Wimmera Football League

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Guess Farr forgot he isn't allowed into Horsham pubs?


24 September 2007View all news | Send to a friend | Print Flag party soured

POLICE are investigating an incident in Horsham on Saturday night which led to a confrontation between officers and Horsham Football Club supporters.
Sergeant Michael Salter said police, who were taking part in an operation as part of broad crack- down on Horsham crime, detained a man during the incident.
He said the incident happened about 9pm after police had gone to a Horsham hotel with information a patron banned from Horsham hotels under Horsham Liquor Accord was inside.
"When members attended police were confronted by a number of people," Sgt Salter said. "Another individual became directly involved. It escalated from that point and a number of other police units were directed to attend. The incident will be further investigated."
The incident occurred inside and outside the White Hart Hotel where Horsham players, officials and supporters had gathered to celebrate a Wimmera Football League premiership.
Horsham club chairman Bruce Hartigan, who was at the scene, questioned the police action, describing it as `overkill'.
"We've done nothing wrong. We were enjoying ourselves in grand-final celebrations, as you do, and we've had a situation of over-kill policing," he said.
"We try to do everything right as far as rules and regulations go and work hard with police. I understand they have a job and role to play - that's fantastic. We have nothing but respect for the police.
"But we have a great social club that drags kids off the street and out of trouble and gives them a commonsense approach to establish life values. And what do we get? We get treated like this?"
Mr Hartigan said the incident had soured what should have been night of celebration and many club members feared they had become the target of over-zealous police action.
"I personally want to talk to the police to see where we're going wrong, because we can't see it," he said. Sgt Salter said extra police were on duty on Saturday night as part of the operation. "It wasn't because there was a grand final during the day. It involved a number of issues and is about curbing the number of damages and assaults on Saturday nights and early Sunday mornings. And these operations will continue," he said.
The extra $2 is for the better standard of footy. Hope you enjoyed seeing the best in the district go around Mothy.
i wouldn't say the standard was that good on saturday LM it was fairly poor actually, the district league grand final i thought was of similar standard if not better and also had a better atmosphere IMO. I think the wimmera league is really starting to struggle standard wise as i've seen both ballarat and bendigo leagues recently they seem to be alot stronger. again IMO.
Can Anyone confirm that the Wimmera League Has been talking to 2 clubs from horsham district and 1 from the north central into a possible 10th team?? i heard this from a few people just wondering if anyone else had?

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Guess Farr forgot he isn't allowed into Horsham pubs?


24 September 2007View all news | Send to a friend | Print Flag party soured

POLICE are investigating an incident in Horsham on Saturday night which led to a confrontation between officers and Horsham Football Club supporters.
Sergeant Michael Salter said police, who were taking part in an operation as part of broad crack- down on Horsham crime, detained a man during the incident.
He said the incident happened about 9pm after police had gone to a Horsham hotel with information a patron banned from Horsham hotels under Horsham Liquor Accord was inside.
"When members attended police were confronted by a number of people," Sgt Salter said. "Another individual became directly involved. It escalated from that point and a number of other police units were directed to attend. The incident will be further investigated."
The incident occurred inside and outside the White Hart Hotel where Horsham players, officials and supporters had gathered to celebrate a Wimmera Football League premiership.
Horsham club chairman Bruce Hartigan, who was at the scene, questioned the police action, describing it as `overkill'.
"We've done nothing wrong. We were enjoying ourselves in grand-final celebrations, as you do, and we've had a situation of over-kill policing," he said.
"We try to do everything right as far as rules and regulations go and work hard with police. I understand they have a job and role to play - that's fantastic. We have nothing but respect for the police.
"But we have a great social club that drags kids off the street and out of trouble and gives them a commonsense approach to establish life values. And what do we get? We get treated like this?"
Mr Hartigan said the incident had soured what should have been night of celebration and many club members feared they had become the target of over-zealous police action.
"I personally want to talk to the police to see where we're going wrong, because we can't see it," he said. Sgt Salter said extra police were on duty on Saturday night as part of the operation. "It wasn't because there was a grand final during the day. It involved a number of issues and is about curbing the number of damages and assaults on Saturday nights and early Sunday mornings. And these operations will continue," he said.
why would the club go to the pub and not back to the "great social club" if their coach isnt allowed in
i think you'll find if you do your sums properly there was more at the district league grand final as it cost $12 yesterday and $10 for district league
lol what ever opposite last year ehh HDFL had a Bigger gate then WFL at Stawell either a WFL had charged less or b Supporters didn't wanna travel to Stawell

one thing about being an umpire don't have to pay to get in :thumbsu:
why would the club go to the pub and not back to the "great social club" if their coach isnt allowed in

i would guess it would be that the white heart hotel is one of the clubs major sponsers so thats why they would have headed back there for a couple of hours befor heading to the club rooms. Also i have heard that Farr had been told he was allowed to go into the pubs and that is why he was there.
I like to see Grand finals close all day not one sided games the under 14's was the closet game could been a draw would been interesting if it been a draw
they should do away with come back next week
Grand finals should be same as other finals extra time
The Seniors finished after 5.30 i stayed all day
its a long day standing up. the Advantage of umpiring the first game ya can drive in and pick a spot ;)

the ground was watered during the week the ground would have had no traffic since last weekend

