FTA-TV Why is Oprah such a phenomenon?

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Mar 3, 2005
Tombstone, AZ
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Look, maybe this is a stupid question. I mean, I understand she's charismatic and stuff, and I can totally understand her being popular. But popular doesn't even really begin to describe the unprecedented cult of personality that's grown around her. The way she can make or break bestselling books or products or even people's careers just by having them appear on her show is unbelievable.

There have been literally dozens of women who have hosted shows like hers over the last couple of decades, plenty who seem to be just as charismatic and intelligent (e.g. Ellen) but none have remotely approached her level of cultural impact.

Aside from being black (which I'm sure is a factor) what makes her different?
Tbh I think she's only popular to a particular type of person - the kind of person who likes being told what to read, what to eat....what to think
All the rest of the people realise this, and just play along

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Because she learnt how to work the system in appealing to the mainstream average Joe middle America by telling them what they want to hear and flogging consumerism.

That, and the fact she is always giving stuff away, stuff which on many occasions has probably not cost her a dime. iPods, cars, trips to Oz. But it has all helped her brand as the "caring sharing Oprah".
I'm not an Oprah fanboy, in fact I dislike her show and I find her annoying in general. However, the short answer to the question in the OP is: she's a genius.

Laying aside her literal rags-to-riches life story, think about how she's changed the genre of daytime talk. She took the confessional talk style of Phil Donahue and personalized it by asking questions that you yourself might ask, less an interview and more a conversation. She developed a true sense of herself and her audience and how to keep them coming back. Then in the mid-90's when she had enough gravitas to call her own shots, she took a huge gamble and moved her show away from the seamy talk fodder to weightier stuff, and her audience not only went with her, it exploded in numbers.

Like her or not, she's an inovator and tireless worker. She's become the guidepost for today's woman, and her influence cannot be overstated. She's leaving syndication at the top of her game, not to rest on her laurels, but to start her own channel. Most people would not be up to that challenge; but what Oprah sets her mind to, Oprah does.
I've never understood it either. To me she just seems like an attention seeker. Always giving stuff to her audience who are probably loaded already. Nothing wrong with giving to charity but not when you are using it to get your face in the media.

The way our country reacted to her coming over was embarassing. Made us look like we are a country with nothing better to do than shower attention on an American talk show host. Dressing up the Sydney harbour bridge with a gigantic 'O' :eek:. Did any of the Royal family get this sort of treatment when they came over?

And to all the people that went to see her in the crowd, thanks for making us all look like a bunch of mindless sheep.
Because she learnt how to work the system in appealing to the mainstream average Joe middle America by telling them what they want to hear and flogging consumerism.

That, and the fact she is always giving stuff away, stuff which on many occasions has probably not cost her a dime. iPods, cars, trips to Oz. But it has all helped her brand as the "caring sharing Oprah".
:rolleyes: she was mega, beyond huge (to the same extent as she is now) before she ever started giving away stuff.
that is why she can afford to. because of her ridiculous popularity. so that can't possibly exist as a reason to the question 'why is she popular?' :rolleyes:

poor post.
:rolleyes: she was mega, beyond huge (to the same extent as she is now) before she ever started giving away stuff.
She started giving stuff away and was into charity before she was "huge". The amount and size of what she gave away just got bigger when she did.
so that can't possibly exist as a reason to the question 'why is she popular?' :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: Off course it exists as reason as to why she is popular with the masses, because she gives.
poor post.
poor troll.

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au contraire, he's infamous for it.

He wasn't on this occasion. She was popular and powerful before she starting giving things away. In fact she started giving things away in a result of companies asking fir product placement. Companies paid massive coin to have her shower gifts of their products to her audience.
She filled a hole in the market and took off. That and she fat.

Too true. She attracted an audience of Middle America, stay at home mums and nannas way before the "give aways". Knew the system and got the sympathy vote with her own issues. It's scary that someone who is just a TV show host is so powerful. IMO "The Pied Piper" of the gullible and bogan who seem to think that if Oprah says it's o.k. then it must be.
Too true. She attracted an audience of Middle America, stay at home mums and nannas way before the "give aways". Knew the system and got the sympathy vote with her own issues. It's scary that someone who is just a TV show host is so powerful. IMO "The Pied Piper" of the gullible and bogan who seem to think that if Oprah says it's o.k. then it must be.

Exactly. She's a person that many people can identify with. She has her own issues, like her weight going up and down almost on a daily basis. The story certainly has a big appeal. And she branched out into bigger areas early, like with her own company Harpo.
As for the TV show host thing: she's going to stop soon but she'll have her own entire TV Network. I think it's even going to be called the Oprah Network. That's scary.
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FTA-TV Why is Oprah such a phenomenon?

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