Media WIGMEDIA: The Whine Room S29. Ep 3 - Noobz0r - The voice of reason

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Welllll hellooooo, come in, come in. And welcome back to The Whine Room. Nestle down into your favourite Chesterfield lounge piece, have your hired help mix you a beverage, sit back, and let the wisdom wash over you.

This week we indeed have a special, special guest. I was granted an audience with the one that the SFAlluninati decreed should be our overlord. This week, we have our Admin who has kindly made himself available. It's Ant Bear ladies and gentlemen.

EJW: Hello Ant Bear, and welcome to The Whine Room. Can I get you a drink? What's your poison?

AB: Thanks, Wiggo - nice digs you have here. If you're buying, cognac. You have the most discerning taste for alcohol in the land, your choice.


EJW: Oooh, err, I probably shouldn't have said poison, you know people. Anyway here you go. Not a bad choice though. I've only got some L'Art de Martell lying around, that will have to do. A snip at about $8k a bottle. A double then?

Well, as we sit here, you've just completed your first season as Admin and we're a couple of rounds into S29. Tell me, was it the job you imagined when you first applied?

AB: I think I knew what I was getting myself into, it is very time-consuming and impacts more on my team time than I expected. I made mistakes in my first season; I didn't communicate well enough through the public threads, but I think that the Committee that I had were eventually able to see that my priority was the overall health of the league, and I felt as if my support from them increased as time went on.


EJW: You may remember as the application process began that WIGMEDIA uncovered the existence of the SFAlluminati, and I uncovered that you were to be successful well before voting had commenced. Looking back, do you have any concerns that the result of the election is in any way invalid?

AB: Get one thing straight, an admin appointment is not and never has been an election. My predecessor did the right thing by canvassing a wide range of opinions, but ultimately it wouldn't have mattered if no-one voted for me; KP considered me the best successor, and that is entirely his decision to make. As it will be mine when I step aside.

EJW: That answer is fine, if somewhat aggressive, but the point stands. I uncovered the SFAlluminati, and I knew the result before the process started. I didn't make that GoT pic on a whim. I could probably tell you now who the next admin is if you like?

AB: People should know by now that I dance to the beat of my own drum. You couldn't possibly know who the next admin will be, because I don't know yet, although there are a couple who might surprise everyone who are emerging as suitable prospects.

EJW: Pffft!! As if I don't know who the next Admin is. The SFAlluninati have already chosen. If the people thought this was a reign of terror, S31 has got end of days written all over it. See for yourselves.....

(don't shoot the messenger)

EJW: You were not a unanimous vote, far from it. This fact is bought up on a regular basis. Does this worry you at all, and what are your thoughts on the election process? Are there changes in store?

AB: It would be a sad indictment on the league if an Admin appointment were ever a unanimous vote - it would mean that there are not enough people who care enough about the league to offer an alternative. As I stated above, the Admin appointment process has always been the choice of the incumbent, and I will appoint whomever emerges as the best candidate at the end of my term after a consultation process that will involve all parties.

EJW: Having said that, it seemed to be basically a choice between you and The Filth Wizard. It's well known there are groups in the SFA (I think this is a good thing), do you feel you've had a fair run from his supporters?

AB: Life isn't fair, and anyone who expects it to be so is setting themselves up for disappointment. I control the controllables, and the rest is white noise. Opinions are like turds, everyone has at least one every day and they're quickly flushed away

EJW: Now you've knocked over a season, tell me. What are some things you did well, and where do you think you/the league can improve?

AB: As an opening salvo, I proposed a number of initiatives to Committee, some of which were ambit claims with the intention of finding out where everyone stood on various issues. I think that I came to understand the sitting Committee quickly; we had many detailed discussions over the course of last season, and these have continued thus far in S29. I think that we enforced the rules of the game a little poorly at times, with some rulings that were inconsistent with the spirit of the game, and I think that the Committee and I need to be continually mindful of this, whilst considering precedent and fairness in applying the rules. I have been impressed with the Committee's willingness to work with me on awards and presentations; there have been a record low number of abstinations in nominating their players for awards, and their hard work shows that the game is in a good place.

