Will Trapper

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Norm Smith Medallist
Apr 17, 2002
At the races
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Will Trapper was huge tonight.
Galloped at the start (like he often does unfortunately) then went back to last but somehow was able to circle right around the field on the last lap and just got there on the line.
Outstanding win and I had it for plenty.:D
Keep an eye out for this bloke as he is very smart.
Nice type, nothing special.
Sundons Gift Acacia Ridge well above the rest, Whatsundermykilt runs midfield occasional place in FFA trots in NZ showed lack of depth in Aus trot ranks at the moment. But im sure Will Trapper could run a place or two in the better races, could start in Inter this year and hold his place.
If I had to label one for the blackbook Id say Andys Favourite, career best mile rate 2.05.8 for the 2650m trip from 40m backmark 3starts back. 3from3 this season apart from being retired 2 starts back. He is every bit as good Right Interest imho whom has been unlucky in some of the feature trots this year.
Anyway theres a big step up in times as well. Sundons Gift race at Valley went 2.01.4 over 2565 whereas Will Trapper has only went 2.06 when winning over 2560m from 10m handicap. However Will Trapper has ran 20m 3rd from 30m in 2.04.6 over 2650. Margins were 19x1 in that race where first 2 started from 10m.

However when seeing that race Ive just changed my mind and I rate the winner Flash Teena as the most intriging trotter in the land! Top juvenile, second best Aus in the year when Jauriol dominated (where has she been this season). Came back after 37months away getting a hattrick including beating Alto Soleil whom won a few at the Valley not long ago. Then two midfield efforts before being beaten 1.7m metres to Will Trapper both of 10m. Then a month ago at her latest start beat Will Trapper in that race where amrgins where 19x1.

Hasnt been sighted since hope its just a break and not a what must have been an injury
Have to disagree Carlton about Flash Teena, she led the night she won and Bendigo and Will Trapper galloped 3 times in the run and was simply amazing to run 3rd that night after settling down 100 metres off her, she wouldn't get near him when he's on his best behaviour.

I've said for ages that he reminds me a bit of Knight Pistol, absolute rogue as a young horse but when he puts it all together he is going to be a serious horse. Still 12 months away from taking on the big boys but he seems to have clicked with Todd Matthews at his past 4-5 runs and if he continues to improve at the level he has then look out for him this time next year.

Remember his race was a stand and Sundon's Gift was a mobile so the times are a moot point, times in both races were only 0.5 secs difference for the last mile so his effort to come from last was full of merit.

If you want to black book a trotter, mark down the name False Gem who was just enormous last night and is still a TM0 and should win its metro maiden by a long way very soon

Think that Jauriol is about to resume racing, going to be hard for her though as she is on a very tough mark

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Um thanks tassie & angus1 I tend to agree with you know regarding will trapper.
May bet on false gem if shes at the valley this week but im more fond of Calder Sensation if he can find his best he will give inter real shake.

Sethlad im not knocking Whatsundermykilt im knocking depth of trotters in Aust, in the first inter delft beat a touch of flair by 6m a further 10m away was whatsundermykilt third with a couple aussies in the field but mostly new zealanders the last 1200 in 1.29.1 making it hard for them too come from back after slow time earlier gave 1-1 leader and horse behind leader advantage u guessed it whatsundermykilt was 1-1 after racing death first 1200 in slow time. delft led while ATOF came 3wd to sit in death. illawong ian was horse behind leader he stuggled to just lower then midfield.
Adelaide inter this year the winner was uncle petrika that in itself shows the weakness apart from ATOF. jauriol galloped glenbogle might of 2 they were only good trotters in the field rest were poor.

His last two appearances ran 5th in $75000 race and 7th in $150000 race.
Did win $150000 race over a 4yo mare last season. Apart from that won 3 $30000 races including two in month just before winning $150000 so must have hit a purple patch for a month other then that not much too write home about.

as 4 jauriold she trialled against pacers at shepparton a week ago got beat by at least 24, they ran 57.3 and 27/6 she ran last understandably
It was a great run angus. Though the mare (Kenny) did put one in out of the box too.

I tell ya though, Safari was enormous tonight. If he gets through the days in lockdown, he will be very hard to beat. Him and BAF didn't do well there last time, lets hope they are feeling better about it this week. Will be a super final
What a run tonight by Will Trapper.
Came 2nd in Inter grand final but if driver had a pair of balls and got off the pegs when the opening was there he would have won IMO. Why he chose to stay 3 back the pegs is anyones guess.

I think it was the biggest mistake of his life.

Will Trapper was flying on the line and just needed some more time to get home.
Just an awesome trotter who has come a long way in 12 months.
Easily one of the best trotters around IMO.

Actually by this time next year i doubt anyone will get near him.
Just needs any draw away from rail and he is home.

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Will Trapper

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