David Johns could have kicked 10 if he hadn't missed not sure how many he missed i know he missed one hard to tell from where i was unless ya behind the goals at horsham end.

wonder what the highest gate wimmera had for a grand final? last year they fell short of Horsham District
You say you umpired the first game, were you the one who got the st michaels runner mixed up with Ararat runner, hence the fifty metre penalty and then the goal that one the game
why would the club go to the pub and not back to the "great social club" if their coach isnt allowed in

remember the last time a heap of horsham players were in a fight at the royal? i was there, right in the middle trying to chat up a chick...sigh
i would guess it would be that the white heart hotel is one of the clubs major sponsers so thats why they would have headed back there for a couple of hours befor heading to the club rooms. Also i have heard that Farr had been told he was allowed to go into the pubs and that is why he was there.
You are spot on Drop Punt, Farr wasn`t in the pub when the cops got there and supporters were only supporting a sponsor where they have for the last five years after grand finals. Three buses dropped everyone off there and then ferried them to city oval as the cops wouldn`t let them walk down.Seems a coincidence that a certain sen. cons. who is behind everything on saturday night and the pub fight months ago is a Dimboola Supporter.And as they say the rest is History.
remember the last time a heap of horsham players were in a fight at the royal? i was there, right in the middle trying to chat up a chick...sigh

Yeah it would be pretty easy to forget you are not allowed to go the pub for 12 months, Maybe horsham realised that farr is a c.o.c.k sucker and that they were trying to have a trouble free evening by attending the white hart knowing that he is not to be in there, but like the fruit fly he is he got a sniff of what was happening and decided he would go f.u.c.k up there celebrations, what a knob jockey i can give you the tip not many other clubs in the area would want this tool, he is as popular as AIDS...........:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
You are spot on Drop Punt, Farr wasn`t in the pub when the cops got there and supporters were only supporting a sponsor where they have for the last five years after grand finals. Three buses dropped everyone off there and then ferried them to city oval as the cops wouldn`t let them walk down.Seems a coincidence that a certain sen. cons. who is behind everything on saturday night and the pub fight months ago is a Dimboola Supporter.And as they say the rest is History.

Good on Farry for stickin it up those dirty pigs, i hope he get allowed back in the pubs again and any time the dirty pigs walk in he walks up to them and offers them a beer.
Well done Stuart Farr i say Senior Wimmera League Premiership Coach.
As for the dirty pig that stung him both times maybe he should be asking Dim's Pres where all there Crayfish have gone if you ask me thats a much bigger crime than havin a blue with a couple of Scrubfooty District league knobs.

Can anyone that was there recall if WFL or HDFL was winning??
You say you umpired the first game, were you the one who got the st michaels runner mixed up with Ararat runner, hence the fifty metre penalty and then the goal that one the game
That would have to be the worst call by an umpire ever. What a stupid mistake to cost a team a grand final.

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You say you umpired the first game, were you the one who got the st michaels runner mixed up with Ararat runner, hence the fifty metre penalty and then the goal that one the game
if that was you andy it doesnt matter how short of umpires football is you should be suspended for life:eek::eek::eek:
Good on Farry for stickin it up those dirty pigs, i hope he get allowed back in the pubs again and any time the dirty pigs walk in he walks up to them and offers them a beer.
Well done Stuart Farr i say Senior Wimmera League Premiership Coach.
As for the dirty pig that stung him both times maybe he should be asking Dim's Pres where all there Crayfish have gone if you ask me thats a much bigger crime than havin a blue with a couple of Scrubfooty District league knobs.

Can anyone that was there recall if WFL or HDFL was winning??

great call animal:thumbsu:
Stawell the only side to beat horsham once and fell 6 pts short in the Second Semi.
and Warrack had their chance to knock off Horsham at Brim big turn around from the 101 pt flogging from Horsham Rd 3 to just losing by 33 pts even getting to 1 goal behind a big turn around

i was barracking for Stawell to beat United :)

the only one sided game yesterday was the under 17's ararat managed to kick 20 + goals more then the other grades could manage.

Seniors no goals were kicked towards Scott St end
other grades could kick goals but Seniors couldn't
not even when the sun came out after ht.
its good that sides are Pushing Horsham all the way
especally 2nd half of the year.

This is how i would pick them.