EJW: There has also been consternation about some changes that seem to protect the Admin (you) a bit more. Why was this autocratic and not discussed? Also, can you see the POV the complainants are coming from, and would you consider reversing the changes?

AB: I have always expressed and held an intention to discuss changes with Committee, while understanding that sometimes decisions need to be made unilaterally. The change you're talking about, to Rule 9, was literally a last-minute edit to the Rule - one that I don't consider to be anything more than streamlining a clunky process. I didn't even recall changing it, but in reviewing my drafts, they all contain the original version, so I accept that it was edited without consultation. It has been discussed ad nauseum in Committee Rules thread, and as a result has been further edited to be closer to the original wording this season.
The suspicions of certain posters that it was preservative...well, I cannot change certain perceptions, and indeed, I often play up to them as my persona, but eventually, it will emerge that I have the best intentions to protect the position, not the person. Future Admins will need to take back some authority from the Committee, though - of this, I am certain. For now, I am happy with the veto process, and indeed have encouraged the current Committee to use it whenever they see a need, as this generates discussion.

ab drink.png

Drinks were held in the Wigs penthouse suite to avoid any chance that the coronavirus would affect out fearless leader.

EJW: Speaking of enforcing the rules of the game. It became evident in my interview with Tony Lynn 15 that the Bombers have been deliberate on many occasions in pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules. He admitted it. I have been vocal before this admission both publicly and in the Wonders LG PM that what the Bombers have done IS deliberate. And pushed to have the rules enforced, not suspended sentences. For repeat offenders going forward, can we expect stricter enforcement of the rules in place?

AB: The Rules have been enforced, even if not everyone agrees. There are some in Committee who would like a police state, and some who want anarchy, but I can say with confidence that all obvious breaches of the Rules were punished appropriately. There have been some close calls, with appeals sparking deep discussion in Committee, but in all bar one case, the correct outcome has been achieved.

EJW: Now, I'm not in any particular subsection of the SFA (I am a bruncher though, huzzah!), so you'll have to help me out a bit here. Can you, from your perspective, give me a background on this Millky/Swamprat situation that is continually referred too. I don't fully understand what happened, or even what they're talking about. But the inferences are one sided, is it that simple?

AB: Millky was my captain at the Swampies after spookism relinquished the role. When spook was formulating his succession plan, he originally slootted us in as co-captains, which is a situation that I strongly disagree with, and I elected to support Millky as his VC. He was a great captain, strongly involved in Committee, in simming and a terrific poster, and I happily had his back. But as evolution happens, he eventually burnt out, and suddenly resigned without any warning or plan. There was no falling out between us; this is borne out in his cathartic interview on Michaels' podcast, and we have reconnected privately since, whenever he is around. I have no doubt that he will be back someday, and I have no fear that I did anything that could even remotely be considered unsupportive or deceitful.

EJW: How does BRAB fit into this? And I note it comes from a few players about not addressing it. Why don't you? Or have you already and it's slipped between the cracks?

AB: BRAB had the opportunity to be treated the same manner as all other players - with sparring in public, and respect in private. Let's just say that he had no concept of respect in private, and after several second chances, he no longer has that opportunity. I have come to regard him as one of those hippie uni protesters who latches onto anything anti-authoritarian despite having no real concept of natural order or life experience. Noobz0r gave me the best advice about him -he is an internet troll, and trolls feed on attention. Therefore, I give him zero attention.

EJW: Okayyyyyy, moving on then.

EJW: Now, before we talk Qooty, lets talk Wonders. I thought I got along ok with you when you were at the Swamprats. I feel like I know less about you now than I did before you joined us. Is it a side effect of taking on the role? (IMO a decent chance, Clod/Bless/KP/Whateverhisfeckingnameisthisweek is much more visible to me now)

AB: Moving clubs is strange. Maybe it is the extra workload of being the central point of the league, and having to juggle Committee, simmers, rulings and stats work, as well as being part of a team; but I also think that it takes me some time to settle into a club environment (when I started at the Swamprats, I went two whole seasons with minimal posting before emerging as a key player). I have to say that I am enjoying being at the Wonders, but that the culture is completely different to the more irreverent Swamprat culture that I experienced, and to not have any access to the LG, with no input into club decisions, is a very strange feeling.

