Event Wowee Koala Gala !!!

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Thanks Wonders for the heart-stopper at Outback Arena. Great performances by all three teams, epitomised by the scorelines. Gate takings and stall sales have enabled the Outback Arena Trust to bankroll maintenance of the ground for many future seasons and perhaps even to bring it to league-readiness for ... well who knows what might happen! Fairground takings I stole to feed my nicotine gum addiction.

Jimmy's Tavern is open on adjacent Glenn St for those wishing to stick around for debrief and cocktails.
4 : 24.47 {rW} - Dingster looks downfield.
4 : 24.51 {C} - Flicks it to AceAndy.
4 : 24.55 {lHFF} - His kick is hurried.
West Coast Wonders : 16.5.101
SFA Koalas : 16.6.102
Never in doubt :eek:
AceAndy hurrying his kick to get to the Rebecca Black post match entertainment was the play of the day

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Rich (BB code):
WON               1    0        6    3        10   4        16   5    101     
KOA               4    3        8    3        13   6        16   6    102     
WON        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  KOA         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
dogs105     0  6  0  10 8  2  2  1  0   72  The Filth    0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    3
JT_the_Man  0  0  2  1  0  0  0  0  0    8  Supersuns    0  6  2  6  1  0  0  0  0   40
craffles    0  7  4  4  0  0  1  0  1   39  MWPP         0  8  2  5  1  1  1  0  0   42
SweetD      0  9  6  8  0  0  2  0  0   55  Genghis Tr   0  6  5  11 1  1  1  0  0   57
Crusty Und  0  4  5  7  2  1  0  0  0   50  fumbler      0  7  5  8  3  1  1  0  0   62
croweater   0  5  4  9  2  0  1  0  0   50  BATTERY      3  5  1  4  1  1  1  0  0   31
Grand Uncl  0  6  2  4  0  0  0  0  0   32  Dingster     0  13 3  11 0  5  2  0  0   69
jezzajay    0  8  5  10 4  1  0  0  0   76  AceAndy      0  14 8  13 1  0  1  1  0   99
haydo       0  15 6  10 3  2  6  1  1   86  por_please   0  14 3  8  0  1  3  1  1   66
BallaratBu  0  6  5  5  1  1  0  0  1   49  Headless     0  6  4  4  0  0  0  1  1   45
SSwans2011  0  1  2  1  1  0  0  1  0   21  Marlowe      0  5  1  4  1  0  1  1  1   34
Kangaroos4  0  4  1  7  0  0  1  1  0   32  cats2rise    0  8  3  5  0  1  0  2  0   56
akkaps      0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1  0    9  I Dont Car   0  2  1  0  0  0  1  2  0   18
Sab22       0  11 0  9  3  1  1  2  0   73  manangatan   0  2  0  1  0  0  0  2  0   20
ClarkeM     0  1  0  1  0  0  1  0  0    2  tony         0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1    4
mike123     15 8  0  11 4  2  2  1  1   80  Bastyy       10 4  1  8  0  1  1  0  0   39
Mozzie19    0  7  0  0  3  1  1  4  0   55  serial_thr   0  11 0  5  10 5  1  2  0   97
Elmer_Judd  0  7  1  6  0  2  0  2  1   51  Chipmunk     0  9  0  9  6  3  1  1  0   75
bomberlege  0  5  3  6  1  1  1  1  0   44  Jabba73      0  5  1  1  0  0  0  0  1   21
ArdentEagl  0  13 8  10 1  1  1  1  0   91  CakeEater    0  8  2  5  0  0  0  3  1   59

Rich (BB code):
            WON   KOA
Hitouts   : 15   13
Kicks     : 124  135
Marks     : 54   42
Handballs : 119  108
Tackles   : 33   25
Frees For : 15   20
Frees Ag. : 20   15
Smothers  : 0    1
Ironouts  : 15   12
Inside50  : 15   13
Goals     : 16   16
Behinds   : 5    6

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
2.57 - Goal to serial_thrilla (KOA) - KOA by 6 point(s).
4.29 - Behind to Jabba73 (KOA) - KOA by 7 point(s).
5.02 - Goal to cats2rise (KOA) - KOA by 13 point(s).
12.56 - Rushed behind to KOA - KOA by 14 point(s).
14.15 - Behind to CakeEater (KOA) - KOA by 15 point(s).
15.47 - Goal to bomberlegend2007 (WON) - KOA by 9 point(s).
22.25 - Goal to manangatang (KOA) - KOA by 15 point(s).
24.22 - Goal to manangatang (KOA) - KOA by 21 point(s).

