Opinion Who is our most important player?

Who is our most important player?

  • Josh Kennedy

  • Lance Franklin

  • Dane Rampe

  • Heath Grundy

  • Luke Parker

  • Dan Hannebery

  • Isaac Heeney

  • Jake Lloyd

  • Sam Reid

  • Sam Naismith

  • Kurt Tippett

  • Tom Papley

  • Other

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This question gets discussed a fair bit every now and then so thought I would make a poll.

Could be that we lose when they aren't playing or down in form, could be we win more when they are up and going. Whatever angle you want to go for.

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Depending on how he develops the next 12 months I'd mount a case for Millsy too. IMO, a future captain. Has courage written all over him. Remembering this is only year #2 & he's still got such a long way to go & room for development. He could become ultra elite & even more important the next 5-10 years IMO.
... Can't believe I'm the only one to pick our current Captain thus far!! His impact is often underrated IMO so should've expected it though I guess. We have built our structures & system around him specifically. Without him guys like Buddy or Rampe find their jobs that much harder. He is our backbone & our heart. He does what he does better than anyone else IMO.

If anyone was going to come close to him it'd be Bud... Both once in a generation type players IMO. Just that JPK does it no matter who's around him. Bud can be limited if he's not getting supply.

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We don't have a most important player.

Our leadership team plus Buddy are our most important 'group of players'.

The brand of football we play revolves around us all playing well as team. Imo, since the days of Roos, our coaching team have very purposely worked towards a team that plays like a machine, each cog working in the required way. And they have been outstandingly successful. Buddy has an off game, someone else stands up, JPK is injured, the rest of the mids lift.

Although buddy is a superstar, in our team he plays as a team player (sometime to a fault! imo), rather that put his brilliance on display at every opportunity!

In our team, performing the given role exactly as required is the most important thing.
Plenty of honourable mentions but it's Rampe for me. Rampe out completely destabilises our whole defence as there is no natural replacement. He just covers so many bases with his flexibility.
1 - Definitely Franklin. He's won so many games off his own boot and is an absolute superstar. If he's out for the rest of the year, our chances for snatching the seemingly unlikeliest of flags completely disappears.

2 - Lloyd. He's certainly not the best player on the team, but his role as the release valve in our midfield/ defence is incredibly important and we don't have anyone else that can play that role when he's not there and we look a much worse team when it happens.

3 - Rampe. He and Grundy are both super important, but Rampe is more flexible to play on a variety of opponents, but is integral to us being damaging on the rebound.

4 - Heeney. Each week I'm stunned by some aspect of his game that I hadn't noticed previously. He's just got that special something that the rest of our midfield don't have, which is not in any way to shame them!

5 - JPK. It seems almost disrespectful to have him this "low" on the list, as he is obviously an excellent player and easily the most consistent on our list. Although we lose his incredible output, the rest of the midfield seems to be able to better cover his absence than the 4 listed above.

For me, it's really exciting that we're not super reliant on only a handful of players and a major part of our resurgence has been the even contribution of the whole 22 each game.