Multiplat Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

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Jun 14, 2012
AFL Club

new game trailer from Team Ninja who recently have made the Nioh games. This looks quite similar which can only be a good thing imo

"the company is returning to the Soulslike genre with its current monopoly on video game adaptations of the famous 14th-century novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." The entry will take even further creative license with the historical setting than the bombastic drama in the "Dynasty Warriors" franchise, throwing demons into the mix of the collapsing empire and the onset of all-out war.

Players will take on the role of a nameless, desolate soldier in accordance with Soulslike conventions instead of an up-and-coming military leader as is the norm with video game adaptations of "Three Kingdoms." The story will revolve around "a militia soldier's strenuous fight for survival" rather than any grand attempt to unify a fractured empire, establishing an intriguing foundation for what a bleak, character-driven narrative will look like in the traditionally politics-driven high fantasy world."

So, shifting to China from Japan to take different narratives and base on different culture & myths.

I hope they differ gameplay & systems enough from Nioh to make its own thing. even though Nioh is my favourite soulslike series
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Oh s**t. For some reason I thought this was second half of the year. Great!

Really crept up on me too. So many games coming out the moment forcing me to actually prioritise for the first time in years. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get onto this week 1 but at least I'm building a nice backlog of new games for the next couple months.
Finally got around to this on Game Pass and geez this game is a bit of a slog.

I think I'm just not the target audience. I hate this kind of over the top, way too "animey" type of game. It all feels a bit too "arcadey".

Remember when you played Time Crisis or House of the Dead in a games arcade, and the characters would burst into a room with their overly dramatic acting and awful English dubbing, while the camera panned around the room like an out of control drone?

That's what this is, but also with really bland gameplay. It's not Souls-like, it's Souls-lite.

At this point I'm just button mashing my way through to the end so I can be done with it.

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