Second Quarter :
2.32 - Behind to haydo (WON) - KOA by 20 point(s).
4.03 - Goal to Mozzie19 (WON) - KOA by 14 point(s).
4.54 - Goal to ArdentEagle (WON) - KOA by 8 point(s).
7.16 - Goal to CakeEater (KOA) - KOA by 14 point(s).
12.17 - Goal to akkaps (WON) - KOA by 8 point(s).
13.41 - Rushed behind to WON - KOA by 7 point(s).
16.37 - Behind to BallaratBulldog (WON) - KOA by 6 point(s).
18.22 - Goal to AceAndy (KOA) - KOA by 12 point(s).
19.5 - Goal to serial_thrilla (KOA) - KOA by 18 point(s).
21.02 - Goal to dogs105 (WON) - KOA by 12 point(s).
23.08 - Goal to Mozzie19 (WON) - KOA by 6 point(s).
24.31 - Goal to CakeEater (KOA) - KOA by 12 point(s).

Third Quarter :
.51 - Goal to CakeEater (KOA) - KOA by 18 point(s).
1.12 - Goal to por_please_ya (KOA) - KOA by 24 point(s).
2.36 - Goal to Headless (KOA) - KOA by 30 point(s).
2.57 - Goal to Chipmunk (KOA) - KOA by 36 point(s).
6.55 - Goal to Mozzie19 (WON) - KOA by 30 point(s).
8.45 - Goal to Sab22 (WON) - KOA by 24 point(s).
9.13 - Goal to Sab22 (WON) - KOA by 18 point(s).
12.04 - Behind to Marlowe (KOA) - KOA by 19 point(s).
19.17 - Goal to I Dont Care (KOA) - KOA by 25 point(s).
21.56 - Goal to Elmer_Judd (WON) - KOA by 19 point(s).
22.53 - Behind to Headless (KOA) - KOA by 20 point(s).
23.45 - Behind to tony (KOA) - KOA by 21 point(s).

Final Quarter :
25 - Behind to Elmer_Judd (WON) - KOA by 20 point(s).
1.03 - Rushed behind to WON - KOA by 19 point(s).
1.28 - Goal to Mozzie19 (WON) - KOA by 13 point(s).
2.28 - Goal to cats2rise (KOA) - KOA by 19 point(s).
3.42 - Goal to mike123 (WON) - KOA by 13 point(s).
8.01 - Goal to I Dont Care (KOA) - KOA by 19 point(s).
9.06 - Goal to Marlowe (KOA) - KOA by 25 point(s).
19.3 - Goal to SSwans2011 (WON) - KOA by 19 point(s).
20.23 - Goal to Kangaroos4eva (WON) - KOA by 13 point(s).
23.12 - Goal to haydo (WON) - KOA by 7 point(s).
23.37 - Goal to Elmer_Judd (WON) - KOA by 1 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
Grand Uncle Horace   0 (On) 80.31 (Off) 81.04 (On) Total : 99%
JT_the_Man           0 (On) 1.07 (Off) 21.02 (On) 30.31 (Off) 30.56 (On) Total : 80%
Kangaroos4eva        0 (On) 30.56 (Off) 60.23 (On) Total : 70%
SweetD               0 (On) Total : 100%
ClarkeM              0 (On) 32.41 (Off) 53.09 (On) Total : 79%
croweater 41         0 (On) 21.02 (Off) 30.31 (On) Total : 90%
ArdentEagle          0 (On) 81.04 (Off) Total : 81%
jezzajay             0 (On) Total : 100%
haydo                0 (On) Total : 100%
craffles             0 (On) Total : 100%
bomberlegend2007     0 (On) 85.15 (Off) Total : 85%
BallaratBulldog      0 (On) 60.23 (Off) 80.31 (On) Total : 80%
akkaps               0 (On) Total : 100%
Mozzie19             0 (On) Total : 100%
SSwans2011           0 (On) 53.09 (Off) 85.15 (On) Total : 68%
mike123              0 (On) Total : 100%
Sab22                0 (On) Total : 100%
dogs105              0 (On) Total : 100%
Crusty Undies        0 (Off) 32.41 (On) Total : 66%
Elmer_Judd           0 (Off) 1.07 (On) Total : 97%

Marlowe              0 (On) 44.25 (Off) 53.46 (On) Total : 90%
Bastyy               0 (On) 9.09 (Off) 28.21 (On) Total : 81%
The Filth Wizard     0 (On) 25.38 (Off) 44.25 (On) Total : 81%
Genghis Tron         0 (On) Total : 100%
fumbler              0 (On) Total : 100%
MWPP                 0 (On) 65.14 (Off) 88.33 (On) Total : 77%
Dingster             0 (On) Total : 100%
AceAndy              0 (On) Total : 100%
por_please_ya        0 (On) Total : 100%
Jabba73              0 (On) 17.24 (Off) 25.38 (On) 88.33 (Off) Total : 80%
CakeEater            0 (On) 53.46 (Off) Total : 53%
cats2rise            0 (On) Total : 100%
I Dont Care          0 (On) Total : 100%
manangatang          0 (On) Total : 100%
tony                 0 (On) Total : 100%
BATTERY              0 (On) 28.21 (Off) 65.14 (On) Total : 63%
serial_thrilla       0 (On) Total : 100%
Chipmunk             0 (On) Total : 100%
Supersuns            0 (Off) 9.09 (On) Total : 90%
Headless             0 (Off) 17.24 (On) Total : 81%

