Why is Bob Murphy so loved and respected by all?

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I'm sure Roo would have the self-awareness to not try and make it all about him.

Like most footballers in that situation would.

An injured Roo wouldn't be such a flog to get on the stage and make it about him.

I'm not going to generalize, because most Saints supporters don't do what you're both doing, but you two clearly have a bee in your bonnet about the Dogs and won't stop talking shit.

Who knows what Roo would or wouldn't do after a winning GF? Sadly, we probably won't ever find out. What an incredibly stupid way to try and denigrate Murphy though, by contrast with the hypothetical way a stranger would act in a hypothetical situation.

To other Dogs supporters, we don't need turn this into a shitting on Saints/Roo thread because of two snuffs.
I struggle to understand how you're likely a grown man sitting behind a keyboard posting this rubbish.
Bob's played in GF's?

I think you're a little confused after all the Bob hype.
I'm not going to generalize, because most Saints supporters don't do what you're both doing, but you two clearly have a bee in your bonnet about the Dogs and won't stop talking shit.

Who knows what Roo would or wouldn't do after a winning GF? Sadly, we probably won't ever find out. What an incredibly stupid way to try and denigrate Murphy though, by contrast with the hypothetical way a stranger would act in a hypothetical situation.

To other Dogs supporters, we don't need turn this into a shitting on Saints/Roo thread because of two snuffs.

We didn't bring up Roo. A footscray supporter did.
He's not tall or a poppy.

FMD, he was holidaying OS for part of the season last year after doing his knee. I can understand the Bulldogs including him in the celebrations but he ultimately contributed zilch to them winning the flag (his absence may have helped). He was as significant as any fan.

Tall poppy? That's as ridiculous as the "one of the greatest moments in sport" comment.

Your sour and salty articulations (even though they are the sweetest of nectar to me) are a pure example of the tall poppy syndrome

tall poppy syndrome
  1. a perceived tendency to discredit or disparage those who have achieved notable wealth or prominence in public life.
Who knows what Roo would or wouldn't do after a winning GF? Sadly, we probably won't ever find out. What an incredibly stupid way to try and denigrate Murphy though, by contrast with the hypothetical way a stranger would act in a hypothetical situation.
Every GF team has players that miss out. Some in even more tragic circumstances (playing every game and actually helping the team make it).

None has ever tried to hog the limelight like Bob.

So on the balance of probabilities I think it's a safe bet to suggest others wouldn't.
Your sour and salty articulations (even though they are the sweetest of nectar to me) are a pure example of the tall poppy syndrome

tall poppy syndrome
  1. a perceived tendency to discredit or disparage those who have achieved notable wealth or prominence in public life.
You might want to look up the meaning of the word "achieved".

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He went to the same school as me (a few years above), and I remember when he came back to visit and someone who was a bombers fan asked him his thoughts on Matthew Lloyd and his response was 'he's shit mate'

LOL true story.
So we can add accurate character assessment to his list of attributes!!
He's a selfish campaigner. Should've never grabbed the cup. He had his chances and blew it (twice). I doubt Dogs would've won last year if he played for them during finals
Ha Ha. We still would have pumped West Coast, with or without Bob.
So hes the ONLY player playing now who hasnt had those negatives in their footballing life?

Bloke got injured rd3 last year then proceeded to make the grand final win all about him. He didnt have to get up and hold the cup up, he didnt have to wear the medal around his neck. One of the most selfish things ive seen in football and nearly my entire life.
You sure about that I can think about plenty of more selfish in recent years!
He was invited up by a club, coach and players that wanted him up there because he played a part in our success !! I rate him more highly than blokes like your former coach who one moment is wearing Orange at last years Prelim then I see him in Balck and Red on Sat night!!
Man there are some arrogant Bulldogs fans in here. Hope we dont have to put up with this self-righteousness for another 50 years.
If by some mirical St Kilda won a flag and Richardson called an injured Roo onto the stage would you hate him?
Yep, no premeditation from Bob re: the celebrations.

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Why would you do that?
It did it Jeff because his club won a flag. Unfortunately, unless you are around 100 years old, you have never seen your club win a flag and the chances are you never will. So go away and come back when St.Kilda when a flag and before you think it is right to critisise icons of the game.
Because he loves the club as a supporter as well as a player, you might have noticed plenty of other supporters wearing their jumpers that day!
Yeah but I bet they weren't wearing them under a trackie top just in case the team win.
It makes me sad that people see that grand final moment as Bob Murphy being selfish, when it was really a testament to the humility of Luke Beveridge.

These 2 people have rebuilt our club from the turmoil it faced at the end of the 2014 season. Together they calmed the playing group down, and installed a culture of compassion and success.

If you can't understand the huge impact Bob has had on the new culture of success at the dogs, then fine. But don't go and call the great man selfish because Beveridge gave him the moment of lifting the cup, as recognition of all his hard work within the club over the past 3 years.
Yeah but these would have been the same flogs who were saying we were celebrating too hard after each final win last year and that we "had already played our GF" and would lose the next week.
I am glad we did it our way and didn't subscribe to all the BS about it only being the 22 on the ground on the day.
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