EJW: Now Qooty, for the Rookies and the uneducated amongst us, who is Ant Bear the qooty player, tell us about your career.

AB: A perfect point to summarise this, having played exactly 200 games now. I have achieved nearly everything possible in the SFA - a premiership with the Swamprats in S27, 4 x club B&Fs, the S22 and S26 Mobbs Medals, the S22 beez MVP, a Frankston Rover award recipient for services to the league, and an 8-time All-SFA selection. I was the Swamprats captain for 3 tumultuous seasons, and it's fair to say that I had a massive influence over that clubs' history - in fact, I wrote it! I remain the only person with a beez and a Mobbs in the same season, and from the three SFA pillars of posting, playing and contribution, I can say without humility that I have been a giant of the game in all of them. I created SuperQoach; I started Rising Star; I pioneered International round; I had 50+ posts in over a hundred consecutive match threads and my influence on this league will outlive my presence in it.

EJW: Without humility is right, far out. No one likes a skite..

AB: My career is anomalous from the typical qooty player. Firstly, I didn't enter in a frenzy of posting - I started with the Swamprats in S18, after joining in the off-season, and only posted a few times a week in my first season. I was looked after by spookism, who was my skipper for the first 4 seasons, and played mostly off a wing. In my second season, I increased my involvement in match threads, but only to about 10/week, and had virtually no other impact. S20 was my breakout season, the emergence of Millky, Close Contest (later Cloud_), toxic and some others really got me involved, and I started to see what a fun place this could be. I started posting media, and in media, and developing relationships with posters from other clubs. From there, I was elevated to a leadership position, and became a leader and formed an alliance with Millky and Cloud_ that transcended the club. I became captain by player vote when Millky stepped away from the forums for personal reasons, and volunteered to serve as Admin when I felt the league needed a bridge to take it into a new era.

EJW: Oh, sorry I interrupted, I didn't realise you were still going. Getting close to the finish now. After one season, how long do you think you've got left as the admin? And how will you go about looking for a replacement when the time comes? Is there anyone who sticks out?

AB: Three seasons is about the limit, as far as I'm concerned, and there are a number of people in Committee now who will make terrific successors when I abdicate. I commit to go through to the end of S30. During my final season, I will be judging everyone who might be willing to take on the role, and as KP did for me, making a decision early enough to allow the chosen successor enough time to plan for their term.

EJW:Speaking of picking the next Admin though, do you have an idea forming already as to what qualities you are looking for, and has that changed over time in the role?

AB: An Admin in this game needs to be organised, dutiful and knowledgeable. It is essentially an organisational role, and anyone who expects to be an autocratic ruler will not be a good Admin. They must be present constantly during the season, involved in many different facets of the role concurrently, and be able to differentiate between their public persona and their solemn duties. They would ideally have a strong knowledge of the history of all clubs, the players in the league and the precedents already set in Committee rulings

EJW: How much time effort is involved?

AB: It's far more intense out-of season than during; the preparation for a season requires Rules discussions with a Committee who crave respite from thinking about the game; preparing a draw that takes into account club requests and special rounds; sorting out who will take on the various tasks that keep the league running, eg simming, matchposting, stats, match thread authors etc; and other organisational jobs that ensure that the season gets going and runs smoothly. Put oil in the engine at the start of the trip, and it won't break down during the drive.

It's also very intense in awards week - there are three major awards nights, with little time between them, and the assistance of the volunteers for these is vital and truly appreciated. It takes a great deal of planning and organisational work, and then I have to deal with the various weekly tasks in-season, such as enforcing rules, chairing the Committee, supervising the simmers, checking teamsheets and auditing the simmed games before posting, and ensuring that people are on hand to post the games and the next round of match threads. But theres a rhythm, and a routine, to it all, and the work doesn't faze me. It does detract from the time that I spend within my team, though, and I do miss the tribalism that comes with this - I have to maintain a certain neutrality, and it is for this reason I have refused to be involved in a LG whilst Admin - in fact, I seriously considered resigning from all playing roles this season and becoming completely neutral, but that would remove another layer of fun.

