Opinion Why Adam Goodes is booed and other anthropological discussion

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I'm a bit over Caro and her "Racist Booing" crusade.

I'm certain there are some supporters who boo players based on a racist outlook, but how can anyone say that the overall attitude behind it has racist undertones? There's no way of knowing and by claiming that she has some insight into it, she makes a bigger issue out of it than actually exists.

All of a sudden, AFL supporters are tarred with the 'racist' brush because of some media pundits' reading of the situation. Maybe people boo Goodes just because they think he's a dick. This possibility seems to be lost on her.

New thread started by mod.
I'm a bit over Caro and her "Racist Booing" crusade.

I'm certain there are some supporters who boo players based on a racist outlook, but how can anyone say that the overall attitude behind it has racist undertones? There's no way of knowing and by claiming that she has some insight into it, she makes a bigger issue out of it than actually exists.

All of a sudden, AFL supporters are tarred with the 'racist' brush because of some media pundits' reading of the situation. Maybe people boo Goodes just because they think he's a dick. This possibility seems to be lost on her.
I genuinely feel sorry for Goodes and reckon it's pretty poor form to boo him.

But the way Caro and others in the media are giving wind to this story is only making it worse and encourages it to happen more. She's only doing more damage by continually bringing it up.

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I'm a bit over Caro and her "Racist Booing" crusade.

I'm certain there are some supporters who boo players based on a racist outlook, but how can anyone say that the overall attitude behind it has racist undertones? There's no way of knowing and by claiming that she has some insight into it, she makes a bigger issue out of it than actually exists.

All of a sudden, AFL supporters are tarred with the 'racist' brush because of some media pundits' reading of the situation. Maybe people boo Goodes just because they think he's a dick. This possibility seems to be lost on her.
But why do they think he's a dick? Mostly from what I understand, via my beloved Fox Footy facebook comments, it's because he won an award and he brings racial issues to the fore with his media status.

I get other reasons like being a sniper or whatever, but players of a similar ilk get no such universal booing.
But why do they think he's a dick? Mostly from what I understand, via my beloved Fox Footy facebook comments, it's because he won an award and he brings racial issues to the fore with his media status.

I get other reasons like being a sniper or whatever, but players of a similar ilk get no such universal booing.

I think it's his abhorrently obvious holier than thou attitude and persona.
But why do they think he's a dick? Mostly from what I understand, via mby beloved Fox Footy facebook comments, it's because he won an award and he brings racial issues to the fore with his media status.

I get other reasons like being a sniper or whatever, but players of a similar ilk get no such universal booing.

... and there are numerous other indigenous players that play for every club that don't get booed. Why has Goodes been singled out? Why doesn't Harry O'Brien get booed? Why does Jobe Watson get booed? It's all relative to the individual, which is precisely NOT racism.

As I said, I'm sure there are certain supporters of every club that have a racist outlook to players of different cultural background and voice it at games, but to suggest that the majority of people expressing their sentiment towards a player by booing has an underlying racist tone makes an issue out of something that I don't believe exists.

I might be wrong, but I don't think I am. I've yet to see anything that confirms that there is a racist undertone to the booing of Adam Goodes, other than the fact that he gets booed and is indigenous.
... and there are numerous other indigenous players that play for every club that don't get booed. Why has Goodes been singled out? Why doesn't Harry O'Brien get booed? Why does Jobe Watson get booed? It's all relative to the individual, which is precisely NOT racism.

As I said, I'm sure there are certain supporters of every club that have a racist outlook to players of different cultural background and voice it at games, but to suggest that the majority of people expressing their sentiment towards a player by booing has an underlying racist tone makes an issue out of something that I don't believe exists.

I might be wrong, but I don't think I am. I've yet to see anything that confirms that there is a racist undertone to the booing of Adam Goodes, other than the fact that he gets booed and is indigenous.
The reason Jobe has been booed is clear, unlike Goodes' case. Why doesn't Harry get booed? Good question. He's a bigger dick than Goodes.

It's impossible to tangibly pin down why people boo Goodes. But the racist thing is probably the best suggestion I've heard based on what justifications I've seen and read from supporters.

The most 'liked' comment on a Fox Footy post about it -
'You know why people don't like Goodes. He's a complainer. He sooks and he complains about everything. You know what, you're not the first, you won't be the last so get over it and stop playing the race card. Perhaps you'd get some respect back.'

Playing the race card? Like, how dare he be a constant media presence for a minority which has been mistreated since white settlers took over the land? What does he sook and complain about that warrants this much booing weekly?

