Which comic company has the Best SUPERHEROES

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I read books from Marvel, DC and Wildstorm.

Have a look at DC's Infinite Crisis. The whole thing was based on the premise that their characters had become too dark and complex and a reboot was desperately needed to return the characters back to a simpler and safer time.

Yep. But that isn't entirely what ended up happening. True, Batman has been reverted back to a hairy chested love-god (while retaining a little of the Frank Miller goodness). Superman has always been the boy scout (no changes or other ambiguities). And Wonder Woman seems to be getting portrayed ala Linda Carter :rolleyes: .

But that's just the big 3, and their current arcs have plenty of darkness about them still. The rest of the DCU is a still fairly violent place. Check out this weeks WW3 event (among other post IC titles). Lots of Blood'n'guts going on over at DC. Uncle Sam & the Freedom Fighters was also a fairly seedy read.

While over at Marvel they rolled out Civil War with the sole purpose of delivering their characters to a more darker and uncertain situation because they'd previously become too comfortable with each other.

Maybe. I've only just begun reading Marvel again, largely due to the Planet HULK story. I used to read only Marvel back in the 70's-80's period. I'd never buy DC books because I had the impression that they only put out corny titles (I blame Superfriends ;) ).

With the exception of Steve Roger's death (post CW I'll add), both CW and IC delivered big, fat anti-climaxes. Excluding Thunderbolts (and so far Mighty Avengers), I'm not so sure that many of the MU books post CW will be any less of a turkey than DC's OYL run.

Don't get me wrong, DC has some great stuff. There are so many great Batman stories that it boggles the mind and the Vertigo line is top shelf: Y: The Last Man, Fables, DMZ, 100 Bullets are all amazing. But after Batman and Vertigo the DC cupboard is pretty threadbare.

I'd suggest you try JLA, JSA and Green Lantern (Brave & the Bold has been good too). Probably DC's best right now and well worth shelling out good money for. Wildstorm also has Stormwatch:pHD and Deathblow (quality reading right there in those books), as well as the Authority (when it comes out :mad: ).

But its all horses-for-courses. I happen to be able to accommodate a whole lot of purchases on a weekly basis and I'm getting a really good view of who's putting out what, and at the moment its all just a case of splitting hairs. Not too much between them at all.

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This is a good question.

I like both Marvel and DC.

Both have/had good superhero groups,

DC: JLA, JSA, Freedom Fighters

Marvel: Avengers, Defenders, Invaders, Liberty Legion and of course one of the best X-Men.:thumbsu:
Marvel will win any poll to the lay-person.

Most intelligent comic fans will always say DC.

Batman, Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter... So many great heroes.

Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Captain America (RIP), The Hulk, The Punisher... Not as intriguing to me.

And you're lucky you specified heroes, because it's not even close with the villains - DC by a mile.
From the very beginning... Marvel's superheros were more flawed, with humanlike problems and concerns. It was this approach that made Stan Lee the master.

How the hell are you meant to relate to Superman?

Marvel will win any poll to the lay-person.

Most intelligent comic fans will always say DC.

Haha, this sort of elitist fanboyism always amuses me.

Its as stupid as the argument between videogame fanatics saying that Console X is more mature than Console Y.

Lets not kid ourselves here... Comics are comics, the brand label in the corner doesn't indicate relative levels of intelligence.

Still... Marvel > DC. ;)
I wish i could of ticked BOTH!

Because BOTH MARVEL AND DC have some of the best Super Heroes.:thumbsu:

MARVEL: Spiderman, Captain America, Captain Marvel (Mar-vell), Daredevil, Nova and Hawkeye, Storm, Wolverine, Wonderman, Scarlet Witch, etc, etc.:thumbsu:

DC: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), The Flash (Barry Allen), Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, The Atom. Aquaman, etc, etc.:thumbsu:


DC has the better heroes imo.

And Marvel probably have a better roster of villains overall, but I don't think any are as good as The Joker.

All the Marvel villains seem to be hell bent on world domination, whereas the DC villains are just wanting to carve out their own little slice of the world, or have a particular motivation. Much more realistic. Also, the DC villains are more murderous.

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I wish i could of ticked BOTH!

Because BOTH MARVEL AND DC have some of the best Super Heroes.:thumbsu:

MARVEL: Spiderman, Captain America, Captain Marvel (Mar-vell), Daredevil, Nova and Hawkeye, Storm, Wolverine, Wonderman, Scarlet Witch, etc, etc.:thumbsu:

DC: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), The Flash (Barry Allen), Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, The Atom. Aquaman, etc, etc.:thumbsu:



I concur:thumbsu:

Love 'The Boys' too. Garth Ennis is a legend.
I'd probably lean towards Marvel, but without Batman I wouldn't be reading comic books at all. Batman has more depth and history than any other comic book character by a mile, and if they only ditched some of the old 50's lame-ass villains like the riddler and Penguin the comics would be near perfect. Other than Bats, Green Lantern is cool (extremely original), Deathstroke because he looks like a pirate, and Martian Manhunter.