EJW: If you could rewind, would you do it all again?

AB: Absolutely. I love this game, this board and this community. I am proud of all the efforts that we have made to raise funds for various causes over the years, and I see this as an anonymous microcosm of general society. I've done some things in my time on here that I'm not particularly proud of. I burnt some people whom I truly respect - Noobz and Loonerty immediately come to mind - but what's done is done, and I cannot change history. I do not say everything that I think, but I try to think about everything I say. I can live with myself.

EJW: Well, seriously, what a way to end it. Thank you AB for your time and the in depth and honest answers. I don't think anyone who plays the game doubts that you're invested, whether we sometimes agree or not. When the last answer came through I actually couldn't believe it when you mentioned Noobz and Loonerty. Because next week we will indeed be talking to Noobz. Unbelievable.

So again, thanks Ant Bear, and good luck with this season and shaping the way forward for the SFA community.

Punters, until next week when we speak with Hank Scorpio himself, Noobz0r (don't you dare change that av)

Wig Out.

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EJW: Having said that, it seemed to be basically a choice between you and The Filth Wizard. It's well known there are groups in the SFA (I think this is a good thing), do you feel you've had a fair run from his supporters?

As one of the clubs that endorsed fumbler as modz that's pretty disrespectful to him. He presented a thought out and constructive view of what he would do as admin, and people dismissing him as a joke candidate is their loss
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As one of the clubs that endorsed fumbler as modz that's pretty disrespectful to him. He presented a thought out and constructive view of what he would do as admin, and people dismissing him as a joke candidate is their loss
Ned, I agree 100%. But the fact of the matter is, in the eyes of the public, rightly or wrongly, it was seen as a two horse race.

I didn't dismiss him as a joke candidate, I said IT SEEMED to be a two horse race. I think this is an accurate reflection of the public view at the time.

I'm presenting an interview series here. I don't see anything disrespectful in my question. If I had dissed fumbler, sure. In no way did I do that.
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  • #34
Hello all,

I have decided to block Elton Johns Wig because he is a negative force.

Much love,
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As one of the clubs that endorsed fumbler as modz that's pretty disrespectful to him. He presented a thought out and constructive view of what he would do as admin, and people dismissing him as a joke candidate is their loss

Thanks Ned, thank you to all those who supported me (and Jackie).
Being Admin seems to lead to less and more circumspect posting from the holder of the Office. This is a shame for whoever holds the Post and those who hitherto enjoyed their posting.

Both fumbler and The Filth Wizard are among my favourite, 'must read' posters. Had either ended up Admin, the Boards would be the poorer for their decreased presence.

Thanks for the interview Elton Johns Wig and Ant Bear . It touched on a variety of controversial matters and it was interesting to see Ant Bear's take on these issues.

For Rookies and newcomers like myself, the interview should be compulsory reading.

I expect the inimitable tgrs will use this interview as valuable source material in his long march through the Sweet FA's history.
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  • #37
Being Admin seems to lead to less and more circumspect posting from the holder of the Office. This is a shame for whoever holds the Post and those who hitherto enjoyed their posting.

Both fumbler and The Filth Wizard are among my favourite, 'must read' posters. Had either ended up Admin, the Boards would the poorer for their decreased presence.

Thanks for the interview Elton Johns Wig and Ant Bear . It touched on a variety of controversial matters and it was interesting to see Ant Bear's take on these issues.

For Rookies and newcomers like myself, the interview should be compulsory reading.

I expect the inimitable tgrs will use this interview as valuable source material in his long march through the Sweet FA's history.
Cheers mate.

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Hello all,

I have decided to block Elton Johns Wig because he is a negative force.

