage has been fair, when they have been the worst, so just because they didn't mention it, doesn't mean it hasn't been a massive factor of course.
As I had shown more than once previously, those figures have held constantly since late last year, which was before her campaign was "all over the shop" as you put it. By the way, what message has he actually been on apart from "hope and change," and lacking with in depth policy details, while without doubt being the weaker candidate at the debates? The details regarding the biased media coverage of this contest can be found at the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, and the Project for Excellence in Journalism, amongst many other sources.

That article has already been posted by someone else in this thread.Firstly, I've posted links of criticisms regarding the Democratic Party's handling of this race before. Since you're so good regarding the searching of my posts, why didn't you notice them? Secondly, my list of reasons is my opinion, and not the opinion of The New Republic, and of course it's not "surprising" that a media article happened to overlook the impact of the media in this contest. Keith Obama-man on MSNBC even tried to claim that their coverage has been fair, when they have been the worst, so just because they didn't mention it, doesn't mean it hasn't been a massive factor of course.

I went to both sources above and failed to find anything backing up your claims of bias. The first link refers to February 20 of this year. Is your contention that the media bias continued throughout? Or alternatively, is your contention that the media bias was enough as at February 20 to affect the results? Do you have any evidence that this supposed media bias actually influenced voters?

Apologies on reposting an article on the previous page. I didn't realise it had already been posted.

I don't have time to wade through volumes of your posts. Can you please point out one or two dealing with your problems with the DNC.
It'd also be illuminating if you can reveal how Obama's policies differ greatly from Clinton's and how media bias was Obama's fault, causing you to be a turncoat and vote republican.
Well the saga ends, finally, with our man Obama as the pick, and well done to him, a leader who doesn't spew fear mongering rhetoric every time he (or she) speaks. Regardless of who you think is the better candidate, Obama has won, and won convincingly, so a certain KS and Jane should be gracious and accept that the race is over, and admit that their man lost (well she certainly aint a woman that's for sure).

BTW KS, can you get rid of that avatar, which has to be a photo of THE most ugly she-male in the world? Makes me throw up.

If it is you, well I wouldn't be displaying that face anywhere without some sort of paper bag.

75 000 People showed up in Oregon, it is nigh on impossible to combat that

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75 000 People showed up in Oregon, it is nigh on impossible to combat that

:eek: Wow :thumbsu:

Guessing you got that off NYT (Am I the only one sick of the anti-drugs ads everytime you click one of their articles? lol)

Was reading the comments, why does this remind me of one of our posters...

13.May 18th,
8:52 pm …And tomorrow Senator Clinton’s campaign will claim if you count all of her supporters who wanted to come but couldn’t leave their third job she is really ahead and drawing bigger crowds.

— Posted by Larry Bachmann

In fairness to KS, it's worth noting that the Delegate count also indicate that the whole process was clearly biased towards Obama, due to the popular vote showing several percentage points of bias towards him amongst democrat voters.

Allowing large numbers of pro-Obama supporters to vote has given him an obvious unfair advantage.

Desperate Hillary To Obama: 'Next Vote Wins'

May 19, 2008 | Issue 44•21

['WASHINGTON—Significantly trailing Sen. Barack Obama in delegates, Sen. Hillary Clinton made a last-ditch effort to settle the hotly contested presidential race Monday, when she loudly shouted a proposal that the candidate who gets the next vote wins the Democratic nomination. "All sides have battled long and hard, and now it is time to take up a fair and impartial method for deciding this: next vote takes all," Clinton said, adding that she was crossing her fingers behind her back to ensure that the electoral process is allowed to take its course. "Although I am open to discussing the feasibility of implementing a best-two-out-of-three policy, it has become clear the only way to settle this historic campaign is whoever can run to that door first—go!" Members of the Obama campaign disputed the results of the footrace, pointing out that the Illinois senator had long ago called for ace of black magic times infinity with no backsies.']
It went wrong for Clinton for seven deadly reasons.

1. Hilary is a woman, and both American Liberals and Conservatives are more prejudiced against women than they are African American men. This is a country where the penis is King, in New Orleans and San Francisco Queen.

2. Hilary is a realist. And the Democrats hate nothing more the geopolitical reality. It gets in the way of chanting the word peace and hoping everything works out in the end.

3. Hilary is a Clinton. This is a controversial brand name. Sort of like Microsoft. They are the success story we love to hate. They are more efficient, but the Dems are going Apple. More hip and stylish.

4. She is married to Bill Clinton, and he wigged out during the primary season. I really think she should have kept him home, back in Arkansas, barefoot and silent.

5. Black people are more racist than white people in America. They will vote almost exclusively on the color of a skin rather than a content of a character. This is the first time they have had the chance at the Prez level, so I really do not blame them.

6. The Opera factor. Obama is a political Opera, giving the viewer easy, feel good rhetoric, pretending this is a solution to real, tough problems. Americans are tired, and they want easy solutions, or no solutions, but easy exits to tough problems. (Ellen Degenerous could have got a Lesbian Presidential Dem nominee elected if she had just been positive and Pollyanna enough in 2008.