It's not as simple as 'he gets booed and he's indigenous'. Actually read for yourself why people boo him. I'm not suggesting the individuals are racist but en masse booing is mostly groupthink, no? What is the groupthink here?
But why do they think he's a dick? Mostly from what I understand, via my beloved Fox Footy facebook comments, it's because he won an award and he brings racial issues to the fore with his media status.

I get other reasons like being a sniper or whatever, but players of a similar ilk get no such universal booing.
I don't know if he did deserve Australian of the year, it's always difficult to know if whoever gets them really does or whether it's "muggins turn", but I am sure the timing, coming as it did after a racial slur in 2013, led some people to believe it had as much to do with his work with indigenous communities as appeasement.
But why do they think he's a dick? Mostly from what I understand, via my beloved Fox Footy facebook comments, it's because he won an award and he brings racial issues to the fore with his media status.

I get other reasons like being a sniper or whatever, but players of a similar ilk get no such universal booing.
It's the combo. Holier than thou attitude combined with sniping, cheating play.
I don't know if he did deserve Australian of the year, it's always difficult to know if whoever gets them really does or whether it's "muggins turn", but I am sure the timing, coming as it did after a racial slur in 2013, led some people to believe it had as much to do with his work with indigenous communities as appeasement.
Booing someone because they won an award is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard. It's not like he voted for himself. Since when is Australian of the Year even a prestigious award worth getting up in arms about?
He shoves players into oncoming traffic, he elbows, he slides in knees first. I don't care how many Brownlow's he's won about a decade ago, he's one of the dirtiest players to go around in the AFL and should have gotten suspended out of the game years ago. He deserves all the boos he can get while he still masquerades as an AFL player.

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What a tit. Why can't he loathe himself like I do?

Because, look at this magnificent specimen:

something Ive noticed about the people who hate and boo Adam Goodes with a passion, they seem to be staunch Liberal Party voting redneck conservatives. He appears to have done a few things that the conservatives hate, so I say good on you for that Adam
I actually like Goodes, great player and although he stages for frees- he is not much different from most afl players in that regard.

IMO a deserving Australian of the year. I think he is courageous for the way he talks and represents Aboriginal people in the media.

When he plays against Port - I don't like him!
It's the combo. Holier than thou attitude combined with sniping, cheating play.
Exactly. It's simple Dylan8 there are snipers who are indigenous and non-indigenous. Both get booed by opposition supporters. There are players who think their shit doesn't stink, both indigenous and non-indigenous. They also tend to get booed by opposition supporters.

Find me another player in the AFL who is a clear sniper like Goodes, with his pushes in the back and knee slides, who also puts themselves out on-field and off it as a great human being, to anything like the degree Goodes does. It has nothing to do with being indigenous. It's the disguised thuggery combined with rank hypocrisy.
Exactly. It's simple Dylan8 there are snipers who are indigenous and non-indigenous. Both get booed by opposition supporters. There are players who think their shit doesn't stink, both indigenous and non-indigenous. They also tend to get booed by opposition supporters.
Sigh that's literally not an argument I've used ever

Tell me where the most used justification for the booing is his on field actions? It's mostly 'he's a whinger'. Why is he a whinger? Because he brings up racial issues.

Even bloody Lindsay Thomas doesn't cop this shit.
They are a weird lot aren't they. My mums boyfriend who's an RAA worker was telling me the other day how a Crows supporter rang the RAA up to complain about the Port Adelaide membership lanyard's he has hanging off of the rear view mirror of his van. How ridiculous is that? I couldn't fathom what I was hearing. And also in the last showdown at football park my 12 year old brother was shoved out of the way by a full grown (Crows supporter) man after the match while he was trying to walk up the bay steps. I could go on about the things that have happened to me but I'd be here for a while so I'll leave it at the stadium.

They definitely are. So much for the high society chardonay lifestyle. They are the biggest ferals and pigs you'll come across.
Booing someone because they won an award is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard. It's not like he voted for himself. Since when is Australian of the Year even a prestigious award worth getting up in arms about?
Did you even read what I said? I never said it may be the award but the perception of why he won it.
something Ive noticed about the people who hate and boo Adam Goodes with a passion, they seem to be staunch Liberal Party voting redneck conservatives. He appears to have done a few things that the conservatives hate, so I say good on you for that Adam

It seems the political spectrum is now defined as:

Greens voting nutjob
Liberal voting redneck
Labor voting champion of the people, saviour of worlds.
Sex party voting normal people.
Gamers 4 Croydon voting mouthbreathers

But seriously, how can you not vote for based tone.

It seems the political spectrum is now defined as:

Greens voting nutjob
Liberal voting redneck
Labor voting champion of the people, saviour of worlds.
Sex party voting normal people.
Gamers 4 Croydon voting mouthbreathers
Apolitical master race
(where is the Oz version)

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