Much love,


You have always been one of the more constructive and positive forces in the Sweet FA. Whether in S.28 or in the current season you have been a guiding light for many a Rookie and relative Newbie.

I urge you to reconsider your decision to block EJW. You might recall he was a central figure in the successful #saveTJASTA and #CelebrateTJASTA campaigns.

Respectfully yours
Ned, I agree 100%. But the fact of the matter is, in the eyes of the public, rightly or wrongly, it was seen as a two horse race.

I didn't dismiss him as a joke candidate, I said IT SEEMED to be a two horse race. I think this is an accurate reflection of the public view at the time.

I'm presenting an interview series here. I don't see anything disrespectful in my question. If I had dissed fumbler, sure. In no way did I do that.

That's the thing though, fumbler got as many votes as The Filth Wizard did (two each).

Perceptions are not always right

You have always been one of the more constructive and positive forces in the Sweet FA. Whether in S.28 or in the current season you have been a guiding light for many a Rookie and relative Newbie.

I urge you to reconsider your decision to block EJW. You might recall he was a central figure in the successful #saveTJASTA and #CelebrateTJASTA campaigns.

Respectfully yours
Hello Bloodied,

He knows what he did. He dissed the only person/force I look up to on here.

Much love,
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  • #42
That's the thing though, fumbler got as many votes as The Filth Wizard did (two each).

Perceptions are not always right
So, you think that league wide perception had fumbler on an equal standing?

My POV, and probably not fair on The Filth Wizard is that fumblers votes were "not TFW" votes, because he'd been admin before.

Also, as stated, not fair in some quarters that fumbler not taken seriously.
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  • #43
Hello Bloodied,

He knows what he did. He dissed the only person/force I look up to on here.

Much love,
I dissed myself?

I missed that.
So, you think that league wide perception had fumbler on an equal standing?

My POV, and probably not fair on The Filth Wizard is that fumblers votes were "not TFW" votes, because he'd been admin before.

Also, as stated, not fair in some quarters that fumbler not taken seriously.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
There’s a few players around these parts that expected fumbler the player to be fumbler the admin.

I can tell you and your listeners out there EJW that I’ve been a part of the SFA since S12 and I have nothing but respect for this league, it’s founder and the players that were here before me.
I would have done nothing to ruin the game, I would have done nothing to change the history and I would have done what I could to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

To quote the famous man himself.
I don’t get no respect
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  • #45
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
There’s a few players around these parts that expected fumbler the player to be fumbler the admin.

I can tell you and your listeners out there EJW that I’ve been a part of the SFA since S12 and I have nothing but respect for this league, it’s founder and the players that were here before me.
I would have done nothing to ruin the game, I would have done nothing to change the history and I would have done what I could to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

To quote the famous man himself.
I don’t get no respect
I'm the wrong target mate.

I can assure you in the Wonders PM your bid was absolutely taken seriously. We had a good discussion.

In relation to the previous admin race, whether fair or not, what I saw from the wider SFA was a discussion more about 2 candidates than 3.
So, you think that league wide perception had fumbler on an equal standing?

My POV, and probably not fair on The Filth Wizard is that fumblers votes were "not TFW" votes, because he'd been admin before.

Also, as stated, not fair in some quarters that fumbler not taken seriously.

A few things to unpack here.

1) the votes were 6 Ant Bear , 2 The Filth Wizard , 2 fumbler , and two abstentions. By the math, I'd say the anti-TFW votes went to AB.

2) The Furies were one of the two for Fumbler and we debated it heavily. We didn't want to give him a pity vote because he was an ex fury, we wanted whoever got our vote to be the best candidate for the league. All agreed all three had positives, but Fumblers vision was more in line with where we wanted the league to go

I don't know who the other party is, so I cannot comment on their motivation.

3) I'm a very big fan of the captain's/committee reps getting off of their arse and correcting misconceptions about the league and it's people. Fumbler is a piss take, TFW boys club, and AB brabs nemesis. That's not who that are in committee or as prospective admins though. Anyone who dismissed TFW off of BC shit is as misguided as those who dismissed fumbler for being a fool. I remember one of our LG summed up the three quite well. One wanted status quo, one wanted minor change, one wanted more radical change. This, combined with ability to work with others and commitment to the league should have dictated votes, not personas.