7. Obama is the one “we” have been waiting for. Hilary is simply a human being.
Actually black voters vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

And here is me thinking both Obama and Hilary are Democrats!

Not in the sense that they are committed to the idea of democracy, especially for the "little brown people in Iraq", but Democrats in the sense they are in the American party who can not bare any burden, fight any foe, or defend democracy in any way.

Silly me.
Yes, silly you. A voter can only choose one. Perhaps you think two votes per person should've been handed out so they could vote for both.

I see you're not about to retract your racist aspersions in light of the facts. i.e. the failed candidacies of Michael Steele, Ken Blackwell and Lynn Swann.
Well the saga ends, finally, with our man Obama as the pick, and well done to him, a leader who doesn't spew fear mongering rhetoric every time he (or she) speaks.
Obama just has very little to say apart from "hope and change," and he certainly hasn't shared the in depth policy details of his opponent. He hasn't reached 2209 total delegates, which will be the number required if the DNC wants any chance of the party to come together at the end, so he is not the pick yet. He is the frontrunner and the most likely candidate to win the nomination, but surprises could again change this contest.
Regardless of who you think is the better candidate, Obama has won, and won convincingly
He has won what convincingly? Certainly not this primary contest, that's for sure. Part of the reason that he is in his current position is because caucus states definitely helps his demographic, while preventing all Americans to participate as proven in TX, while ignoring the results of two critical states that have a huge impact in November, and the pro-Obama media bias has also influenced thousands of voters. This contest has been nothing other than very close.
so a certain KS and Jane should be gracious and accept that the race is over, and admit that their man lost (well she certainly aint a woman that's for sure).
Do you have an issue with strong liberal-minded women? It certainly sounds like it to me. This description of Clinton sounds like it is straight from the 'Misogyny for Dummies Talking Points' book. It seems to me that reading the following article from yesterday may do you some good...

Clinton's Losing Battle Leaves Women Sad and Angry About Sexism

Monday, May 19, 2008 | 6:25 PM ET

WASHINGTON - There are many reasons why Hillary Clinton is losing the Democratic nomination fight. And for many supporters who are devastated a woman likely won't be breaking the glass ceiling to the Oval Office this year, sexism is top of mind.

The fading dream generated by Clinton's historic bid is leaving behind a wash of disappointment and anger, some of it directed at party officials and the media. An Ohio-based group of Clinton supporters even says it will try to thwart Barack Obama in key swing states in the presidential race this fall.

"Our party has been witness to the most outrageous display of misogyny and sexism in modern campaign history," organizer Cynthia Ruccia told a news conference in Columbus late last week. "It's been open season on women and we feel we need to stand up and make a statement about that because it's wrong."

There's no doubt Clinton has been subject to all kinds of sex-based slurs in her tenacious fight to become the first woman president, including endless commentary about her looks, wardrobe and the way she laughs.

Media pundits have called her a bitch, a whore and "a scolding mother, talking down to a child." She was recently compared to the maniacal, spurned woman played by actor Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

One blogger on ABC's website described why he was "getting to hate this woman," including her "towering frigidity, blazing hubris and bellowing mendacity." "She is a stranger to consistency, sincerity and (at a guess) oral sex," he wrote.

In a Washington Post column last week headlined 'Misogny I Won't Miss,' Marie Cocco decried T-shirts bearing the slogans Bros before Hos sold on the Internet and the Hillary Nutcrackers available at airport concessions.

One of the best-sellers on the Hillary Vilification Shop website is a T-shirt emblazoned with Stop Mad Cow and a picture of Clinton with horns. Yet, wrote Cocco, leading Democrats with the exception of Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, haven't "publicly uttered a word of outrage" at the hate hurled at Clinton.

For some, like Ruccia, a former congressional candidate, recent calls for Clinton to quit the race are "a supreme insult." "We're being told to sit down, shut up and get with the program." Cont...
BTW KS, can you get rid of that avatar
Well thanks for giving me permission. I'll take it under advisement. :thumbsu:
which has to be a photo of THE most ugly she-male in the world? Makes me throw up.
I own the photo, and it is not a copyrighted image that I have not been given permission to use, so if I want to use it, then I will of course. Would you like to choose an avatar on my behalf? If so, then too bad. There are a couple of ways to get around this problem if you want to though, and for a start, you can disable the avatar option so that you don't see any from any member. There is no need to thank me for that either, just a friendly tip to a fellow BigFooty poster! By the way, if you're feeling sick, then get well soon! :)
If it is you, well I wouldn't be displaying that face anywhere without some sort of paper bag.
Well Richo, it's been lovely hearing from you. What exactly have I said to you that generates this sort of 'charming' response, and why is it that so many Obama-lovers mention gender so often? You have done it twice in a derogatory fashion within one short post, and it is repulsive.
Apologies if I have missed this, but who is the person in KS's avatar?

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Where it all went wrong for Clinton

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