Most of the rest of DC's A-list is meh, Superman bored me years ago when I realised that his stories usually revolve around him losing his powers and them miraculously gaining them back and winning or a similar formula, and Wonder Woman and Flash are wayyy too dated (although Flash has potential), whereas Marvel's A-list is mostly great, Spidey has been great ever since Todd McFarlane stepped in, X-men is good (although most people only read it for Wolvy) and the Hulk is Stan Lee's greatest work (although I never liked Captain America. not. one. bit.).

The B-List is a whole nother story, DC have a whole host of terrific B-List characters, with the Black Canary, Question, Huntress, again I go to Deathstroke (love the character), Green Arrow etc. whereas Marvel seem to have pushed the majority of their good characters to A-list status, and their B-List is mostly terrible.

DC's graphic novels destroy Marvels thanks to Alan Moore, and also thanks to Moore Vertigo is way better than Marvel Max, although I am a big Punisher fan, and without him Marvel Max is laughable.

So I say Marvel for heroes (although Batman is still the pinnacle of comic books), D.C for graphic novels, and Vertigo owns Marvel Max any day.
Superman bored me years ago when I realised that his stories usually revolve around him losing his powers and them miraculously gaining them back and winning or a similar formula.

I noticed that too. The problem with superman is that as far as super powers go he is the ultimate super hero (except for perhaps manipulating time and space). His greatest strengh as a character is also his greatest weakness, because in order for a story to be made about him (so that he will face a challenge) it usually requires for him to lose his powers or be impaired in some way.
You've pretty much proven that you're not much into comics with these comments.

All of them deserve this face: :rolleyes:

Well i'm not into DC comics, but I never said I was. I started reading comics when I was young, as most readers do, and at this level the Marvel heroes were far more attractive. DC may have very deep characters which can be better appreciated by older readers, but colourful exciting charactes will draw the younger crowd in. And once you are drawn to one side, you generally stick to it, similar to the Xbox vs Playstation arguements, I mean they are pretty freakin similar but 1/2 the people swear by one or the other, in my view this is similar.
And once you are drawn to one side, you generally stick to it, similar to the Xbox vs Playstation arguements, I mean they are pretty freakin similar but 1/2 the people swear by one or the other, in my view this is similar.

I dunno about that, I read both Marvel and DC and most readers i know are open to either, although there are the stubborn ones that just don't wanna here about the other side. I agree that DC does appeal to older readers more but i still think Marvel, DC, Image or whatever are all just logos in the top corner of the comic, and that what makes a great comic is the character and the writer, if you have a boring generic character and a writer that doesn't know what to do with the character then the comic book is gonna suck. On the other hand, Frank Miller + Batman = Pure Awesomeness
I'd probably lean towards Marvel, but without Batman I wouldn't be reading comic books at all. Batman has more depth and history than any other comic book character by a mile, and if they only ditched some of the old 50's lame-ass villains like the riddler and Penguin the comics would be near perfect. Other than Bats, Green Lantern is cool (extremely original), Deathstroke because he looks like a pirate, and Martian Manhunter.

Most of the rest of DC's A-list is meh, Superman bored me years ago when I realised that his stories usually revolve around him losing his powers and them miraculously gaining them back and winning or a similar formula, and Wonder Woman and Flash are wayyy too dated (although Flash has potential), whereas Marvel's A-list is mostly great, Spidey has been great ever since Todd McFarlane stepped in, X-men is good (although most people only read it for Wolvy) and the Hulk is Stan Lee's greatest work (although I never liked Captain America. not. one. bit.).

The B-List is a whole nother story, DC have a whole host of terrific B-List characters, with the Black Canary, Question, Huntress, again I go to Deathstroke (love the character), Green Arrow etc. whereas Marvel seem to have pushed the majority of their good characters to A-list status, and their B-List is mostly terrible.

DC's graphic novels destroy Marvels thanks to Alan Moore, and also thanks to Moore Vertigo is way better than Marvel Max, although I am a big Punisher fan, and without him Marvel Max is laughable.

So I say Marvel for heroes (although Batman is still the pinnacle of comic books), D.C for graphic novels, and Vertigo owns Marvel Max any day.

I totally agree with this opinion:thumbsu:
Haven't read any for a few years. But i use to read moth Marvel and DC. Also read MALIBU Comics and Dark Horse. They were good too.
Ahh "Malibu" ! A tragic loss of some fascinating heroes (after "Marvel" bought and suppressed them). I never really got into "Dark Horse's" heroes. I preferred their other stuff.
I noticed that too. The problem with superman is that as far as super powers go he is the ultimate super hero (except for perhaps manipulating time and space). His greatest strengh as a character is also his greatest weakness, because in order for a story to be made about him (so that he will face a challenge) it usually requires for him to lose his powers or be impaired in some way.
And these days he's some sort of super-genius as well, whipping up trans-dimensional vortal-stupifiers in a matter of minutes.

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Which comic company has the Best SUPERHEROES

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