Which radio station does the best matchday coverage?

Which radio network does the best AFL matchday coverage?

  • ABC Sport Radio

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • 3AW

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Triple M

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • SEN

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • K-Rock (for Geelong listeners)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jun 17, 2005
AFL Club
Other Teams
Hampton Rovers
Which radio station does the best matchday coverage (ie pre-game, the game, post-match) on their AFL coverage?

3AW is my station of choice but I would have added SEN and MMM to the poll.
SEN has improved a lot in recent years.
MMM isn't to my taste but it definitely hits its own target market.
While I like 3AW's matchday coverage, it's the way they do the game itself that's get me annoyed.

For example, why do they need to name the sponsors over and over again? The (insert sponsor's name) scoreboard and timeclock for each quarter, that's OK, I get that, but not for things like injury updates, round the grounds reports. Compare last Thursday's night 3AW's call of the Round 1 Richmond-Carlton draw, to the way they did the 1980 Grand Final which is on YouTube.

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While I like 3AW's matchday coverage, it's the way they do the game itself that's get me annoyed.

For example, why do they need to name the sponsors over and over again? The (insert sponsor's name) scoreboard and timeclock for each quarter, that's OK, I get that, but not for things like injury updates, round the grounds reports. Compare last Thursday's night 3AW's call of the Round 1 Richmond-Carlton draw, to the way they did the 1980 Grand Final which is on YouTube.
$$$ obviously
Traditionally I would've said 3AW, but these days I have to say SEN.
The first thing you want to do after a game if your team wins, when leaving the ground is jump in the car and listen to the talkback and debrief of the game.
SEN, especially for night games, have the longest talkback and it's great hearing the nuffies ring and give their reasons why their team's won or lost.
While I like 3AW's matchday coverage, it's the way they do the game itself that's get me annoyed.

For example, why do they need to name the sponsors over and over again? The (insert sponsor's name) scoreboard and timeclock for each quarter, that's OK, I get that, but not for things like injury updates, round the grounds reports. Compare last Thursday's night 3AW's call of the Round 1 Richmond-Carlton draw, to the way they did the 1980 Grand Final which is on YouTube.

It's because Harry Mackay has kicked a Good Guys Goal of the Day etc etc.
Nothing grates as much though as Dwayne Russell and the TEMPUR text line - that's T-E-M-P-U-R.
It is hard as a Brit to get used to such overt commercialism. Even talkSPORT who have pushed the boundaries have nothing on AW or SEN.
at the ground usually MMM as it is a clearer signal on my old trans, but pre/post game SEN/3aw

Isn't there now SEN Stadium?

I used to listen to 3AW in the ground as even on delay you might pick up news about injuries etc that I could relay to other fans plus you got the analysis at the breaks.
Which radio station does the best matchday coverage (ie pre-game, the game, post-match) on their AFL coverage?


Good question. I think 3AW overall.

Triple M sound quality is good but I have struggled in recent years to get used to the new teams. The old Friday, Saturday and even Sunday rub was a must listen.

SEN can a bit hit and miss given they do all the games. I'm not a Whately fan and he is there main caller so that probably rules them out. Matt Hill is a good addition and I think their SA team is good.

ABC annoys me, they used to do the best coverage but they don't invest enough which kind of makes sense but makes for a poor product. Listening through the radio half the time I have no idea if a game will be on let alone which one or when the pre game starts. There overall sport product is really poor.

3AW is probably the best call team. I think Grandland is under used. I think they probably have the best discussion pre and post game.