Who's been arrested?

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Hahaha....goodness me Goosey.

Have you got a story to tell us?

:) Nah, just having a chat with another bloke here at work, straight looking fella & turns out he had a rap sheet as long as your arm!!!

I was stupid when younger & got caught DUI just before I got off my P's but that's all I had to 'fought the law' for. The man ain't got nowhere near me regarding the long string of cat burglaries. :diamond:

I wasn't after any free legal advice.

OK I'll change this to "I knew a bloke who got busted for ...." just maybe avoid using names to protect yourself from revenge attacks.

I've got a good one, but I'll see if this thread grows any legs.
I did a stretch after being banged up abroad

I did a stretch after banging a broad as well, was one of the better times before her dad made me stretch out the window.

Ah if only, that would have been a rather epic tale instead of an attempt at word play, alas my non playa ways....:p
Ha Ha
My short career as a criminal.

In the 80's at age 18, I went to a club and had one or ten quiet frothy's ( as Billy Brownless would say ). The club had one of the latest video games Galaga I think it was, a major step up from the original Galaxians. It was a sit down machine with a plate glass top for putting your beer on while you played.
Anyway after putting the required 20c into the machine it didn't work, so as is standard procedure at such times I kicked the side of the machine.
BOOM the plate glass top shattered into 1000 000 cryseline fragments. I mean BBBOOOOOOMM.

I saw bouncers coming my way, and I quickly ducked into the toilets, and into a cubicle. The bouncers followed me in though. They walked past my cubicle and I ducked back out into the club, found my way to the exits and took off for a quiet spot in the street. Free.
Only trouble, was I was pretty pissed, my mates were all in the club, and they ( including the designated driver who was going to get me home ) were going to be there for about 2 hours.
My alcahol heightened intelligence assuemed that after about half an hour everyone would have forgotton about me, so I went back into the club.
After about 10 minutes I felt the clamp of two large hands on my shoulders.
The 9 foot tall ( in my memory ) Maori bouncer carried me by my shoulders ( I'm sure my feet were not touching the ground ) out to the waiting divvy van.

When they throw you in the lockup, you sign for the contents of your pocket. While I was signing they pulled me away, so the signature was a mess. Also found out you are not allowed to make a phone call in Australia. Was thrown in a cell with a guy continuously vomiting , and a couple of beds that no way was I going to lie down on.

One of my mates told my parents, who were there when I got out at around 5.00AM. When they had rung up the police told them I had destroyed a $2000 machine.

The police showed them my signature going in , as proof of how Sh**faced I was.
I had to go to court - Charge - Drunk, Damage to property. (The charge drunk was unusual because its normaly "Drunk and Disorderly"

Aftermath, I went to the owner of the video game. I paid him $40 bucks for the replacement glass. He said they get broken all the time and wasn't much fussed about my heartfelt apology.

Went to court where they heard the facts, told me not to drink so much, and that was it. ( No conviction ).
Ha ha my once in a lifetime effort ( I hope ) is probably a weekly routine for a Collingwood supporter.

A day in the life of a Collingwood supporter;

Step #1: Drink
Step #2: ?????
Step #3: Prang it and blame a first responder for causing the accident, get Eddie to back you up to hill, buy juice and cookie.
Closest I've been is kinda passed out on a nature strip with about 10 other kids. Headlights in the distance...'guys it's a cop, get up'...'nah mate its a cab, sit the **** down'.

30 seconds later a divvy van is a metre away from me.

'You kids better get moving if you don't wanna get fined for drunk and disorderly'

I was already at the next nature strip.

They drove off and we passed out on the next nature strip.

I'm pretty badass. 8)

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Never been done for anything, but I have had a few close calls.
Walking through a myer store in the city with [contraband] from Footscray, they walked out from behind a shelve whilst we were discussing.

Another time we were cruising around on our bikes with a few drinks when we rode out on a main rode and saw a divvy van, which casued us to do a quick bail and sh** ourselves, before giggling and riding away full pace.
There was another time we were pretending to fight each other on a main road and bail when cars stopped. Pretty soon later a cruiser pulled up near us and asked us is we knew anything to which we lied.