Total :  3600               Average :  90.00001

  • In an epic battle, AceAndy and jezzajay were evenly matched. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • In a resume-material performance, ArdentEagle had por_please_ya's measure. - 80m from 0 to 80.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, BallaratBulldog either broke even with Genghis Tron or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 59m from 1 to 60.
  • In a resume-material performance, mike123 was easily the winner in the clash with Bastyy. - 72m from 28 to 100.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, Bastyy won the bout with Mozzie19. - 0m from 5 to 5.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, BallaratBulldog had BATTERY's measure. - 3m from 94 to 97.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, BATTERY came out tops over the brave Grand Uncle Horace. - 5m from 66 to 71.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, mike123 and BATTERY were hard to separate - though mike123 was slightly more effective. - 50m from 0 to 50.
  • In quite a tussle, fumbler did very well against bomberlegend2007. - 70m from 1 to 71.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, CakeEater was easily the winner in the clash with ClarkeM. - 29m from 3 to 32.
  • In a solid performance, CakeEater won the bout with Crusty Undies. - 8m from 44 to 52.
  • While not all all one-way, dogs105 came out tops over the brave Chipmunk. - 65m from 0 to 65.
  • In an enthralling contest, Elmer_Judd came out tops over the brave Chipmunk. - 30m from 69 to 99.
  • In a solid performance, Crusty Undies exposed Marlowe's frailties. - 30m from 57 to 87.
  • In an epic battle, not much between haydo and Dingster - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 99m from 0 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, dogs105 came out tops over the brave tony. - 15m from 73 to 88.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, it could be argued that manangatang had the better game against Elmer_Judd - although there was very little in it. - 20m from 4 to 24.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, Genghis Tron was easily the winner in the clash with Kangaroos4eva. - 37m from 60 to 97.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, I Dont Care came out tops over the brave Grand Uncle Horace. - 10m from 52 to 62.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, por_please_ya did very well against Grand Uncle Horace. - 18m from 81 to 99.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, Grand Uncle Horace won the bout with tony. - 7m from 7 to 14.
  • In a solid performance, croweater 41 won the bout with Headless. - 63m from 30 to 93.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, JT_the_Man won the bout with Headless. - 0m from 30 to 30.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, I Dont Care was easily the winner in the clash with craffles. - 15m from 68 to 83.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, I'm not sure that what Kangaroos4eva did to I Dont Care should be entirely legal. - 17m from 4 to 21.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Jabba73 came out tops over the brave akkaps. - 29m from 37 to 66.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, croweater 41 did very well against Jabba73. - 13m from 1 to 14.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, JT_the_Man came out tops over the brave manangatang. - 15m from 73 to 88.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Marlowe gave SSwans2011 a lesson. - 10m from 28 to 38.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, serial_thrilla did well against Mozzie19. - 14m from 85 to 99.
  • In an enthralling contest, Mozzie19 came out tops over the brave Supersuns. - 49m from 27 to 76.
  • In a solid performance, MWPP won the bout with craffles. - 58m from 2 to 60.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, serial_thrilla gave Sab22 a lesson. - 81m from 1 to 82.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, fumbler and SSwans2011 were hard to separate - though fumbler was slightly more effective. - 6m from 91 to 97.
  • In an epic battle, SweetD and cats2rise were well-matched - there was no victor. - 97m from 0 to 97.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, The Filth Wizard had the better of akkaps. - 0m from 5 to 5.
A binary performance from yours truly.
I converted it.

I got R.

Good stuff.
Big thanks to Mobbs for resuscitating the Koalas :thumbsu:

It was great to play my last qooty game with three of my favourite posters Dingster MWPP and por_please_ya
It was great to see you running around again :)

And I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I hope that qooty came wasn’t your last - for the koalas or in general
It’s so much more fun with you in the league
Stick around and you’ll see what I mean

Mobbs - it has been a blast so if it became a S33 bid, I’d be incredibly tempted!
Good to see I used this exhibition as an excuse to break the interchange record.

I’ll be adding that to the resume!
An absolute star! He will be tuned up for the PF.

I'm pumped and ready to destroy.
Screaming Pumped Up GIF by WWE

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: 8.49 {rHFF} - Headless sizes the options in front of him.
4 : 8.53 {CHF} - Huge handpass to Marlowe. As good as a kick.
4 : 8.57 {CHF} - Long shot at goal from Marlowe.
4 : 9.01 {CHF} - Marlowe gives some to the crowd after that goal.

What a nice passage of play.

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Event Wowee Koala Gala !!!

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