WWE TV, Rumours and Discussion

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any chance Murphy and Blake get a call up soon since the main roster is lacking in good tag teams beside New Day wouldn't also mind if Stardust and Barrett become a Tag team to

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Why wouldn't he be? Still in view of the crowd.
He pretty much collapsed through the curtain.

Only reason it would be staged in my opinion is that WWE will use it for promo material down the track
Only reason it would be staged in my opinion is that WWE will use it for promo material down the track
Fair call. If there is WWE Camera footage of it on RAW tomorrow its staged. I don't think it is though.
Fair call. If there is WWE Camera footage of it on RAW tomorrow its staged. I don't think it is though.

Could play on the whole taker collapsing after their WM match thing, Heyman mentioned it in some of his promos.
Could play on the whole taker collapsing after their WM match thing, Heyman mentioned it in some of his promos.

Could but I highly doubt it with the lack of Attention it got
Got an idea re: Night of Champions....
As I mentioned earlier, have Seth in two separate matches defending the US then the WWE title. Cena vs Rollins for US.

Then 'to make it fair' have the contender need to be in two matches. Have number 1 contender match between Reigns and Ambrose. Don't need to turn them. Have them as mates leading in. It will create interest in the match by itself.



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