I'm not as hard as some of you guys.
Closest I've been is kinda passed out on a nature strip with about 10 other kids. Headlights in the distance...'guys it's a cop, get up'...'nah mate its a cab, sit the **** down'.

30 seconds later a divvy van is a metre away from me.

'You kids better get moving if you don't wanna get fined for drunk and disorderly'

I was already at the next nature strip.

They drove off and we passed out on the next nature strip.

I'm pretty badass. 8)

Funnily enough complete opposite with us.

I was with 2 mates and we were drinking on a vacant lot amongst some trees that created like a mini oasis, pretty much already been ran out once by the cops for being on privately owned land drinking and from behind us one of my mates spot headlights, next mates jumps up and starts bolting and as if we're going to sit there and be caught when he ran off so we ran off as well.

Unbekownst to us all, the direct angle which we were running from led us straight into barbed wire fencing.

I'm just trailing one mate in the skidaddling and he goes down like a sack of shit, we're half tanked as it was so I dunno, must have thought it was some elaborate plot or something as the next mate starts feeling around for a fence finds it and tries to hobble over to "ow ow ow ow ow freedom!"

Me? I got lucky and picked the gate, which was open. So I bolted my ass to my mates place, followed by the mate who made it over the fence with torn up clothes and next was the guy who got necked walking back. We're thinking he got busted and as you do start laughing only for him to grab a stubbie sit down and his only words at that point were "effin taxi..." So yeah, we ran from a taxi into barbed wire fencing and I have like a 6th sense to find open gates when I'm tanked.

Because we also did something similar with 2 other mates at the local oval which is near my house. Long story short, 700ml Beam Black bottle each, about 3 hours to down it, wander over to oval, oh hey ducks lets chase them. Ended badly... very very badly, we were outsmarted by ducks... who know those wings were useful for gliding short distances.

But yeah, neither of them lead to an arrest since Sunbury only had like 4 cops and they had much better things to do, like wonder why the cop shop is in such a goddamn shit place to begin with.
Funnily enough complete opposite with us.

I was with 2 mates and we were drinking on a vacant lot amongst some trees that created like a mini oasis, pretty much already been ran out once by the cops for being on privately owned land drinking and from behind us one of my mates spot headlights, next mates jumps up and starts bolting and as if we're going to sit there and be caught when he ran off so we ran off as well.

Unbekownst to us all, the direct angle which we were running from led us straight into barbed wire fencing.

I'm just trailing one mate in the skidaddling and he goes down like a sack of shit, we're half tanked as it was so I dunno, must have thought it was some elaborate plot or something as the next mate starts feeling around for a fence finds it and tries to hobble over to "ow ow ow ow ow freedom!"

Me? I got lucky and picked the gate, which was open. So I bolted my ass to my mates place, followed by the mate who made it over the fence with torn up clothes and next was the guy who got necked walking back. We're thinking he got busted and as you do start laughing only for him to grab a stubbie sit down and his only words at that point were "effin taxi..." So yeah, we ran from a taxi into barbed wire fencing and I have like a 6th sense to find open gates when I'm tanked.

Because we also did something similar with 2 other mates at the local oval which is near my house. Long story short, 700ml Beam Black bottle each, about 3 hours to down it, wander over to oval, oh hey ducks lets chase them. Ended badly... very very badly, we were outsmarted by ducks... who know those wings were useful for gliding short distances.

But yeah, neither of them lead to an arrest since Sunbury only had like 4 cops and they had much better things to do, like wonder why the cop shop is in such a goddamn shit place to begin with.

This is a bit like Billy Thorpes biography. They were driving in the back of a van stoned on all sorts of stuff, when someone saw headlights behind them and shouted cops cops. They dump their stash out the window shortly before being passed by some old car.
When they go back and look for it, it had landed in a padock full of Hippies who thought it was raining from heaven.

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Who's been arrested?

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