Fritsch Matthews Rentsch
Holloway Mibus Graham
Clugston Greig Smith
Fratin Tuckey J. Combe
Barnett Johns M. Combe
McFarlene Kosch Potter

Midgley/Miller, Carr, Krahe, Bligh
Well well well, what an effort by the Horsham boyz hey!! 5 in a row, great effort and even better that it was over Stawell!!

Its a pitty such a great day was soured by the pitaful umpiring decision awarded to the ST Micks team in the 14's, costing the young rats their so much deserved premiership win!! I have held off all week in an attempt to sus out what had actually occured on the weekend before posting my thoughts on the incident!!

Now before I go on I must point out that I do not play for Ararat, nor am I a supporter of the Ararat Football Club. I dont need to put my name to this posting as the majority know who I am, so if you dont, then go back through my posts and you'll figure it out!!

To all involved in what happened in the 14's and to whom are quite annoyed at how this could possibly happen, don't just point the finger entirely at the umpire(although there should be a thorough invetigation into the dismal decision that he made, regardless of what grade it was), what about the ST Micks Football Club, ecspecially the runner and to a lesser extent their coach!! Surely they should take the blame for this also, as and read into this next statement as you will, "maybe it was a ploy to win the game"!! From the many different people that I have spoken to in regards to this, say that Ararat was robbed!! And that aint just from Ararat people themselves but also from people up Horsham way as well, who have said that the decision was wrong and cost Ararat the victory!!

Now onto the runner, Harvey Lang if I stand corrected. Now Harvey surely you would not stoop this low would you............wrong that I am, as you did! All along you knew what you were doing and when the decision was made you had the chance to correct it yourself. But now you stooped to a new low, which is commonly known as a "CHEAT"!!

As for the coach, Kennedy or whatever your name is, tell me you didn't know what was going on!! Of cause you did..............all tarred with the same brush I'd say!! Now this is only a little rumour that I heard, but apparently Kennedy was over heard calling the young rats whilst walking past the Ararat box after the game, "Losers"!!

I think I have said enough here but in the end the whole thing is a disgrace and not a way you want to win a final or any game for that matter!! But if all this is true and I believe it to be, then these people should never show their faces in public again because they are down right Fu@#en Cheats. And for the umpire involved, well how much of an involvement did he really have.......................

For the league, stand up and show some balls, investigate it appropriately, dont just shy away from the issue.......Junior football or not it is unacceptable. I know the decision cannot be overturned but penalties can be handed down!!

TO the Moderators.................Please leave this posting on so people can see what has happened, I know this comes across as a personal stinging attack, however I truly believe that it is necessary!!

And lastly but by know means the least, to the ST Micks juniors, you young kids I also feel sorry for because it is not your fault and you lot did a great effort in making the Grand Final and have obviously earned your achievements, so well done!! I just pitty that you are involved in with what is commonly known as "CHEATING"!!

A saying for all to remember if you want to stoop as low as the above has,

"Cheats Never Prosper"!!
In my opinion I think the Wimmera League is going down so fast. the main reason being the lack of work in the area, and the second reason being the lack of innovation by the WFL commission.
i play for the saints. i wasnt at the grand final mind you, but what exactly happened?

Well there was approx. 3 minutes to play in the last with Ararat 4 points up and one of the Saints kids had a mark about 50 or so out and was no chance of converting!! The umpire then in his wise wisdom gave a 50 metre penalty to the Saints kid for what he thought the Ararat runner to be too close to the play and coaching his side!! Funnily enough both the Ararat runner & drinks boy were on the bench when the accused incident occured!! Consequently the Saints kid converted and the rest is history because that won the game for you guys!!

My point in what I was trying to get across in my previous post was the fact that the Saints Runner had the chance to front the umpire, however chose not too..............which means only one thing!! This is a very unfortunate thing for the young Rats as the are obviously devistated at not only loosing but how the game was won...........by the umpire!! :mad:
how did the umpire get it wrong? and how is that a 50 metre penalty anyway, shouldnt he just tell the runner to shut up
You say you umpired the first game, were you the one who got the st michaels runner mixed up with Ararat runner, hence the fifty metre penalty and then the goal that one the game

no i was the goal umpire it was the field umpire who pulled the 50 its the field umpires decison not goal umpire we only can report and give goal of Pts and signal if out thats it

I couldn't really tell what it was for it happen that quick
how did the umpire get it wrong? and how is that a 50 metre penalty anyway, shouldnt he just tell the runner to shut up

The umpire got it wrong as it was the Saints runner and not the the Ararat runner as he said it was!! So therefore he was right in calling a free kick however it should have been awarded to the Ararat side not the Saints!! Now I'm not quite sure where the runner actually was however I believe it is a free kick if the runner is inside the 50 metre zone when a player is having a shot at goal!!
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