4) I know this isn't a personal thing for you, and no slight was meant or intended. The Furies will always consider Fumbler one of our own though, so if we see a Fury being misunderstood in the league, we will jump in to clarify what we see the situation as.
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  • #47
A few things to unpack here.

1) the votes were 6 Ant Bear , 2 The Filth Wizard , 2 fumbler , and two abstentions. By the math, I'd say the anti-TFW votes went to AB.

2) The Furies were one of the two for Fumbler and we debated it heavily. We didn't want to give him a pity vote because he was an ex fury, we wanted whoever got our vote to be the best candidate for the league. All agreed all three had positives, but Fumblers vision was more in line with where we wanted the league to go

I don't know who the other party is, so I cannot comment on their motivation.

3) I'm a very big fan of the captain's/committee reps getting off of their arse and correcting misconceptions about the league and it's people. Fumbler is a piss take, TFW boys club, and AB brabs nemesis. That's not who that are in committee or as prospective admins though. Anyone who dismissed TFW off of BC shit is as misguided as those who dismissed fumbler for being a fool. I remember one of our LG summed up the three quite well. One wanted status quo, one wanted minor change, one wanted more radical change. This, combined with ability to work with others and commitment to the league should have dictated votes, not personas.

4) I know this isn't a personal thing for you, and no slight was meant or intended. The Furies will always consider Fumbler one of our own though, so if we see a Fury being misunderstood in the league, we will jump in to clarify what we see the situation as.
Do you know what I'm loving about this thread? Actual discussion. A lot of credit goes to Tony Lynn 15 and Ant Bear. I wasn't sure how it was going to pan out, but getting in depth answers and people actually putting some thoughts down is a good thing all round.
Both fumbler and The Filth Wizard are among my favourite, 'must read' posters. Had either ended up Admin, the Boards would be the poorer for their decreased presence.

You missed my administration. I didn't skip a beat.

So, you think that league wide perception had fumbler on an equal standing?

My POV, and probably not fair on The Filth Wizard is that fumblers votes were "not TFW" votes, because he'd been admin before.

Also, as stated, not fair in some quarters that fumbler not taken seriously.

It's all moot now. It's my understanding that fumbler's votes were from the Furies (granted) and another club that have told me afterwards was a joke. I also know of another club whose LG had agreed to vote for me however their committee member "blindsided" them, for want of a better term. Two clubs chose not to vote. I had a dominant "second" option vote, not that even that had any meaning. I did tell AB in the later days of the campaign/early days of his campaign that I was tanking, the campaign itself was far too tedious and time consuming for essentially no reward.
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  • #49
You missed my administration. I didn't skip a beat.

It's all moot now. It's my understanding that fumbler's votes were from the Furies (granted) and another club that have told me afterwards was a joke. I also know of another club whose LG had agreed to vote for me however their committee member "blindsided" them, for want of a better term. Two clubs chose not to vote. I had a dominant "second" option vote, not that even that had any meaning. I did tell AB in the later days of the campaign/early days of his campaign that I was tanking, the campaign itself was far too tedious and time consuming for essentially no reward.
Oh, absolutely it's all moot now.

Ned was standing up for his man, I just provided my POV. I'd like to think I'm providing a pretty balanced take on things.
You missed my administration. I didn't skip a beat.

It's all moot now. It's my understanding that fumbler's votes were from the Furies (granted) and another club that have told me afterwards was a joke. I also know of another club whose LG had agreed to vote for me however their committee member "blindsided" them, for want of a better term. Two clubs chose not to vote. I had a dominant "second" option vote, not that even that had any meaning. I did tell AB in the later days of the campaign/early days of his campaign that I was tanking, the campaign itself was far too tedious and time consuming for essentially no reward.

In the words of the mighty ST.

Why you always trying to bring me down?
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Media WIGMEDIA: The Whine Room S29. Ep 3 - Noobz0r - The voice of reason

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